ANA GOOD NEWS! - Sajha Mobile
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Yow ! dem chilluns of da Kingdom in ANA land. Rejoice ! Rejoice! I is just speak with them President of dem ANA and dem Organizers. Them peopal is agreeing to new suggestion and after meeting them make good decesions. Next ANA is adoption new Programming for convension. Dem get rid of some useless porgiramms like women forum, help Nepal, Bussiness community, Art Exibision, Them new Porgirammes is added to replacing some dem programmes For Ladies: Beauty contest, Thinest shortest dress, Whose dem face can holding mostest creams, Libistic, Mascara, Eyeshadow, Mostest expensive handbag and assessories For Biraders: Football Volliball Basketball Kushti (Rseling) Mukkabaji (Boxing) mostest consumsion of Alcohol Mostest Groping Mostest scoring with dem ladies For dem Older peopal Bestest affluence. Bestest connecsion like Ministers, Royal Family, Political parties Bestest affairs on dem side. Bestest Pulling legs of other Nepalis
Bob Marley
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Rasta Ji, That's absuletely right. That's our true culture, why not organise the real Nepali paan.
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HELMET should be made mandatory for all those who are attending next ANA ...........kati khera kahan baata bottal aaucha ...kallai k thaha ,,,,,,,,
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Dem Rastabahadur, how are you my chiiun? you dem disappearing from nice nice sajah and comin talk not nice of our bir de nepalians birader in a LA . Our bir biraders got big big medaals for big big fightin ..Our raambo biraders are dem high high on your dem grass. they begin high high dem no faalt sayin bye bye to biraders in ANA.
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