looking for H1 and job - Sajha Mobile
looking for H1 and job
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Hello everyone,

   I have just graduated from a university in accounting and looking for a job. Can anyone suggest the best way to get the H1 and also job? Also please suggest me what is the best software to study and how?




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Well, there are many companies that can sponsor H1B for eligible students. One company I know is Talentweaver.net which may help you. You can check them out. Good luck.


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This is what I have never understood. Why do you guys wait until after you graduate? Most firms hire new people from Sept.-December but again, many hire on a year-round basis. Since you have a degree in accounting, it should not be too difficult getting a job.
Contact your school's career services. Get in touch with alumni from school. And, look at several job databases and send your resume to hundreds of them. Make sure to write a nice cover letter. If you did get interview calls (not all will respond, so don't be frustrated if you don't hear back), then work hard to make sure you give your best. Prepare well for interviews.

And, H-1 is a lottery thing. So, there is no best way but rather just one way-find a firm that will sponsor for it and wish that your name will be selected. They don't have a quota for certain non-profits and academic institutions though.
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