INSOMNIA,please help!!!!! - Sajha Mobile
INSOMNIA,please help!!!!!
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Cant get sleep please helpp
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Do enough exercise!!
bhakunde bhut
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Someone said in jest -Insomnia: Inability to sleep until it is time to get up!

The night is serene and I immerse into it. The dichotomous world vanishes away and the panorama is on sight. There is no delineation
of things and thus no prejudices. Abstracts, abstracts and abstracts only. Oh!  I wish it would always be night but with illumination in my mind.

Thinking of this song 'The Flickering Wall' by Ian  McCulloch.  I tried to find the video with no avail. Anyway, here goes the lyrics.

In my world, my little world

Life lies upon the floor

The wind blows in and out again

Through windows and through doors

And it's there I'll look and it's there I'll find

What it was I started after

When I mistook what I had in mind

For something made to matter

I heard the footsteps in the street

I saw the lights on the flickering wall

I moved my lips but I couldn't speak

Choked on the wonder of it all

Choked on the wonder

Of it all

In my dreams, recurring dreams

But I was never there

Life so still invisible

Just needing to be where

With any luck I might just find

What it was I started after

When I undertook what I had in mind

When everything mattered

When I saw the gods up in the sky

I saw the lights on the flickering wall

I saw the world through hazel eyes

And choked on the wonder of it all

Choked on the wonder

Of it all...

The day is breaking and I think I should sleep. The time right now is 5:15 am.

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Get a job man.... it's the stress due to having no job which is giving you this trouble.
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Meditate, chanti "Om" 500 times don't lose the count..
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    Ambience CR
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well what's the reason, do you drink a lot or you are thinking too much or stressed out for something.

if you drink a lot cut back ALCHOLE  cause insomnia, moderat exercise at least 20 mis a day, meditation helps as well but gotta find out what is causing it.

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Add Turmeric powder (Besar) in warm milk....stir it and drink it...It sud help insomnia

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just sit in bed with a really boring book.

remember boring is a subjective word, what you may find boring, i may not.

So make up a list of things that bore you to death and read about them.. You'll be sleeping in no time.
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Insomnia is serious problem, if not treated you get fatigued all the time, develop depression, loss of concentration, quick aging, memory problem and serious cognitive problems.

My suggestions:

1. Exercise (in any form - swimming, soccer, badminton, volleyball, or running) is the most effective treatment - so practice something aerobic exercise at least 30 mins a day in morning or evening (at least 3 hrs before bed).

2. You can not sleep because of stress. Stress can be real (health, finance, relationship problems) etc., or it can be pseudo-stress (e.g. overwhelmed search syndrome -  randomly searching 'something' and researching in google, youtube, wikipedia or in internet, facebook addictions, online pron addiction etc.). You might not realize, your mind is getting overwhelmed by it and you are stressed out.  Next time, when you feel you are wasting your precious sleep time on internet search, think YOU ARE STUDPID, and SERIOUSLY DAMAGING YOUR HEALTH, and YOU ARE ALSO DESTROYING THE DREAMS OF YOUR FAMILIES. Stop it, get off the computer.. go to kitchen.. or out.. make walk ... just divert yourself.

3. You can avoid internet addiction by listening music - buy some mp3 player/ipod, and listen music in it, while you walk to park.. or in kitchen.. rather than sitiing in front of your computer.

4. Make strickt schedule for bed. Remember, no one is successful withought maintaining certain desciplines and sacrifice. You next time, when your clock ticks 10 pm (or 11 pm), simply shutdown the laptop/ or tv (no matter what is there), turn the light off and go to bed.

5. Warm milk just before bed induces sleep.

6. Avoid any noise, music or light at bed room. If you have snoring partner, use earplugs .

7. Once in bed, if you start 'self-talking' and can not fall asleep, say it loudly to yourself "DUDE, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.... IT IS TIME TO SLEEP NOW".. Pls dont laugh, it works sometimes.

8. Before 1 hrs to bed, you need to prepare for bed.. no crime/horror/comedy movie, not stressful phone-talk, no spicy eating.. just start listening calm pleasent music.. and mentally get ready for bed with one book.

9. Take warm shower at evening.. and keep room tempreature a bit cold than body tempreature.

10. If you can not sleep even after hitting the bed, sit on the bed against wall.. comfortably.... lights off.. do some yoga like stuffs.. try to concentrate on some part of your body.. possibly your forehead, avoiding random thoughts.. eyes closed softly, normal breathing.. and say some words internally - oohhmm.. . It is not exactly yoga..but soon you feel your mind more peaceful, less thoughts stricking.. and your eye balls calm and motionless.. Do it for 15 mins.. or till when you dont feel to sleep.. then go to sleep ..

11. It takes some time for your body to get into new cycle.. but you can. Once you achieve it, never ever break the sleepig schedule..

12. If there is some physical reasons associated (e.g. diabetic), you should cure the cause first.

best of luck!

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thanx to all of u who posted to the subject

that was really helpful....

ANS a big thanks to u...........

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I had a same  problem before and got fired from 2 jobs now i get promoted and have my own 4 companies and wake up by 5.30 am in morning.

My medicine is simple......apply yoghurt in your head before you sleep and drink a glass of yoghurt just plain. Apply the youghurt and message it for 5 -10 minutes then take a shower and you will see the result.
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हा हा हा हा हसायो moneyminded ले हसायो |
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If you are a male and breaking bachlorehood may work, it may substitute sleeping pill. 

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moneyminded that is another deep shit i heard in this sajha. Man, i hope you dont do that for real.
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You have been watching those commercials, "it works for me and will work for you" by the same token if it works for Moneyminded, definetly it will work for you too. Give a try, nothing to loose other than a cup of yougert. Ha ha ha............

Someone brought, sex may help and I see some point.

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Yeah Shit is always deep unless you have diarrhea. Just Try it once if you believe it other wise baal nai bhaye na ne. yeah that commercial style was sarcasm for them but yogurt is good definetly. Plus check my hair once it was almost lost.
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