Congratulation to - Jellybeans and nails, - Sajha Mobile
Congratulation to - Jellybeans and nails,
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I hope ur next 4 years will be the most amazing and remarkable years of all. jelllluuuuuuuu, paaak timi laiiii - kasto hai phone ni uuthaunu na sakneyyyyyyyyy :(. jhan, cheechaiii cheeechaiii congratulate garchu bhane ko ta :(. chuuucchiii morii :p hehehe. jellllluuuu, wheresssss da partyyy? ke, tai aaaye pachi matra party diney hoooo? ma ta aaidinchu :p....pulau ra khasi ko masu ho bhane ta - i will definetly come :) uffffff, nailss why did u had to go keeee!!!. aaba, holyoke kaasto tadaaa cha kee :(. i will miss u ke ;). saachi, next week ko lagii ready hooo?? btw, i need a momo party haiiiiii..ufff, i will help u make momo keee...dun worrie ;). CONGRATULATION to both of u again!!!. All the best on ur decisions :)
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congrazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz jellyybellly nakkali and nailsss nakz outta highschool huh hav fun u guyssss enjoyy ur last summmer befo college theess we still got a yr danggg newayzzzz hamro ni palo aaucha hehe n theess jelly ni party nagare ni i'll surelyy invite u 2 eat masu( even though i dun eat khasi ) w/ pulao alu ko achar n i'll make a cupof tea by mahself (kadak chaya:P) chiyaa crazyy lol newyaz CONGRAZZ LADIES
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congradulation .. time for celebration!! :) jellybeans and nails.. congrazzzzzz to both of u guyss ... oho high school ma out huda kya mojj hai... lol deraii mojj garneyy hoina padne tya kuruuka lolllllllllll so pathetic ... wow u guys dunn have to face throough highschool dramas no more :P hehe ok ladies work hard and enjoy ur college life... muwahzzz..
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I thought JELLY BEANS and NAILS had a baby or something together... Bharkhar High school po Siddhiyako rahichha . Well congrats anyway. But u should know we are only being polite. it dont mean anything. welcome, however, to college life. Its more fun.
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I dont know jelly beans..but i do know nails.. Congrats both of you for whatever you have achieved. Loote P.S. Nails, I saw your pic somewhere. I guess you look like my lost sister 10 years back in a "kumbhko mela". will you be my sis? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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nails, congrats.. and stay away from indi uncle.. he is also in ma.. but do not go near him hain (O: ........ jellybeans, congrats 2 u 2...... once again wish u all the best !!!!!! =====================================================
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Congrats to both you and good luck :-)
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All the best!!!
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Jellybeans - yaaahooooooooo!! we made it!! :) congrats and enjoy the summer!! have you started packing yet?? (wink,wink) :P thees_keta - thanks!! ;) you will miss me re?? :P I just hope that you’ll be there to congratulate me all over again in exactly four years ke!! :) and isn't it a little too hot to have momo?? uffff but if you insist then you have yourself a momo party!! ;) ;) Good luck with your college applications!! :) PS: I might miss you too!! Note the word might! :P badarnikt - thanks!! :) Rockon_gal - thanks!! yes yes your turn will also come!! :P soon ke!! (wink,wink) or more like in a whole long boring year of going through college applications!! :P you don't eat khasi re?? :O :O that's not cool ke!! you're already skinny as a stick ke or even skinner than a stick ni!! ufffffff!! you need to gain some weight ke!! so you better start eating as much khasi ko masu as you can ke!! :) good luck with you college applications!! :) metalfreakgrl - here comes the other half of Rockon_gal!! :P thanks sweety!! :) time for celebration re and also deraii mojj garneyy hoina re?? :P you also work your ass of hai since it's gonna be your last year in high school!! :) good luck to you too with your college applications!! :) eyefusion - Jellybeans and i have babies re?? that's not physically possible ke!! hope you got what i meant!! :) thanks!! :) lootekukur - thanks lootiiiiiiii!! :P you saw my pic re? :O :O well i don't know!! aren't older dai's like supposed to like role models for thier younger sis?? i don't know if you can do that ke!! give me sometime i need to think about it!! (wink,wink) thapap - one of my favorite person in sajha!! thanks!! :) :) mero indi also in ma re? :P thanks for the info ke!!:) stay away from him re!! hahaha!! i am attracted to him like magnet ke!! now you tell me can you two magnets ever stay away from each other?? ;) PS: how was Niagara falls? :P Cerine - thanks cutie pie!! :P texan – thanks!! :) texan sing with me na: kanchi lai ghumaune kathmandu sahar, kanchi lai ghumaune kathmandu sahar!! (wink,wink) :P
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Congratulations to Nails *wink* *wink* and Jellybeans on their graduation. Have a blast in college :o)
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Congrats girls...errr I mean ladies ;) Welcome to the REAL world! P.S - Nails, have your nails sharpned for meowww fights ( holy "oke" place ma ahem*)
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albeit they might've graduated it seems to me one's demeanor and mannerisms are still stuck in high school mode...via the lexical dialect one of them has chosen to use I might add...imagine trying to listen to your professor explain the anomalies of time and space that they have no end and no beginning with the words 'ke' and 're' in every sentence :) ...before the graduate starts spiting flares my little disclosure: no pun intended...
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bushan - thanks!! and i'll turn that long long line into a circle soon hai!! :P (wink,wink) LeMon - thanku cutie!! :) by the way hmm..i still think about that pic of yours ke!! only if i was a guy! but only ke ufff!! really i am not a leso ke!! uffffff!!(wink,wink) :) PS: well i always have my nails short ke so i don't know, that could be a disadvantage!! :P GurL_Interrupted - thanks!! JavaBeans - You are the only one that figured it out. Actually I have to go back to high school in two years. I am taking a little break or more so dropping out for a while! And you're right I am still stuck in high school because I haven't really acutally graduated yet! Thus, I don't have to worry about not being able to use ke and re for at least two more years!! And hopefully by then I'll have gotten over it! otherwise I'll just not go to college and just go to an Indian's store where i can find a job and still say ke and re!! See, i do have a plan!! and how could i spit flares to someone so smart as yourself! I mean can i even think about doing that? you use albeit instead of although even though it means the same thing. and you're a UC at Berkeley graduate!! which is a university and not even some liberal arts college!! which according to you is not as good as a university!! Well now i better stop talking now because how can someone like me who's a high school drop out even think about having an educated conversation with some like yourself!! I am just so glad I had the opportunity to reply to your post!! This must be as far as i will go of actually being able to talk to a college graduate!! take care, wait do i even need to say that? no you're smarter than me so you know better!! :) PS: yesto chade ko manche le baccha haru ko thread ma ke ghana lekhe ko hola kuni?? dang!! UC at Berkeley!! (wink,wink) hahaha!!!
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nails sweety, congrats once again. niagra was gr8.. wish u were there.. it wud have been fun (O: magnet ko beech ma insulator rakhnu parla.. ni like wood (O: tesle ramro kaam garchha (O: =====================================================
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jellu!!!oho!!!u better be readin all these real soon!!again!if u have already done re kya ;oP hehe.. anyways congrats hai!i think i have a feeln wat is it about ;oP hehe..and yeah if u send some jellybeans(u know i get goosebumps when thots of anything sweet comes into mind :oS hehe)..i will eat!!!just for this occasion ;oP hehe...and as always good luck ;o).. ---------------- ani nails!!farrrrr out!!;oP hehe congrats too hai!!..and may u get over that(infatuation?;oP) soon!scary i tell u!;oP be indi bro's loss but im sure he be able to take that loss?;oP hehe..yeah he better come out now seeing someone is 'wishn' loss for him ;oP hehe..sacchi bihe bhoy?:o| or gettn ready for one?:o| wahahaha...indi bro..its curiosity!!and read smwhere ;oP hehe.of cos until u say anything ..then will i believe hoina ;o)..for now its pretty fun lettn curiosity gettn the better of me ;oP hehe..wanna 'clear' up?;oP hehe ok ok enuf of beign nosey!:@ good day!..and yeah good luck to u too nails :oD..and anoyone readn this(reached here yet?) and yeah anyone out there..good luck!:oD
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thapap - thanks again!! :) anonymous - thanks!! :) PS: ke re?? :O :O infatuation re? :( no keeee!! uff you guys!! how can you call my first love in infatuation ni aba?? :( :( (wink,wink) :P
Bob Dai
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Congratulations from Bob Dai too....(Alabama)
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Bob Dai - thanks!! but you could never be my dai ni!! (wink,wink) PS: by the way nice voice mail message ke!! :P call back in fiveeeeeee tennnnnnnnn 15tennnnnnnnnnnn or twentyyyyyyyyyyyy minutes!!!!!!! hahahaa....!!! ;) ;)
Bob Dai
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Lol...I left my phone in the car so couldnt pick your call....I was thinking of calling you back but it was already 11:00 here so I goin on? Howz the fever??? The Football Fever! (wink,wink)
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The football fever re? :P hmm..the only fever i have is yours ke!! (wink,wink) ;)
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Jelly & nails, congrats hai. I need the party too. ;) momo party will rock. :P
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