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Abusing our beliefs
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On 20 Dec show on ABC, Barbara Walters was interviewing a guy, a pastor, who said in plain english that people who do not believe in Christ will go to hell!! This is downright wrong and infringement of constutional freedom of religion...is there anyway to stop this..I am sure all Muslims, buddhists and Jews would support
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From what I have read, I think only the two points above make sense. 1) Hitler seeking power, wrote in Mein Kampf. "... I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews. I am doing the Lord's work." Years later, when in power, he quoted those same words in a Reichstag speech in 1938. --- Another reason behind Hitler's anti-semitism was the jewish claim of Christainity being a follower of Judaism. He was ashamed of his own jewish heritage. He took it so far that he stopped worshipping jesus. 2) Three years later he informed General Gerhart Engel: "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so." ---He gave up catholicism in his youth but not sure about when did he reclaimed it. 3) ".... Jesus prayers became mandatory in all schools under his administration..." That could be true, to dominate other cultures everywhere. 4) ...God have mercy! -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kamp) God forbid! -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf) ---- He was not an athiest, he was a pagan. Ancient Germans their so called aryan heritage had gods, he could have been referred to that. It doesn't prove his god was christ. 5) He became a communicant and an altar boy in his youth, and was confirmed as a "soldier of Christ" in that church. --- Yes, he did. But like mentioned before, in the beginning of the WWI, he joined German army and quit following the church.
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Indisguise, Okay.. I donno you!? *covers face with a paperbag*
thugged out
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Well, hitler was a walking contradiction. What exactly do you expect from a psycho? You can easily nitpick his quotes to make him look like either an atheist or a Christian/believer,all in concordance with your own ideology. Of course atheists and Christians have come up with a comprimise: how about making Hitler a pagan? There are hardly any pagans in Europe, so pointing fingers at pagans is basically a cop-out, know what I mean? However, Savitri Devi was indeed an ardent fan of Hinduism, and in fact married a Hindu Brahmin. This doesn't tell us anything though. Check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savitri_Devi This of course proves nothing. Savitri Devi was just Hitler's way of recruiting non-Whites to his cause. Tons of Nazi sympathizers in India and Iran, and tons of em bolster their argument by asserting that Hitler himself said India and Iran were also bastions of Aryans, even though the inhabitants were non-white. Heh, Hitler would have prolly gassed em all had he been successful in his mission to cleanse Europe of the Jewish infestation. To me this all boils down to one word: politics. You gotta be diplomatic if you wanna win wars, you see. There were tons of Nazi sympathizers in India, the most nefarious being a guy named Bose. As the saying goes, one person's enemy is another person's friend But this whole debate about Hitler's religious beliefs strikes me as being a bit too superfluous. Who the hell cares? He was a goddamn psycho who probably had an orgasm when a Jew got buthcered.
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From what I "understood," none of the counter-arguments hold any merit. "Another reason behind Hitler's anti-semitism was the jewish claim of Christainity being a follower of Judaism. He was ashamed of his own jewish heritage. He took it so far that he stopped worshipping jesus." --->Did he ever mention that he was ashamed of his jewish heritage? That was 1938 when he said that. The world WWII started in 1939. "He gave up catholicism in his youth but not sure about when did he reclaimed it." --->As far as the information I found, he never "gave" up to reclaim it. That too in his youth? Read my statement above. His words in 1938 states he believed in what he always believed with moderate altercation if and when his interest colilded with his religion. "--- He was not an athiest, he was a pagan. Ancient Germans their so called aryan heritage had gods, he could have been referred to that. It doesn't prove his god was christ. " --->This statement alone may not suffice for you. But he, being a baptized catholic Christian with a very strong affilation, so much so that he was declared a foot soldier and his belief that by killing jews, he is taking revenge as he blamed jews for killing Christ, strongly suggest, in all probability that it was Christ he was referring to. "Yes, he did. But like mentioned before, in the beginning of the WWI, he joined German army and quit following the church" --->Did he? I read thru few articles while researching and it mentioned his relation to church was intact thru his actions and words that leave no doubt that he remained Christian. However I did find some writing that suggested that after he understood that the way of church was being some hindrance to his way of doing things, he started uttering some negative statements towards them and also distanced himself at times. There are so many things in my religion that I do not attest to,that said, it does not make me a non-hindu. Happy holidays. IndisGuise:)
thugged out
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Hitler being Jewish is just an urban-myth popularized by White supremacists. Most appropriately, it's a tin-foil hat theory. Where's the proof that Hitler was a Jew? No concrete evidence. There's none of course. Sure, it's true that Jews have their share of self-loathing people. There was this one rising member of the Klan, who happened to be Jewish. He was based in New York. Now, some newspaper(NY Times was it? Not sure) wrote an article about his Jewish heritage, and the guy ended up killing himself in front of his Klan buddies. However, the KKK still enunciated that he was a good person. If you read White supremacist message-boards they like saying that it's not Jews they hate, but the ideology they promote. By ideology, they mean multiculturalism, immigration, free trade and all that crap. Jews are the scapegoats whenever anti-capitalism sentiments are in bloom.
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Well, it doesn't make sense. 1) Hitler seeking power, wrote in Mein Kampf. "... I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews. I am doing the Lord's work." Years later, when in power, he quoted those same words in a Reichstag speech in 1938. You said that he quoted those words in 1938 and WWII started in 1939. And right above, you are mentioning that he quoted same words years later. I don't know he said it twice or once, but you are not aware of it either. At least I didn't mention it. And yes, not only at the time of Hitler, even today, Christains who have seen the rage of anti-semitism, still are ashamed of their jewish heritage. Coz it is the only thing that stops them from being religiously superior, for christ was nothing but a jew, and jewish still want christians to believe that christianity is just a butted out religion out of judaism.
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is hinduism strictly a religion? the word Hindu is never mentioned in any hindu texts. only Sanatan Dharma is mentioned. which roughly means duty towards others. i have a reasonable knowledge about basics of hinduism. people here have said good and not so good things about christainity. i wonder if they ever have read any Bible to come up with those conclusions. i am not christian but have read some bible (actually i'm half way thro') but haven't been struck with anything compelling yet to believe anything new other than what i already know. my next project is reading quran if i find a good translation. i just wanted to make sure [by studying other religion] that i was not lied into something that is outrageously false because i was born in a hindu family. so far i 'm not regretting anything for being born into a hindu society.
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about christianity and judaism all ihave to say is a jealous son against his father fighting for his identity without his father's heritage. christianity will crumble without jewish heritage this makes christain uncomfortable?
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Yes, the whole argument about Hitler's religion is disproportionate. I wrote that in my first post to put some oomph on by distaste on the pastor's rhetoric in some TV show, which, if anything was ignorance at least and malicious at worst. -------------------- "Hitler seeking power, wrote in Mein Kampf. "... I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews. I am doing the Lord's work." Years later, when in power, he quoted those same words in a Reichstag speech in 1938." Now, about me not being aware of that, I have to disagree. As much as the resource I happen to read which I shall post the link down below, I can categorically claim that I made myself clear. The one colossal mistake I did in my second post where I mentioned, "That was 1938 when he said that,”"was I overlooked one word at the end of it---> “AGAIN.” "And yes, not only at the time of Hitler, even today, Christains who have seen the rage of anti-semitism, still are ashamed of their jewish heritage. Coz it is the only thing that stops them from being religiously superior, for christ was nothing but a jew, and jewish still want christians to believe that christianity is just a butted out religion out of judaism." -->Hallelujah!!! This only strengthens my arguments that Hitler being a Christian was resentful of Jews. This, I know you said it. :) The Christ "factor,"played a part. Few sources with point to note shall follow...
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"Hitler seeking power, wrote in Mein Kampf. "... I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews. I am doing the Lord's work." Years later, when in power, he quoted those same words in a Reichstag speech in 1938." Three years later he informed General Gerhart Engel: "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so." He never left the church, and the church never left him." "Still a member in good standing of the Church of Rome despite detestation of its hierarchy, he carried within him its teaching that the Jew was the killer of god. The extermination, therefore, could be done without a twinge of conscience since he was merely acting as the avenging hand of god..." http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/john_murphy/religionofhitler.html http://www.freethinkerscs.com/articles/hitlerreligion.html ------------------ "But taken in chronological context, it would seem that Hitler's most anti-Christian statements were delivered after his election as Chancellor, and when he saw interference from the Roman Church (and all religion) as a threat to his control of the state." http://www.ronaldbrucemeyer.com/rants/0420a-almanac.htm There were few more that I happened to browse thru. The more I read, the more it appeared that "for some reason, Catholics are not eager to claim Hitler." : ) I wonder why ? ;) Having stated what I understood from what is evident out there, I think I shall rest my case in this one with the statement, "does that pastor know that hitler was a catholic? Piece of shit probably does not know his shithole from his mouth, and is talking heaven, hell, religion and what not." I do not know whether a direct rout to heaven, but I am certain that radical pastor is definitely not correct while stating that anyone who does not believe in Christ is bound to go to hell. In fact, all he is doing is marketing hatred between people and hence, committing heinous sin, while his master always taught love. I conclude. IndisGuise:)
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Ohh, what a zip, man. I hope I am making myself clear to you. Anyway I am trying my best. We are stating only the quotes that are related to Hitler's belief. But the thing is I am finding there are many other reasons behind Hitler's twisted character about his belief. Yes, even my points agree with your statement. "And yes, not only at the time of Hitler, even today, Christians who have seen the rage of anti-Semitism, still are ashamed of their Jewish heritage. Coz it is the only thing that stops them from being religiously superior, for Christ was nothing but a Jew, and Jewish still want Christians to believe that Christianity is just a butted out religion out of Judaism." -->Hallelujah!!! This only strengthens my arguments that Hitler being a Christian was resentful of Jews. This, I know you said it. :) Actually it seems that it was only one of those many reasons he came up with to hate the Jews. There were other reasons behind his hatred towards Christianity. First, it was opposing his movement of National Socialism and his self proclaimed superiority of Aryan heritage since Christianity was not Aryan based. The whole Nazi party politicized this Aryan people being superior to others thing and no religion except Hinduism were given to the world by original Aryans. He even appointed scholars to study about Indology. He seems to have attempted to create new culture and a sort of ideology and belief for Germans. Once my professor told me that Germans celebrate Christmas in different ways than other. Anyway, that’s all I know man.
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It seems like he wanted to single out the Jews first by claiming the superiority of Christians, probably, he was thinking of going after those slavs in the Baltic then the Arabs and may be even to Hindus one day, had he won the war. But it is for sure that he blamed Christianity for sure for the backwardness of Europeans and all in all, humanity.
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Some people talk about "heaven" and "hell". Where is it? Is there one who have been there? I am just curious.
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I have been to heaven onec....... But I didn't like it. I returned back to sajha instead :)
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Well,,,,,, Sabi lai Merry ko Christmas !!
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"Some people talk about "heaven" and "hell". Where is it? Is there one who have been there? I am just curious" 1) you help a blind man to cross a road. 2) A gun man killed a guy in front of you and you can't do any thing because gun man has vowed to kill you if you try to help him. compare two scenarios and decide which one makes you feel you are in heaven or hell.
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Yeah man, hope we both got each other's POV. Anyways, screw Hitler.I had enough of reading about that piece of shit's pieces for hours and hours. Anyways, when you wrote, "But it is for sure that he blamed "Christianity" for sure for the backwardness of Europeans and all in all, humanity," did you actually mean "Jews"? Hope ya'll have a wonderful time tonight! IndisGuise:)
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>>>Anyways, when you wrote, "But it is for sure that he blamed "Christianity" for sure for the backwardness of Europeans and all in all, humanity," did you actually mean "Jews"?<<< No, he clearly blamed christianity for that reason. >>>National Socialism and religion cannot exist together. . . The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity.<<<
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"people who do not believe in Christ will go to hell!!" Don't know about that. But that certainly will be the fate of those who believe in monarchy.
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Oh well! I just thought his actions depicted more so than his words on this one. He did wanted to "change" everything stated above and more by, among other stuffs, eliminating "Jews". So much for religion!
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