what if 'BHUTAN ATTACKS NEPAL'???? - Sajha Mobile
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With the Decade old Political tension lurking over two countries & the Bhutanese stand on not taking back Nep.origin Bhutanese refugees, things might turn out to be dirty. But the tricky situtation is We got no direct frontiers with them & i dont know if 'Bhutanese Airforce' exists??? So the only way for Bhutanese to attack us will be by Land through India & in which India will gladly help them.I recently saw a 'postal stamp' of Bhutan & each one of them had images of Missiles. IS BHUTAN SECRETLY PLOTTING WITH INDIA TO INVADE NEPAL? So What if ' BHUTAN ATTACKS NEPAL ' ??????
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hahahahahh this topic cracked me up!! Bhutan plotting with India?? India doesn't need to plot with nobody else to do its misdeeds. Hell, Bhutan doesn't even have an army 1,000 strong and on top of that they don't even control their own monetary or fiscal policy without India gettin involved. They're a puppet state, smarty. And at this rate, Nepal would be the same too.
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All nepalese will announce themselves as Bhutanese refugees and try to get US citizenship.
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Ooooo lalalala!
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we will go for "Nepal Banda"
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If Bhutan attacks Nepal we will consider it as an attack against our National reputation (the remaining amount is questionable after recent activities). We will decide not to attack them back because it portray as a bullying nation which will hurt more to our National reputation. We will call Nepal Bandha against Bhutanese government and accuse our own citizen for supporting Bhutanese government and call for stoning their houses and property (as we have always done). Prachanda will say, "Yo sabai Nepal ka Raja ra Bhutan ko Raja ko Sadyantra ho, Sansad bata Republic ghosana garnu parcha". Girija will say, "Ma sabai kura thikk parchu...yo Jana Andolan biparit kadam ho, malai PM banai rakha sabai thikk huncha". Madhav Nepal will say, "Yo sarkar ko laparwahi ho, malai PM banau...sabai thik huncha...hoina bhane hami sarakar ma basirahanchau".
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If Bhutan tries to invade Nepal diretly or indirectly, I will consdew as the declaration of war from India to Nepal.
India will be severly punished from Nepal if this situation happens.
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Dhanya hos balbahadur ...timi mahan chhau ....GO BALBAHADUR ....
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Could you please disclose your stategies to defend our country in case bangladesh, maldivies or pakistan attackes Nepal.
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Balbahadur, the situation is much trickier than u  imagine.U cant just go mad against Bharat if Bhutan attacks us  directly or indirectly,because in eyes of the World  its not gonna look OK. There got to be some diplomatic tricks applied in the UN(United Nations)which will pass a bill ,allowing us to Legally declare war against Hindustan via Bhutan if we can prove claiming Bharat is behind 'Bhutan  attack  in  Nepal'   But its gonna be easy because as Hindustan lets Bhutan cross its territorial land to attack us ,the card is on our side at the UN.  For all of us 'Serious thinking' lies ahead
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Garos attack Bhutan le..
Aba America maa jara gadera baseka Nepali harulae k ko chinta.. bhutan, india jasle attack gare pani?... no worries!
Jati dukha paunu chha tyo sabae tenhi basne hamra babu ama ani already pidit harule bhogeka chhan... Hamro yanh bhaako chuwangh car ko sisha ma kasaele dhunga le hanla bhanna parena. Nata yanko ghar maa Bhutan ko canon ball nae lagla bhanney dar...
Hyaaa, khurukkana America ko ramaelo maa ramna nachodera, chaene nachaene chinta line.. chinta line ho bhani ali chaene kura ko chinta liuna... *winks satirically*
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