Why should we bend over backwards - Sajha Mobile
Why should we bend over backwards
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to pacify Nepal's so-called religious minorities? Take Tibet for example. Do you all really believe for one second that were Tibetans allowed to practice their religion freely, they would allow Christians to start their missionary work? Hell no. But these people who were allowed to live in Nepal as Buddhists, and were not just tolerated, but respected, want to end Nepal's Hindu status!. Talk about being bad guests. These people are trying to destroy us for their foolish secular agenda. Hindus are a dying bunch already. They just wanna deliver the final coup de grace. This just makes me angry. Simple question, why are there no Hindu nations in the world? There are Buddhist nations, Christian nations, Muslim nations, but at present, there are no Hindu nations. I think Hindus are way too tolerant. We're being pushed to the edge. This is getting a little out of hand. What can we as Hindus do to keep our religion alive and kicking? Please realize that no matter what you do or say, Nepal is still a HINDU majority. You just can't argue against this fact. No matter how much the census has been manipulated, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that Nepal is predominantly Hindu. However, we Hindus are a dying breed it seems, because it seems that we open people with open arms, and they decide to backstab us. This has happened to us historically.
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The river itself doesnt change Mr. Birader. I dont want to look at my weakness as something inevitable. If the water in the river changes then its because of pollution and if the course changes its prolly because of erosion. The river remains unchanged. We need to have the eyes and the hearts to see it. I want to be that eyes and heart for my son.
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Blessed be dem you Bodega. Dem River itself not no Change? So You is say , Dem Mountains always been there? Dem formasion of dem Continents is just dem work of Creative brain? Dem Extincsion of Species is just dem mythology? I is guess everything dem always stay stay unchanged. Dem River never no dry and vanish and become dem desert. I is trust You Blessed be dem you
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Religion is man made of course, so are the borders, our identity, our society, houses, work place and everything else is man made.
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Yow dem Chilluns. Blessed be dem you. Now what dem you is talks Child SHIV? I is never no ask who dem make religion. I is never no get straight answer. I is think I is dem not inteligence like him birader Bodega. Blessed be dem you
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Rastabahadur, I dont know what your problem is or the question is? It is very hard to understand what you are trying to convey. I am certain that you know where you stand on issues, but I cant tell where you stand. I was responding to one of the above postings.. sayo nara.
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Yow dem SHIV, Blessed dem be you. What dem issue you is talks about? I is only tryin to dem learn and ask quesions. If dem you is not know dem quesions why dem you is tell I? You is dem not say who dem you is answer to. I is not knowing who dem you is answer to. That why I is say. Blessed dem be you.
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Birader, How do you know "dem mountains" always haven't been there?
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change is universal truth!
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these Tibetian Refugees are indeed back stabbers>they are refugees and still act like citizens (involved in gang fights etc.. if it was in usa they would be deported)and disturbs religious harmony between hindus and buddist that existed in nepal for ages.They might now be dancing in the steet as now they can got outside of Nepal.They are bad guests u r so right serious guy.
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ImI what does it stand for i'm idoit!!!! stop all these nonsense in trying to instegate racial and religions disharmony!!!!
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Yow dem Bodega Child! Blessed dem be you. "Birader, How do you know "dem mountains" always haven't been there?" Now I is dem not know. Now I is in dem Serius Doubut! Now, dem earth Round ? Dem Earthquake is dem big big worom move inside dem earth.? Now I is not know nothing no more. I is go back and quesion everything. Internal Combusion, Newtons Law of Mosion, Solar system, Relativity, Nanotechnology...... Blessed dem be you
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Yow dem Child Bodega! Blessed dem be you! Him Birader Bodega go Him Birader Bodega go to find dem baby earthquake baby worm. Blessed be him Bodega. May him find dem baby Earthquake worm so dem we never no have earthquake in da Kingdom.
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Bodega is still around Mr. Rastabahadur. Bodega learned a saying in nepali when he was a little kid. The saying translates to "it is easy to wake up a person who's been sleeping than a person who's been pretending to be asleep." I think I have come to realize the real gist of it.
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Yow dem children Bodega! Blessed dem be you. It dem nice to see you. I is think dem you is too much in dem Sayin from dem when you is baby. You is not know that dem many sayin is dem no more applicasion. Most dem sayin is dem fit only in dem time and situasion. Dem with global warm and everying is change change. Now dem sayin is Change too. It dem very easy to wake dem peopal who dem pretend sleepin. But it dem impossibal to wake dem peopal who dem is sleepin. Dem Sleepin aids this days just unbelieveable. Blessed dem be you!
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Yow dem chilluns, Blessed dem be you. Him birader Bodega Sleepin? Now him take sleepin pill, it dem impossibal to wakey him up. Blessed dem be He.
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yow dem rasta! !!
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Blessed dem be you Child.
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agreed with birbhadra and bathroomcofee. vincent-- why r u asking ppl if they can swim?? didnt get that part. wht does that have to do with anything
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dem dem dem, dyam rasta bhai, I can't get it out of my head now. question: am I too slow for rastabahadur's abstract ideas? or is he not making any sense at all? truely confused once upon a tyam ms. ratopul
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Yow dem ratopul, Blessed dem be you, Why dem you is accuse I of not make sense? I is not find that whole dem Kingdom not make no sense. Why dem you is ask him small peopal like Rasta for sense? You is dem ask him birader Vincent Bodega. Him Bodega make many many Sense. Blessed dem be you Ratopul
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