Backpacking - Sajha Mobile
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Any members here has done any back packing in Eurpoe ? Does being a Nepali citizen make us difficult to obtain visas ? How much fund do you think is needed for the whole trip ? Last but not least : What is the best mode of transport to move from country to country ? I was planning to do a month of back packing in Europe. Regards, Rai
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hey bro you are going to love it, it should not be very difficult if you are already in the US , but if you have somebody in europe ask him to send an invitation ( sort of) in letter, saying that you could stay wiih them, or else you have to show hotel reservations , also you have to book ( not purchase) a return ticket .it should not be that expensive , if you stay in like youth hostels ( e.g:YMCA),lot sof young guys/girls specially students they there,they are thre is most of the cities , cheap and nice good way to meet lot of girls too, you'll have a blast.
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Sambhu, thank you for your response. I thought that no one was going to reply. least there is someone who likes to experience new taste, sights,sound,smell, new places and faces. By the way, I am already in Newcastle, UK and was thinking of going to many places, not just one or two. I have about 1500 pound to spare for this trip. Actually now my worry is that the visa application will take too long so as a result I might not be able to get as many visas as I like. Damn it man !!! Once again thank you Sambhu and see ya around !!! Regards, Rai
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hey you can take schengen visa, that way you can visit Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden in a single visa, so you have a lot of choice and no extra charge
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sambhu, thats wonderful !!! Thank you ,thank you so much. I am glad that I made good decision to seek advice from my fellow Nepales here in Looking at the number of countries, I think it is more than enough for me to explore before I head back to Singapore and Malaysia. See ya around, Smabhu !!
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no probs bro, have a good trip
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Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Sambu.Great to have guys like you who shares knowledge freely for the benefit of lesser knowledgable person like me. I hope other members would also dispense information or knowledge freely Thank you. !!
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i_nepali, go for it, you will have the time of your life. Neither the visa nor the budget would be any problem for you since you live in England and have already allocated more than 2500$ for the trip, thats sufficient for a month. I did the solo backpacking in Summer 03 and the fall 04 and I had great time. Met a lot of interesting people along the way. Schengen Visa would allow you to travel most of the EU nations except Switzerland for which you will need a separate visa. You will get heavy discounts on the train (preferred mode of transportation there) if you posses the student ID and are under 26. Another suggestion, when covering longer distance, travel during the night, that way you will be saving the hostel cost for that night and also save precious time. For the lodging, find the hostels and book them in advance since summer is the heavy travel season there. If you plan to cover Sweden, Norway and Finland, carry a small (very light) one person tent in your backpack. You can camp virtually anywhere in Sweden, even in somebody's private property as long as you don't disturb them and it is fairly safe in doing so. If you go to sweden, also take the overnight cruise to Finland. The cruise is almost like a party place, has multiple clubs of different taste, and its very cheap. You cover the distance while also having fun. For the lodging, also try and You will be surprised at how hospitable some people can be. But, of course, you will have to be able to offer something in return as well. Travelling cheap is the way to go, don't eat at fancy place or ride taxis or buy expensive gifts at foreign land. Think of it like, the more you save while you travel, the longer you can extend the trip. And the most important suggestion, travel light, don't be carrying 4 different pairs of footware :-)
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Hey i-Nepali. I myself did some backpacking in Europe, and well I have mixed experience, as always. When entering Europe, you will get Schengen visa which will allow you to travel to most of the countries in Europe, but you will have to get seperate visas for each of the eastern european countries you want to travel. Then majority of expenses is on accomodation and transportation. If you carry a good sleeping bag and a light tent , you are likely to get place to pitch a tent. As KG already said in rural sweden rule allows you to pitch a tent in anyones property for A night, and similiarly there are lots of camping places around every major cities around europe. Transportation cost in europe has gone down significantly in last few years , as new low cost airlines emerged. But travelling by train is the best method. If you have been living in any european countries for last 6 months , you are eligible to by INTERRAIL pass. One month of free travel in all the interrail countries( includes bulgaria, turkey, and tunisia too) will be the best option and if you are under 26, there is heavy discount to avail. Last but not least you can stay with other nepalese, they are everywhere of every type, some are nice and some are not so nice. some are helpful and some resent the fact that you have time and money to travel around europe. Well good luck. Keep on posting your developments.
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Train is the best.... And if you take night trains and travel during the day, it might save you youth hostel expenses.. But this might not be practical everyday of your journey...
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KG4MVP,rai and gundrukbhaat: Thank you very much for sharing your suggestions, experiences and encouragement. I am really looking forward to this trip, hoping to meet people from all over the world and share a story or two with them Regards, Rai
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if you visit amsterdam in netherlands, visit the red light district.
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lfc123, I would be on tight budget but still I would not mind looking for you there.Ooops !!! Sorry, I made a mistake. I thought you are working there. Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!! I know you are in the States. Hopefully, you did not mind me pulling your leg, lfc123. See ya around, mate.
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i was only recommending and no, i didn't mind your joke. that's all right. u don't need any money to vist the red light district. (u will need money to get busy however) u just ask the locales and you look around, - it is a tourist district kya. that is the only thing i recollect from my visit, so if you go as far, then tya jadaai ma kehi bigridaina bhanya ni. u will have quite a story to tell, trust me. have fun!
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lfc123, all right.
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And if you are in Netherland, make sure you understand the difference between a coffee shop and a cafe!!!!! Good luck.
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Roger !
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GurL_Interrupted, it is my pleasure to listen to what you all have to say. I will make sure that I keep you guys are kept updated of my journey here at sajha, provided, of course I have access to internet. But meanwhile, I have to study for my exam hard and keep my thoughts drifting away from the beautifil places and interesting people I am going to meet. Regards, Rai
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Ha ha ha ha ha!! I alsmot fell of my caught me there !
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