Prachanda is to lead Maoists's dialogue team - Sajha Mobile
Prachanda is to lead Maoists's dialogue team
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KATHMANDU, May 13 - The Maoists rebels have made public their roadmap for holding dialog with the seven party alliances (SPA) government. The Maoist roadmap to hold talks with the SPA government is: declaration of a ceasefire; finalisation of code of conduct; formation of talks team; release of political prisoners; starting talks; dissolution of the old parliament, constitution and government; formation of an interim guideline and government by holding a political conference with representation from the political parties, civil society and renowned personalities of different sectors; setting of electoral constituencies by ensuring the representation from people of all classes, castes, sectors and genders; holding constituent assembly elections under reliable international supervision; and restructuring of the whole state structures including the People's Liberation Army and the Royal Nepalese Army as per the popular mandate expressed through the (constituent assembly) elections, a statement issued by Chairman of the CPN-Maoist Prachanda on Saturday morning said. The rebels have already declared a three-month-long ceasefire which the government, too, has reciprocated. The government has also begun the process of releasing detained Maoist leaders and cadres. The statement also said that all the above decisions were taken by a special meeting of the central committee of the Maoist party. The statement said that a "Summit dialogue" needed to be held to take important decisions during talks with the SPA government and that Prachanda would himself lead the Maoist negotiation team during such summit dialogue. The statement also said that a three-member talks team headed by the Maoist party's central committee Krishna Bahadur Mahara has been formed for the preparation of the summit dialogue. Two other Maoist leaders Dev Gurung and Dina Nath Sharma are the members of the dialogue preparation team, the statement said. The rebels have also formed a 13-member "central" speakers' team to address the peaceful mass meets across the country. The Maoist leaders included in the team are as follows: Matrika Prasad Yadav, Hitman Shakya, Gopal Kiranti, Chandra Khanal, Agni Prasad Sapkota, Devendra Paudel, Netra Bikram Chand, Pampha Bhusal, Janardan Sharma, Narayan Prasad Sharma, Lekh Raj Bhatta, Ram Karmi and Khadga Bahadur Bishwokarma. The statement further says that Prachanda tabled a written proposal at the party's central committee meeting regarding the new political situation in the country and the party's new plans in the changed political situation. Prachanda's proposal has cautioned that the reinstatement of the House of Representatives had failed to represent the "popular aspirations" and rather provided space for the "feudal palace and foreign reactionaries to hatch conspiracies", according to the statement. Cautioning against the "danger" of the seven parties going against the spirit and feeling of the recent popular movement, the Maoist supremo, in his proposal, has made a special request to the SPA government to move forward as per the 12-point understanding reached with the rebels last year, the statement says. Identifying a secular state, ethnic and regional self-governance, a federal state system with Nepali uniqueness, special rights to Dalits and women, revolutionary land reforms, independent economic policy, scientific and people-oriented education system, and guarantee of employment within the country as the key issues, the proposal says these "fundamental problems of the people" should be addressed appropriately in the constituent assembly elections. The proposal has stressed on the need to initiate immediate action against what it calls the leaders of the feudal autocracy "including the army, police officials and the bureaucracy" to ensure unconditional, free and fair constituent assembly elections.
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Let him come out from his HOLE, Nepalease people will surely finsih him off.
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Wow the dark lord himself is leading the talks, may be something good will come out of this.
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No doubt , he will do something to get rid of king, he will ask for people army adjustment. He is aming for first president of republic of nepal. Aba je garcha moabadi le garcha mero beechar ma. Ahile girija lai dodar cha
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I think everyone is just scared of everyone rt now. We'll see who will the the toughest bi$%tch. Lol
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Karmarana, You seems to have dark shadow in your mind of current situation of Nepal. People will have his name in their mouth as a key to way toward democratic republic. He is not a fear if he get publiced. He will rather kick ash of ash holes like you.
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