Things I hate about Nepalese in the US! - Sajha Mobile
Things I hate about Nepalese in the US!
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Things I hate about Nepalese in the US: (my personal beliefs)

1. Showing off by buying expensive items (such as cars) while working measly part-time jobs.

2. Acting like rappers by "trying" to speak and dress up like one.

3. Speaking to each other (or with kids) in English.  I grew up here (came here when I was 10) and I still speak in Nepali with my parents and siblings.

4. Always trying to be one step ahead of one's friends/relatives.

5. Not respecting the elderlies because one thinks everyone is at the same level because everyone lives on a crappy job.

6. Using someone as much as possible when help is needed and then completely cutting off communication when not needed.

I probably hate more things but I know nobody cares what I think.  Oh well, life goes on!  I just wanted to vent!

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that is true....

need to increase level of thinking not level of living..

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why is speaking english such a big deal i know you people don't mind when a nepali sings hindi song or watches indian show you don't call him/her indian wannabe but english then you all go like your english sucks you wannabe american neprican and other shyts fork off
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Nepalikancha muji harulai laat hanna parcha sala chor harule garda nai hamro culture is going to lost.......this is really bad to say they are nepali...i have meet some who even dont like to say i am nepali.......f******
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Singing hindi songs and watching indian shows are different things.  Just watching and singing does not make you different, but, trying to speak English all the time does.  Do you really think there is any need to speak in English when you are around Nepalese?  I understand speaking in English if there is one or two in the group that don't speak Nepali, but, when everybody in the group is Nepali, why?  That's fine....what about kids?  Do you really have to speak to your kids in English?  I think it's just a show off.  If my parents thought the same, I wouldn't even be posting this.

sabaiko satru
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Yes guys, i feel the same. Some guys think that they are americanised coz they wear hip hop dress or some expensive shirts n pants. but U know what, i feel pity on their level of thinking. These guys really suck. We are here to get education, n working hard for that. thse suckers are here for nothing. but still they think are more like PARAS. Who cares. But i am certain that these guys have no good future. So guys ust ignore these kinda bastards, n finally, do not forget your goal. thats it. "Crow Caw-Caw gardai garchha, Pina dry hudai garchha" . Jaya Nepal.
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Forget about what u don't like. Point out what u like about Nepalese in US. Be positive bud, you will feel 1000 times better. Forget the rest focus on urself.
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And the other thing is:

While people gather, adults start drinking wine and beer and taking about Nepal's political conditon. On the other hand, kids like pizza rather than Dal Bhat and enjoy playing video games. Parents are not giving enough time to teach Nepali culture and tradition. That's how Nepali kids in the US are becoming antisocial. It's not kids fault, it's thier parents fault.

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let me start off this way, Nepalikancha what you say was patially correct. I dont totally agree with your 6 points that tries to divides our community and shows us how we treat and think about our countrymen as a whole.

1. We (nepalese people) as we all know grew up in a third world country, we dont not have proper money flow and we lie at the bottom of the list of the most porest country in the world(might not be in some people's case) but as a whole we are from a poor country but rich in cultural heritage. Every nepalese in here have a feeling that they really want to succeed and move ahead in life. They would like to someday prosper and be wealty and fulfill their dreams and their desier. They wish someday they could own their own home(not in all cases), have some financial stability in life and eventually live a happy life (again the definition of happy life may vary). I hope you do agree that there is only one life? if you do then think this way, would you miss out on something that would satisfy you ? I think no. As far as buying expensive cars goes, they work for it and pay for it and could afford it then why not? Why not treat yourself  with the lifestyle you deserve may be doing a menial job? There is something called self gratification, my friend which varies in each individuals, not a community of a large ethinic group.

2. True, there are wanna be people everywhere. Who are trying to fake their overall persona. But we must remember what AMERICA today stands for. They repeatedly refer it as a melting pot. This mean people from anywhere around the world could come here and blend into its existing system. Now you can go several ways here, only you know whats appropriate for you, dressing up like a rapper or gearing up like a cowboy. I dont see anyting wrong.

3.Once again coming back to that melting pot argument. Migrating  to another country means you are leaving your country and willing to accept another countries laws, rules, their cultures and system. This is America , ofcourse you speak english here but there are no such laws that require you to speak only english you have your freedom of expressing your vibes in the language you prefer. Why do you think there is a need to press 2 for spanish? because some people have another choice, and the system acknowledges it. You have your own choice on what you want to do and not  what society think you need to do. Dosent matter when you come here, where you come from or whats your first or second language, the new system and culture that you are trying to acquire is to most extend based in english here, if you dont want to accept the system and culture and their widely speaking language then why did you moved here in the first place? My money is on Kehoke on this issue, a very true analytical observation. Definately he/she makes a good point and a lesson can be learned from that.

4. One of the depressing scenarios that I came accros was comparing and contrasting about each other relatives amoung nepalese community. There is something called a healty comepetition which creates a chance for an individual to move forward in life. And i agree with you on this statement, why do we nepalese have to limit ourself with the group of 4-5? Why dont we compare ourselves with millions of other folks around who are on a far more better level then us? This is what makes us feel like underachivers.

5. I think that each case differes and this cant be really true. Such values of respecting others should come from the family and i am not aware with what kind family did you encounter such disrespect. If you were bought up as if in any normal family in nepal,  you would acquire these values, however people can be arrogant at times. Respect should be always there on any level. Look at it this way, are elederlies paying any respect to them for what they have been doing or are they taking it for granted and not being appretiative of others achievement? Both are to blame for this.

6. There are times in life when you need help and  a time on your own. This is a very contradicting statement and i re-think again to elaborate the statement. What we nepalese have a false belief that a help should be paid back not passed to someone else. for instance, "i helped ram when he came to america and now he has good job and does not even help me and dont even answer my phone kasto ghamandi." You are looking this from a the other person's perspective. First off you need to eradicate the false belief which makes you feel that a help should be paid back. Help is something that you offer with no profit or willing to get anything back. Ifyou want something back you should mention that prior to helping others. Thats business in my dictionary. Second, think this from Ram's perspective, what if ram has helped 2-3 people just like you did?  What if ram is extremely busy or what ifyou might have hurt his emotions and feeling talking crap behind his back just like you are doing here about other fellow nepalese? There could be numerous reasons to it the point is dont be judgemental.

Finally, My intentions is not to offend anyone and i solely donot state that my perception of  my fellow contrymen in this beautiful land is a fine verity. Yes this is a cruel world and evil exists. But we are human being we make mistake and coreect ourself, ignorance is the dare devil and we challenge it. Live and let people live their life and  the way they want . Peace & Prosperity.

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7. Observing each and every act of Nepalis(immigrants) in US and putting up mean and lousy comments about them on websites and maybe even socialize about their things to others by being such a typical douche bag, cmon act your age, dont be so immature, im sure you have friends and a good life and you've better things to do right?
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AznshawtY, and what exactly are you doing?  You are doing the same thing buddy!
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i don't know what you mean by "what exactly am i doing" so whatever. but what im trying to say is, here, you've asked for people's judgements and their responds on this open forum website but people out there don't really want your rude comments or just even care what you think, so do whatever you want, just dont judge people. i just think its pretty lame to point out each and every thing they do, what they buy, how they speak, what they try to become etc and make rude comments about it but you know what, no.7 was like just a truth about "nepalese" in the US. its pretty funny though actually. i cant really change anyones opinions and no one really cares either so why bother continuing this discussion k, gnite.

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But... why most of indians do not have the same attitudes that nepalese have???
I have seen most of them going to hindu temple along with their kids.... their kids wear traditional indian clothes.. and does everything to conserve their cultures even though they do not how to speak proper hindi. ....  
And honestly they are the ones who go to med schools .. and all ivy leagues schools...  and become successful in different arenas.
Nepalese parents should think one more time what has gone wrong .. that all nepalese kids have been transformed into american and were ashamed to call themselves nepali and even feel shy to introduce their parents to their friends.
I have immense respect for indians when it comes to conserving the culture and being so much focused on achieving the goals.

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we dont usually wear traditional clothes in nepal like indians do in their country so why bother wearing em here, sure older women do wear kurta and sari at parties here. and itd be pretty silly to wear dhoti cholo and daura surwal to wear at parties, wouldnt it.
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we dont have to copy the indians, we have our traditions and as long as we keep them in our heart or respect them, its okay.

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Dont worry Sani, Rahu, Bharamari and Ukla Dasa is there to keep everyone in track. I was same before but i am grounded now. Thanks to god for creating beautiful dasa graha which brings twist in life.

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Last edited: 28-Oct-07 12:37 PM
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that is why i personally dislike the bahuns.. they seem to think they are the "s h i t"   .. and everyone should bow down to them.

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wateva u ppl say>>>I LOVE mY OWN PEOPLE....anyway.. it's their life..what have you got to do with all this? U be a goodman youself..thats all's a free country anyway..

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