So Called Neplese Conventions.. - Sajha Mobile
So Called Neplese Conventions..
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I am sure we all have been to one or many Neplese conventions.As for me my first conference experience is definately going to be the last one....What I felt in those conventions are people who have been here for say 7+ years acting supreme and trying to show others the way to sustain in US in a very very humiliating and showing off way. In my last conference outing i might have collected 15 business cards, even from people whom I might not see in decades, whose profession has nothing to do with me.I on the otherhand felt so bad for not carrying my one business card.Do you think it is ok to act like that??I sometime get engaged with building schools and houses and what not..i have never had a single business card in those instances..even from the people who share my profession.So what i realized is the whole conference thing is a mode to show off.. I nearly rolled on my tummy when I heard a fellow nepali asking me If I like donald add to that another one gave a series of reasons why he liked..or may be why he disliked...then there were conversations regarding building railway through nepal....and the most disgusting of them all was when a dude said this, "WE AMERICANS WORK HARD FOR EVERY SINGLE PENNY" felt like slapping him right there.... Do you guys share the same feelings???Or is it just my head?? Aashish
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i dont share the same feeling. i've been here for quite a long time now..and ppl i know or network with have lived here for decades, and i have never found anyone trying to show off..if anything from my expericene they have always given me a +ve feedback, suggestion, advice, with i whole heartedly appreciate. and ya convention is a good networking event,,if anything it is a networking event, so you know other ppl from diff aspect of life , so i think its perfectly fine to pass out your business card, if you're a contributor..then it doenst matter if their profession has anything to do withyou,,may be down the road you might come across someone who might need their service...and if you wanted you could pass their business card to them...ofcourse if you wanted to. same with donald trump...depends on how you see it, he is a an excellent mekerter..definetely a capitalistic...we all could use or atleast listen to what he has to say...he's an icon...whats wrong in talking about what he has doen and try to learn from it... dunno now may be you might call me a showoff too..well be my guest.
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by the way, if nepalese born in in nepal..can say we bahuns..or we newars...or we madheses, or pahade...then what is so wrong, if the same nepali came to US and said we americans...and most probably it was just a figure of speech, what do you know may be they even when they call themself AMERICANS...may be they have done much more for NEPAL...than those who call themselves NEPALESE....just a point.
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i am not so sure about what u said. anyway you think its fine huh????
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Aashish, when you go to the Nepalese convention(s), you want people to talk about Nepal and which part of Nepal one is from, and do you know so and so, I am related to so and so, oh you could be my cousin thrice removed. Instead you hear: Donald Trump, some reality TV shows, what business who is running, Jay Leno, etc. Your and many people's reaction: Let's talk only about Nepal When one enters a certain country, one has two choices: 1. go with the flow of the new culture 2. Or don't adapt to changes One could do the first one and be fine, or one could stick with the second one and be alienated. You have to remember that many Nepalis work and live in places where there is not a whole lotta Nepalis. So the changes happens whether one wants it or not. You could ALWAYS start a conversation about Nepal and most people will follow your lead but you cannot expect others to do it and get disappointed when they don't. Meera granny's suggestions! I have nothing better to do ;)
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