Goodbye Sajha ! - Sajha Mobile
Goodbye Sajha !
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Hate to say, but with the recent outburst of anti-nepali statement here in sajha, i am no longer interested to visit this website or be a member. By allowing dickheads like Bikasju a free platform to trash and abuse all Nepalese, it is clear that the people who manage Sajha don't appreciate the general feelings and sentiments of nepali people. It is clear that the motive behind the sajha admins are just money generated from the ever-flickering ads in sajha. Now i wonder if the Sajha operator is a Nepali or a dhoti? I am out guys. This is getting on my nerves, very very disturbing. Goodbye Sajha !
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kati april fool manaune ho . wakka lagi sakyo. so far nobody has been able to though. Whatever I read , I read with skepticism.
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Dude ...watchya doin.... if u leave mann, its like lettin him win.... raaz...stay ... eventually this kid will run outta things to say and juss disappear... juss figured out somthing... till this mornin i was also 'bout thrashing this guy...but all i gotta do is ignore this fackhead... slowly he himself will get tired and leave...ok...
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dont leave sajha because if you leave sajha cannot run, sajha needs you you were the sajha person of the year 2006 what a coward you are running away from shit faggots BTW dont change your username and come back in shaja
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