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Tomarrow Valley bandha
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नगरकोट हत्याकाण्डविरुद्ध भोलि उपत्यका बन्दको घोषणा एफएन न्युज सम्वाददाता काठमाडौं १५ डिसेम्बर । आन्दोलनरत सात दलले नगरकोट घट्नाको बिरोधमा शुक्रबार उपत्यका बन्दको घोषणा गरेका छन । सात दलको बिहीबार बिहान बसेको केन्द्रीय संयोजन समितिको बैठकले उक्त निर्ण्र्ाागरेको हो । सातदलद्वारा बिहीबार राजधानीस्थित बानेश्वरमा आयोजित बिरोध सभामा उपत्यका बन्दको आयोजना गरिएको जानकारी दिइएको थियो । स्वतन्त्र समाचार सेवाकाअनुसार संयोजन समितिले शाही नेपाली सेनाद्वारा घर्टाईएको उक्त घट्नालाई अपराधिक घट्नाको रुपमा चित्रण गर्दै मुलुकको रक्षा मन्त्री र सेनाका परमाधीपति राजालाई उक्त घट्नाको लागि दोषी ठहर गरेको छ । संयोजन समितिले कालोझण्डा बोकेर उपत्यका बन्द सफल पार्न सबैसंग आग्रह पनि गरेको छ । बिरोधसभामा सात दलका शिर्षथ नेताहरुले पनि उक्त घट्नामा केन्द्रित रहंदै रक्षा मन्त्रालय सम्हालेका राजामाथि उक्त घट्नाले नैतिकताको प्रश्न खडा गरेको र उनले नैतिकताको आधारमा राजिनामा दिनुपर्ने माग राखेका थिए । उक्त घट्नालाई लिएर एक मिनेट मौनधारण समेत गरिएको थियो । सभामा नेपाली काग्रेंसका सभापति गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाले उक्त घट्नाप्रति टिप्पणी गर्दै भन्ने उक्त घट्नामा विश्वहिन्दु सम्राटलाई दोषी ठहर्�याउँंछु र उक्त घटनाको कारण उनमा कालो धब्बा लागेको छ, जुन धोएर पखालिदैंन् । जनताले जितेर प्रजातन्त्र ल्याएपछि उक्त घट्नाका दोषीहरुलाई कारबाही गरिने प्रतिबद्धता ब्यक्त गर्दै कोइरालाले शाही नेपाली सेना कसैको नीजि सेनाका रुपमा प्रयोग भईरहेका ले उसलाई राष्ट्रिय सेनामा परिणत गर्ने योजनामा सात दल सक्रिय रहेको बताए । Rest plz down
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yeah, instead of bandha people should start throwing grenades at the palace. king is head of state currently and also chief of the army he is completely responsible. if he were an elected head of state he would be compelled to resign. but alas that's not the case he is king he assumes power through dictation not through people's mandate.
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हो भन्या महाकाल, हेर न अझ त्यो माकुने भन्ने गधा नेपाल बन्द भनेर कराउँछ, साला प्रधानमन्त्री हुन पाउँछु कि भनेर -याल छोडेर छोडेर जुनी बित्ने भो तेसको त। तेइ हो देश बिगार्नी, भारत सराकरको पुच्छर गिरिजा, गिरिजाको पनि पुच्छर मुला माकुने। दिनभरि काम गरी खाने मजदुरहरुको घरमा तेल्ले खर्च लग्दिन्छ? --- अब घटनाको यथार्थ विवरण त चाहिन्छ चाहिन्छ, यसमा २, साढे २ मत गर्नु पर्ने कुरा छैन। जहाँसम्म राजाको उत्तरदायित्त्वको कुरा छ नि, नैतिक हिसाबले राजिनामा दिनुपर्ने हो- त्यसको लागि पहिला नैतिकता पनि त हनु प-यो नि।
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dear mr prajatantra, i don't know how would i have reacted if my family had been victim of some psycho. but i certanly would not have been pleased to see some jackass politicians turning my tragedy onto their freaking show. yes, i understand that this is a big tragedy but how the hell should i give it a political view? how the hell should i justify this incident for a bandha? n why the f.... u think i should thank m..f makune for turning this into his own political game? best regards
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these corrupt political leaders (indian dogs)like girija,makaune....are still trying to make nepali people fool.what had happened in nagarkot,its very very sad,but this is not the political issue.please no more BANDA.
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"जनताले जितेर प्रजातन्त्र ल्याएपछि उक्त घट्नाका दोषीहरुलाई कारबाही गरिने प्रतिबद्धता ब्यक्त गर्दै कोइरालाले ...." i say go to hell
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they r corrupt, indian's chamchas; this is not political issue-> agreed. But do we need to raise the voice or pressure the govt. for fair investigation or not? Or are we going to believe that one person did this and he shot himself n' thus case closed?
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of course we need to pressure the gov. for fair investigation,but calling nepal banda is a very bad idea,we are tired of nepal nepal,a lot of people has to work everyday to feed the family.
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so are we going to pressure by having this guff at sajha?
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Koshish, you like to "try" to speak for other people don't you!!! That's what's wrong here. As Gandhi said once, if you believe in an eye for an eye ... at the end we will all be blind. You choose revenge ... I choose constructive love and peace ... let's see who wins at the end!! Do you really believe this: Bishnu = King King = Ganayendra If you do believe you are a royalist in disguise!!
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My clap goes to Red-angel (lalpari); my only one wish is to have win-win situation for everyone.
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बन्द गर्ने भन्दा पनि जबरजस्ती बन्द गर्ने चलन चै हो चित्त नबुझ्ने कुरा। माओवादीहरु गोली हान्थे, पार्टीहरु ढुङ्गा मुढा। मानसिकता त सबैको उस्तै छ। बार्ता (कुरा) ले शान्ति आउदैन, ब्यबहारले आउछ। जबसम्म प्रतिशोधले प्रार्थमिकता पाउछ, अशान्तिको जग बलियो हुदै जान्छ। यो कुरा त नेतृत्व गर्नेहरुले बुझ्नु पर्ने हो। १) आन्दोलन सफल हुन जनताको साथ चाहिन्छ। तर यहा त जनतासंगै दुष्मनि गरिन्छ। २) २/४ जनाले चर्को र अश्लिल नारा लगाएर के हुन्छ? सज्जन मान्छे उनीहरुको छेउमा बस्न डराउछ। भनेसि आन्दोलनकारी घट्दै जान्छन। ३) एउटा ढुंगा हानेर राजा ढल्छ? ढल्दैन भने त्यो बाटो किन लाग्ने? गान्धि जस्तो आन्दोलनलाई लगाम दिने नेता भएनन् भने ढिलो चांडो आन्दोलन तुहिन्छ। ४) हाम्रा नेताहरु आशे राजनिति गर्छन। भारतको सचिव आउदा कात्तिकका कुकुरहरु जस्तो लाईनमा बस्ने। उनीहरुलाई जनताको ताकतमा भरोसा नै छैन। -
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its easy for u to stay here in forgien country and talk all these bull shit this and that...if u want to do something go back and do it..ur just keep quiet
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Very well said Makalu. We nepalese seem to not know of any other means of protesting besides "bandhs" and being violent. "Bandhs" have done more damages to nepali life than good. Why do we not learn from our past? Only if we had the capacity to learn from our past, from our history, from our mistakes, we could have been in a different path. What's missing in nepalese brain that keeps us from learning and progressing? Why do we always act like "bhedas"?
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We act like bhedas because we're bhedas perhaps. If we r not, then come with some constructive suggestions in alternate to bandhs that can be effective to pressurize the govt. It's easy to criticize. I also hate bandhs; but equally there's also a great need to pressurize the govt.
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प्रायोजित 'बन्द' भनेको रचनात्मक विचार र जिम्मेवारीबोध नभएका क्रुद्धहरुले गर्ने शुष्क, गैरजिम्मेवार र अशोभनिय क्रियाकलाप हो । नेपालमा 'बन्द' अत्यन्त अलोकप्रिय र वितृष्णित भएको अकारण होईन । बन्द भनेको त स्व:स्फुर्त रुपमा नागरिकहरुको आफ्नै पहलमा भएको मात्र शोभनिय हुन्छ । तर यस्तो बन्द नेपालको हालको ईतिहासमा देखिएको छैन । नेपाली जनतामा अरुको दु:ख पिडा प्रति सहानुभूति र करुणा नभएर त्यसो भएको चाहि होईन । त्यसो भएको त हाम्रा निकट अतितका अनगिन्ती सस्ता र गैरजिम्मेवार प्रायोजित 'बन्द' हरुले यस विधीलाई अपहरण गरेकोले हो । प्रायोजित 'बन्द' हरु ठ्याप्पै बन्द भए भने हामीहरुले यथास्थान यथोचित नागरिकका स्व:स्फुर्त 'बन्द' पनि देखन पाउने छौं भन्ने मलाई लाग्छ । यस्ता स्व:स्फुर्त 'बन्द' वा विरोधका अन्य विधीको सकारात्मक र सघन प्रभाव पर्ने कुरा कुनै रकेट विज्ञान होईन । *** *** *** नगरकोट नरसंहारको राजनैतिक आयाम भए पनि, पिडितलाई न्याय र राहत दिने काम नैतिक प्राथमिकतामा पर्नु पर्छ । राहत भनेको एक मुठी चिसो नोटहरु मात्र होईन; मृतक र घाईतेका प्रियजनहरुलाई सम्पुर्ण देशले कसरी सम्मान र प्रेम गर्छ भनेर देखाउने ताता आँसु, न्याना शब्द, न्यायको दृढवचन र मानसिक-चोट विशेषज्ञहरुको कुशल र नियमित सहयोग आदि पनि हुन् । जहासम्म राजनैतिक आयामको कुरा छ, त्यसबारे त के भनिरहन प-यो र । सेनालाई आपराधिकरण र दरबारको निजिकरणबाट मुक्त गरी नागरिकप्रति उत्तरदायी र पेशेवर बनाउन 'बस्ती-बन्द' भन्दा धेरै ठूलो 'बन्दोबस्त' को आवश्यकता छ । Nepe
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I just watched the movie Syriana...the bottom line for all this mess..its not gonna help anybody in the end.
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I was freaking sad as hell when I heard this for the first time. But of course, those of you who've never heard of conflicts between villagers and armies inside the barracks that's in the outskirts of the village, be it Nagarkot, Kakani or Chhauni, this is a complete chaos. Those, mofos, stags come out of the barracks in such jatras and festivals and try to molest the village girls and scaring them with their power. They have been continuously doing it. Most of you have your own share of conflict with armies and police, I suppose. But this time, due to necessary circumstances, the armies were provided with those sophisticated guns. That son of a bitch, stag, Bashudev Thapa, killed 12 innocent people with that rifle. And our so called, worthless king and government who doesn't even have the ability of maintaining discipline inside the most sensitive body of the country, bitch about freeing our country from the hands of terrorists. Once more, no more politicalization of Nagarkot issue and the hell with the king and the government for their carelessness and lack of morality. The protest most go on but not shaking hands with those makunes and girigas. It should be like the one we did after royal massacre.
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I do agree with nepesahila. But the sad part of it is that there's no one at the front to protest except girija or makune. If it can put some pressure on gov., then it should be okey.
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Army Men Beat up Students in Bharatpur THT Online Narayangarh, December 17 Army personnel beat up the students entering the premises of the Birendra Multiple Campus, Bharatpur at noon on Friday. The students had been demonstrating against the massacre of 12 civilians by the army personnel at Chihandanda, Nagarkot, in Bhaktapur. Campus Chief LB Chhetri said that almost 200 soldiers had entered the campus premises after encircling the campus � before beating up the students. Six students were seriously injured in the incident, while six others were taken away by the army personnel. Terming the indiscriminate beating of students inside the campus premises "an act of cruelty," Chhetri said: "We condemn such acts. This should not have happened." According to the police, 15 policemen and nine students were injured in the scuffle following the students' demonstration. Police said they had arrested 22 students from the demonstration. The students torched a motorcycle at Pulchowk of Narayangarh, police said. At Pulchowk and Shahid chowk of Narayangarh, the police and the demonstrators clashed throughout the day, reports said. The police had to use teargas to tone down irate student mobs. Lieutenant Colonel Santosh Dhakal of the RNA's First Rifle Battalion said the army retaliated after some people in students' uniforms pelted stones from the Birendra Multiple Campus gate at the Barrack. "Nobody has been held under army custody. We just assisted the police," he added.
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