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Education for all
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Well, I shed one drop aashu for this child..... (I wish I could do something more for such children)
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:( :( :(
Nepal ko chora
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I have read in the NEWS that NOBEL ACADEMY has agreed to teach that GUY for free till undergrad level. And, they are trying to find that guy.
Dalli Resham
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Yes, I read the same news two days ago and I wsih they could find that child.
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~ They already found this child. See following link: Cheers,
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well this child got the education.. Thanks to the journalist....
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"त्यो फोटो खिच्दाको बखत म आफैँलाई पनि रोउ“m कि हाँसौँजस्तो भयो । राम्रो तस्बिर भेटिँदा खुसी लाग्नु त स्वाभाविकै हो । तर, बालकको अवस्था देख्दा भने मन निकै पोलिरहेको थियो ।" ----No comment ---
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The most touching pic I've ever seen :-(((
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I wish I could do something more for such children) NotNepali ji, Though u aren't a Nepali, u could do a LOT MORE for those children. Your tears won't buy him school clothes or books. But u could send some $$ back home to sponsor children in villages. Your $20 could probably buy books, clothes for a whole year. Let the change start with u: Gandhi. There I told u how u could do something, now set an example for the rest of us.
Dalli Resham
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Yes you can sponser a child in nepal or rlsewhere. We support few girls in nepal and some other country and it is just awesome to know that our money can change someones life forever.
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