URGENT Spouse help needed!! - Sajha Mobile
URGENT Spouse help needed!!
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Dear all,

My wife is on a dependent visa and i am currently working as an employee. I will have my H1 visa in couple of months. My question is that if my wife wants to join a community college this coming Fall 2009 is there any way that she would get her Social Security Number? I know a lot of you guys have joined community colleges, how have you been getting your social security number? As per law, i think you need to have an on-campus job first to get an SSN which most of the community colleges don't offer. Your suggestion is highly appreciated!!!


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The only way that i am aware of is that you have to have oncampus job. Its not that hard to get oncampus job. Goodluck 
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Thats true but most of the community colleges dont offer on-campus jobs.
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almost all community college offer on-campus job.

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First you should decide which community college you wat to admit her.

Second ask with previous or current student of the same college, I am sure they will be able answer your question. The reason I am saying you this because each college has different policy.

Good Luck

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Thanks all for your input.
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To my understanding, dependent visa holders are not eligible for SSN. Please be sure to check with an immigration expert.
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Thanks thotey, but i think you can change your status after getting admitted to the college if i am not wrong, right??
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Yes, I think your spouse can apply for change of status to F1 once admitted and then apply for SSN with on-campus job on hand.

Sorry, I thought you were talking about getting SSN while on dependent visa.

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thanks thotey!!
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Once you change the status, then you have supposed follow the policy as per colleges/universities guided by international legal advisor to get SSN.

It's all depends on DSO discretion.




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Thanks for the input Everest!!
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Like ps said...it depends upon the college...like in my college...they give papers that we have a job at school even we do not have...we take that papers to SSN department...and make SSN...good luck...
kanchi maya
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Dependent of H1 i.e h4 visa holder doesnt get SSN.

H4 ma college join gare bhane that perosn will get some instate tuition scholarship, different state has diff rules, find out with the state u r planning to study. work garrna bhanda h4 mai basera scholarship paunu ramro huncha...loan ni paucha h4 visa harule...state ma bujha saathi...F1ma change garrdaima work paucha college ma bhanne hudaina and bahira kaam garrna paudaina f1 student le legally.



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Thanks for the input Kanchi maya, the only reason i was concerned about getting an SSN was not for work but for other things like building your credit history, getting a loan (car, house) basically they ask for SSN for everything right? Thanks.
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Yes, they ask SSN for everything but your wife is not eligible for SSN being in H4.
It is not that hard to change the status from H4 to F1 though , you can just go to countries like Canada/ Mexico/ Bahamas ( easiest one) or any other and apply again.
If she does not have offers of assistant-ship/ on campus job, it will not be good to change the status now. Instate tuition fee is about one third of the out-of-state fee I guess.

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Are you sure that you have to leave the country to change your status to F1, i though you could change the status while being here in the US by joining the university/colleges.

Thank for the input cheli.

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You can change the status, being here in US also but that may take more time.
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thanks cheli!!
kanchi maya
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cheli is right...status change garera credit hostory banaunu bhanda H4 ma basera less pay garrnu better huncha...Think before changing the status. ask ur frens or any one who is on h4 n who is goin to college..:)
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