SHOULD Marriage EXPIRE after seven Years? - Sajha Mobile
SHOULD Marriage EXPIRE after seven Years?
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Gabriele Pauli, a fifty year old glamorous German politician who has been divorced twice, is suggesting that marriages should expire after seven years. She suggests that after seven years the couples should either agree to extend their marriage or else it should automatically be dissolved.

I think she is right on the money. Why should someone be stuck to the other person forever? I know, you can have a divorce whenever you want, but the legal battle you have to through to complete a case is both burdensome and costly. As Pauli suggests, there should be automatic dissolution of marriage after seven years. Worse come worse and if the couples can’t stay together for seven years, they should still be able to divorce legally anytime they want.

Just like first term presidents are more cautious of what policies they bring (so that they get elected for the second term as well), first term spouses should also be more cautious should they really want to continue the ‘second term.’ Better yet, they would have to be good until they die if they want to stick to the same person until they die.

*The related article can be accessed at:
Last edited: 21-Sep-07 10:19 AM
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So, you think she's right? What if your parents decided to not be together anymore? Would you agree that they should not be stuck to each other if they don't feel like it?
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Crap. What a dumbass. What made her think that "the marrige expiration after 7 years" thing that worked for her would work for everyone ??? Each and every individual in this world is unique, and different things works differently and fit for every one of us. HELLO???
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Well I think it is a great idea. The couples can decide whether they want to continue as married couples or go on to pursue something else. People change all the time and maybe this will accomodate the changing human nature and their needs. Men and women change differently or to better put it, mature differently. Their outlook in lives changes and so do their interests. If this is the case, in my opnion, there will be less infidelity with men straying away from their marriages and looking for intimacy outside of marriage. In USA, they have the terminology called the seven year itch. In the present setting, men do tend to cheat on their wives a lot. You can check out the website, a website which allows a forum for both men and women to seek discreet extra marital affairs. Sometimes the wives find out and other times they don't of their husband's extramarital affairs. Unfortunately in majority of cases, it ends up with the women sacrificing their lives inspite of knowing of their husbands philandering ways and but deciding to stay in the marriage inorder to hold the family together for the sake of their children. Men should be equally responsible for holding the family together and contributing to the mental, emotional and physical wellbeing of the children they bring to this world. This may be a very progressive approach but I think this will allow both men and women to reassess their needs and their marriage going forward. And speaking for myself as a woman, I would prefer to be with somebody because I want to be with him rather than to stay with him because of fear of the legal proceedings and the societal objections. I think marriage expiring after seven years is more practical for this day and age.



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 Marriage should be illegal in the very first place. Forget about expiring. Story over. Chapter close.

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wasnt "marriage" created in the 1st place for our needs?so its only understandable that as we humans change(evolve?), so will our requirements? and its only logical to amend them as we go along?

the homosapiens we are..havent we been tryin to make life easier for us since we can last remember?anyways if marriage was to be revolutionised in such a way..i guess we need to edit the wedding vows too?

and  do you *please insert name* vow to take this love her and cherish her..thru thick and thin...errr for the next 7 yrs? after which both of you will have an option to quit or to renew the vows?

hmm in hindu ritual..instead of the sath(7) pheres(circle?)...we need to only one?saves wedding time eh?how about 1/7 of prayers too?haha ;oP

seriously...why still have such a thing called marriage when you want it to be short term eh?doesnt that contradict the whole sacrosanct idea of marriage? or is it just me who conceives such an idea? hehe...let me share an idea that just conjured in my mind(hope im not subconsciously plagiarising!;oP).. if there really is a need of such a marriage..then lets have "trial-marriage" an OFFICIALLY recognised union of 2 ppl!but on trial!wahahaha im pretty sure such a trial-marriage cover the areas of concern that anamika1 put forth. There will be no legal proceedin in this trial-marriage..and more importantly!even society have to accept it and not have much objection when the trial-marriage fails?cos its a trial for gawdsake!;oP hehe

i dunno if anyone else noticed this two things  about Pauli;
  1. "glamorous German Politician"
  2. "divorced twice" :oS
that kinda cracked me up!!the politician part! would we be hearing such an idea from someone who is having a successful marriage?politician or not?smthing to ponder eh?which means marriages do work too!tho we are apprehensive about it!;oP

and from a guy's(myself!other guys might not agree with me!even pigs dun think alike ok!and we are guys!;oP hehe) perspective..if ur a sexist and u believe that its advantageous to females..i seriously have doubts!:oD
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Dananah: What is your point? Are you FOR or AGAINST seven years expiration of marriage? So trial marriage huh? I guess it will give you GUYS a chance to indulge in as many partners as possible. Good excuse. Good job, Dananah.
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and do couples get divorced after exactly seven years of their marriage? its kinda low law. but w/e, idc.

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my point? errr...dun really have one. Really!more like have thousands? ..nah not that much!

i prefer to go on with the flow..and if i dun like the flow..i might try swimmin against it, until i cant and hopefully by then i still will be able to stay afloat instead of sinkin?

the seven yr(trial) marriage might be good for tonnes of ppl!so if they implement such a stuff, im all for it!for their sake!:oD...but speakn for myself..i prefer that it didnt change. It kinda loses the purpose/meaning of marriage for me, if they changed it. Marriage to me represents, my commitment to the other special one, for eternity!and hopefully it will last longer ;oP ..but its a two way street hoina?so that only time will show :oD..

and maybe it will be an enternity of hell!?wahahaha ;oP..have seen a lot of my guy frens change after bihe :oS guess i miss their old selves!which i've learnt to accept :oD ..

but i guess hell or not...the thot of having/aimin for smthing that is everlasting!yeah!that def is smthing to strive for?..if i already knew, after 7 yrs there was a way out with no implications etc..would i even try hard to make it work, in the 1st place?or who knows? knowing that i have 7 yrs to work as hard as possible, both of us will try our darnest and when the time comes, both of us have "overworked" and are too drained out to try more?..i guess for me..when i feel i have eternity/forever to try..i wont feel the rush(which i do seem to do a lot!and miss a lot of things!esp things i really didnt wanna miss out on!!)

u heard this sayin havent u? the fruit of hard work tastes better?smthing along those lines..i guess we humans being the intelligent creature we are..always try and cant stop trying to make things easier for us..which is the smart and right thing to do!? but i guess some of us stupid morons *stands up and raises one of his hand, while pointing to himself with the other* err..cant be understood and still likes to do things their own ways!goin against logic and norms!...well ke garney ho!smthings just seems better when we have to work for it!and doesnt seem to easy!..and yeah!im too stubborn!tho thats an understatement! and dun have a job..but when i do, i hope so someone will tell me like u just did.."good job"!with the same tone etc cos I HEARD U!

having such marriage, doesnt it tells us in another way that marriage isnt smthing to take it too seriously?since we do have the option to get out after 7 yrs without no implication?and im pretty sure temptations lurks in every corner, esp when life seems perfect! and with such a marriage, isnt it even more temptin to stray?and how many times have we seen ourselves taken over by tempation, how little it might be?ok i will stop!;oP

anyways thats me and my opinions!:oD..since ur pro for this idea..i hope so they make it happen!:oD if it happens it happens hoina? Whats more important is to see, wat do we do when it happens!:oD

good day!:oD

ps oi azn!u came here when i was typing?..kayho.."controversial" thread haru u always seem to appear?u controversial person?;oP hehe..hope all is well!:oD
Last edited: 14-Oct-07 02:11 AM
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your merrid will expir after you get green card ten years .in dallas mostely nepali guys merrid with with black

poor woman with pay every month 250 dollar. ask unqmart mr bhim karki  sushil  adhakari  can i call every body name here haha??

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Namaste! Marriage per say, has no time limit. It will last as long as the couple feel the need to keep nourishing the

relationship. As long as priorities are not misplaced, a marriage will last. Only Westerners come up with all kinds of

theories or ideologies. You will never find a Hindu coming up with such ridiculous suggestions (even if the thought

crossed his mind). Whether marriage is an institution or social requirement, it is necessary for a healthy community.

Obviously marriages are not made in heaven (as we would all like to think), and it is heartbreaking to go through a

broken marriage. Show me a couple who, on their wedding day, had intentions for a divorce. Someone mentioned the

word 'temptation'.... is temptation the main reason for a split? Before a third-party arrives into the scene, there's already

a crack in the wood. Cracks appear when the wood is not preserved well with oils or wax, polished into its grains.

Under the daily exposure of heat radiated by the couple, the wood begins to dry and in a matter of time (7 years maybe)

the cracks appear and all you need it to insert a wedge to break the wood into two. But if the wood is well preserved,

it will last longer than its expected life span. People get married for all kinds of reasons... green card; convenience;

business; peer pressure; parental pressure; pregnancy; politics; compassion; last but not least...for love. Whatever

the reason may be to tie the knot, whats most important is the reason to untie it. There's no right or wrong answers

when it comes to matters of the heart. No politician can dictate to those who plan to walk down the aisle or take

7 steps around agni saatchi. No law can keep lovers apart. No distance can break their hearts.



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interesting concept , but i think there is socio-economic-legal and cultural dimension in play here.
I don't think this is relevant to neps in general but hey it could be one easy way around immigration laws too.
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Few comments:
You are NOT required to divorce if you are happy in your current relationship. It only gives you the OPTION to nullify your marriage if it turns out to be a disaster. Should you continue to be in the relationship, the 'renewal process' should be fairly simple. Just like you pay phone bills online every month--going online and submitting your credit card information--fairly quickly, you should also be able to renew your marriage contract for another seven years in few seconds--just enter few personal information on some government data base and then you are good to go! How hard is that?

The buyer of this contract--which could be husband or wife depending on who is more 'pidit'--has the option to buy or not buy the marriage after seven years. If you like it, you buy another option for seven years; if you don't like it, the marriage expires. This is, what I would like to call, marriage derivatives. It's a great tool for insuring marriage. Why take loss all your life when you don't have to?

Ya..each and every people is different. That's why this option works better. This option no-where says that you can't live happily married forever. All it is saying is that you don't have to if you are not happy.
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