For those who still think islam is major threat to nepali culture.... - Sajha Mobile
For those who still think islam is major threat to nepali culture....
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Christians have grown from just 50 in year 1960 to 5 lakhs today... nearly 2% of population. And to add fuel to fire... radio nepal is broadcasting their gospel. Dear friends wake up. I know islam is intolerant and there has been lot of wrong acts on name of islam. I myself hate muhhammad... but as far as threat is concerned... islam is not the threat... I will whole heartedly support 2-child policy in nepal... muslims only expand by reproduction... and often they reproduce more because they are poorest people and for poor people having more children is like safegaurd for old age...
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any comments?
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The rise of Christianity is true. The fact is they use lie ,full of shit, inorder to convert people.I go to church and i respect christains too .They give paracetamol and pretend that it is amrit from jesus.we are unfortunate that they are expoilting poor nepalese.Our Govt were always fighting with each other and didn't care about its people.But the religion that spreads lie among innocent villagers and for some money is right thing to do and THET WERE DOING IN HINDU COUNTRY!!!!!!!.did any one stop them. There were hardly any chruch now they openly preach Jesus.IN HINDU COUNTRY!!! muslims has mosque in the heart of ktm .IN HINDU COUNTRY!!! FOR ALL JANJATIS OF NEPAL: They are poor and uneducated .It is from one exploitation to another .No need to jump and be happy that nepal is secular country .It is sad to say this :your future is not so bright. Hindu never stopedu guys from convertiing into islam or christianity.U should jump when u over come poverty level. Janjati were tied under one umbrella Hinduism.Don't say that it was forced.Force was when Muslims mogul forced to convert all hindus of india. Did hindu use that kind of force??????? So now what now all those Hindu Rai, Kirat, GUrung is going to be. They will all convert to buddism .???and tharu - what religion christians because they get money??? It is definately sad to see that some Buddist are so much against Hindu and nepal being hindu .Where as they were considered most respectful under Hindu Country.they were always treated equal.My family is hindu and thoses thinking that all shakyas and Bajrachary are BUddist and in sensus they were interpreted might not be whole truth.Most of them practice both. My question is what was wrong in the Name when there is more than 70% hindu?by law everyone was equal.
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i dont think anyone believes islam is a threat to nepal. that's like asking if obseity is a major threat to somalia. you need a reality check. this secular/religious tag is the result of a political (read maoist) agenda. the socio-cultural fabric of the country is intact.
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Imi are you trying to say janajati are poor and uneduacted? don't take it as a whole...So do you mean that your caste as a whole is 100 percent litterate... are you crazy saying those janajati are going to convert to buddhism...they were originally followers of buddhism and later followed both of them,,,still they follow buddhism,,you don't need to say convert... It is definately sad to see that some Buddist are so much against Hindu and nepal being hindu you are so can't even respect other religions..i think buddhist always respected hindu... and to tell you the truth you are making people like me more extreme..why do you want to know>??? when any of my friends ask me which religions i follow...i actually don't follow anything...but i used to say hindu most of the time, sometime buddhist sometime make me think more what to say about religions...infact i am so liberal....but you make me think twice......
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ss74K It's not just you.. I think it has made a lot of other Nepalese think twice about other religions....Quite sad, but true.....
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Yes exactly, ss47k.. this decision has also made me extreme .So u see where i am getting at.Imagine everybody being extreme in Nepal..before they took thier religion in more moderate ways.Thats what i am talking about.I used to be liberal like you too. when i said stuff above please do not take as a whole ..i mean most or some .there are always exceptions.You have right to choose any religion no one ever forced too.I have seen may janjatis convert to christianity??i wonder why.Not only because Hinduism had flaws because there were missionaries who used same tactics that any religion missionaries use .Wouldn't it been ideal not to exploit the janjatis at all ..but from left and right they are ...fact of life .leave it or take it.
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Buddhism and Islam are not threatening to Nepal. Islam may be a problem in Afganistan, but not in nepal. I have not heard anyone converting to buddhism or islam in nepal. the only problem i've seen is from the Christian missonaries. i saw churches being built in remotest villages of nepal. so the real threat to everyone else in secular nepal are the Christian missonaries. this is the reality. accepting it or not accepting it is your choice. majority of the poorest people in nepal are the janajatis and the dalits (truth is always bitter). so now they will be the major targets of the christian missonaries. hence, in nepal now the janjati culture of the backward janjatis will be replaced by christianity. there will be no chepang, bote, sattar, musahar etc type of cultures now. because now converting your religion by any means will be legal now. i have already seen many converts like martina uranw, david praja etc. it is only a matter of time now. so just wait for 10 more years.
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Welcome to new Nepal for better or for worse. Maoist are not anti-religion. look at them putting "Tilak" and 'Mala' all have sanskrit names. it is all political tactics.
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islam has never been a problem in Nepal since they arrived within the boundaries of nepal some 400 yrs ago. if you go to the town of saruattha and surrounding near Gaur in south Nepal, u can see, how hindus and muslim have lived in harmony, for times unwritten. I only hope, the hindus around there, forget their ego and continue the genuine relationship they've had forever.
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And I don't see any religion being problems of any kind in Nepal. All christian schools are somewhat the best schools in nepal. I went to a christian school (st. xavier's campus), and every friday we were taught 2 hrs of values (education on Human relationship with self, other human and god). the first year, it was all "the bible", and it wasn't necessary that u have to be christian to listen to it, or even be christian to go to that school. Out of over 400 students at campus, i knew only 2 christians. and not a single time, father francis ever told us that christians were superior, or we'll all go to hell if r not christians. So, don't blame the christians. yeah few decades ago, when missionaries were at all time high in africa and the sub-continent, they did say, if you want food, you need to read the bible. but, that really didn't tell them, u have to be christians. they got food, adn satisfaction with the new belief. my friend's father is a converted christian and very proud of it. my brother is a converted christian and goes to church every sunday. so, don't blame any of them.
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How Christians are increasing in number in Nepal: Few weeks back, I went to a church in Missisauga, Canada. All people were so friendly, and cooperative. They offered me so many hands every then and now. So far, I have been rejecting everey offer. Still they will constantly stay in your touch. Initially I thought I could convert two of Christianity followers (both are friends of mine) in to at least agnostic if not to Boudhism. Recently, I realized that I can not. Just yesterday evening, one of those friends wrote me, "I am so blessed after joining the Church". It is because all Christians help (in term of monetary and physical) each other; love each other so much ; share and listen each other's problems and sufferings; and pray for the success/healing. This is also the case in Islam. On the other hand, Hindu? we HATE and/or RIDICULE and/or FIGHT each other as much as we can. Besides, our untouchable caste systems and other social/economical discriminations and feudal systems are equally responsible for all those convertions to Chiritianity. Finally, I have seen some cases, while in Nepal, that Christens frighten (ordinary and illiterate Nepalese) people that if they don't believe in Jesus, they will go to hell after dying. This is what written in BIBLE (I have READ that part: poor begger and rich merchant story). They also speak a lot of lies to persuade those people (I can provide you with some instances if you need)
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What the fuk ? What if tomorrow the Buddhists become the majority ? What are you morons going to do then ?
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I don't see Islam as a threat to Nepal. I don't see Christianity as a threat either. But why touch on a sensitive issue like religion. It infurates many of us, non-practicing and practicing Hindus alike, that the issue of Nepal's status as a Hindu nation was raised in the first place. I am privy to the notion that Hindus will die out in a couple of centuries. We don't convert people. We're on the verge of extinction.
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bathroom Coffee , if islam or buddist or christianlity cuts the mark of 65-70% .I am ready to accept Nepal as which ever they want but in democartic way.By vote.I am not hypocrite in my instance... for you infomation , you might be right incase of Nepal .As hindu's or by blood .Cannot be hindu if you convert to eat.However, i agree in order to preserve our religion we need to modernize it and let people convert. Some of the tactics used by these christian missionaries are beyond imgainable.It is good that they save life of some poor but why to convert them into christian not because they are want too.wouldn't be nice if they just did nice deed without expecting any thing in return from poor and uneducated people .I think jesus might have taught that disrespect to christians.
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