New Year Resolution - Sajha Mobile
New Year Resolution
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folks, have you guys already made new resolutions for this year? I've made few, but i am still working on it to make few more that i will be able keep. No more resolution that wont even last for a week. what about u guys?
le chef du nuit
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i resolve that this will be my very last resolution
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My resolution includes to learn to scuba dive. Off point, any sajhaties in Orlando, Florida area? Perhaps we could meet for New Year Eve this Friday night for some momo and ring into new year on Church Street party??
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check check!!!
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Go back home to see my parent's its` been a while I really have to see them...
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My first New Year Resolution this year is to see our Notebook functioning properly, efficiently and optimistically for the well being of Sajha's population....... Ati joke bhayo yar... Once again, have a blessed New Year!
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