CROOKED FM of Nepal - Sajha Mobile
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"I met the Bushmen in Sahara.To my utter surprise,they still prevail in the stone ages,the age I am in deep love with.My tireless efforts to push back my society to those ages would surely protect my crown and our glorious lineage securing our future successors like my own son who is in love with sophisticated Harley-Davidsons.In the land of big elephants and unique lions,I had a chance to meet with some of the enlightened rulers(rather human lions) of the continent.Tried my best to meet with the defense minister of sierra-leone who is a war-lord and needs no bodyguards as he carries guns with him all the time.Oh!!and our own Mugabe of Zimbabwe my role model and many more Bushmens,who we need to be in touch for the sake of our crown-protection.Africa is where I should go to learn the art of ruling"??
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Do u know some other deeds of this crooked minister? He promised to Japan convoy to speak in his favour during UN meeting at NY for their entry into security council. But he never spoke a word. So I read in newspaper that Japan is not happy with current crooked diplomacy of Nepal. These crooked people don't care. Japan is #1 donor for Nepal, and what are we doing in return? It's very frustrating.
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One has to be careful when comparing cultures. Below is one of the responses obtained by Nepali Times for posting that cartoon. In trying to point out the deficiencies of our own FM somehow the cartoonist hurt the sensitivities of Africans. I do agree with the general idea of the letter. "It is probably a common feature of countries wracked by turmoil and uncertainty to look for somewhere else in the world where things are worse. Perhaps this explains the habit of Nepali newspapers to regularly juxtapose Nepal with some fictional African land of cannibal kings and semi-dressed savages. ?Look!?, we can say to ourselves, ?things are bad in Nepal but at least we don?t wear bones in our hair.? Sadly, the Nepali Times is not immune to this unfortunate trend, whether it is a CK Lal ?Thank God we aren?t a failed African state? piece or Robin Sayami?s appalling racist cartoon in last week?s edition. What I find curious about this smug line of reasoning is that, on balance, things are going a lot better in Africa. Most African countries offer their populations functioning public education and health services. In many of them, the levels of absolute poverty, government corruption, female illiteracy and maternal mortality (to name but a few) are dropping. Interestingly, most African leaders are now democratically elected, including those King Gyanendra will meet during his upcoming tour. Can Nepal say the same?" Brian Gilligan, Patan
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Right on Kundale. People need to sensitive about what they write and what they publish or what they speak especially the one who is representing the community. As far as pleasing the Japanese are concerned, that should not have been priority. Instead, pleasing Nepalis should have been in the priority list. Nepalis ministers and so called diganatories have been treating Neplais as taken for granted al this time. These are not there to present or please any other nations. They are there to serve Nepalis. peace out
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It's bad n' regrettable that we pose them (africans) in a funny way. But it's VERY SAD AND EMBARASSING to learn that we're going back while they're developing.
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u didn't get it Mr. highfly, every dept has their own jobs n' responsibilities n' the duty of foreign minister is to improve relationship with foreign nations specially #1 donor like Japan so that we can have more development projects. This is just another example, they (nepali foreign ministry) don't care about whether we'll get more projects or not as long as they're ready to support royal takeover.
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The very few lotuses that emerge from the filth of anarchy backed by most of the African head of states genaralizes the picture of the continent.Africa has produced Mandelas and Tutus for the humanity but it has maximized the productions of Mugabes and countless despots are heroes for the autocratic from all other nations. The culture of politics is the epi-centre of the issue and so is the reflection one gets from the cartoon.
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Just like Nepali People are portrayed as Indians. he he So don't get a hissy fit when they call you Mr India next time ..He he
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Africa is not among the poorest of the nations anymore.. we are.. hope this helps. -shiv
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gwajyo, The scenarios change all the time. There is the hand picked govt who is not getting support from the so calle democratic countries. US is the one who will dominate the policy in this matter. If US is against supporitn the current govt, Japan will follow the suit. In this circumstance, the KG's govt is trying to find allys, for which they have been good at in the form of China. Its all dirty game of politcs. My problem is all the govt till not are just working for thmeselves and not for Nepalis. KG is working hard to legitmize his move where as leaders are trying to make thier stance correct.
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During democracy, the budget were being split like 50:50 for administrative (including security) and development project. But now, all the money is being swiped away in the name of security. Is there any logic in spending all the money on giving security to the ill thatched house? We're so dumb.
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Hey man situtation is different. There is a civil war. Thats why first there is concrete steps to resolve the war. peace out
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My friend, we need to get out of war, agreed. But what is the guarantee that we won't have any other war. Do you want war over to be in Nepal like the one happened in Iraq?We're never interested to find out the problem; we're obsessed with solutions, which will be illusory without knowing the problem.
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There are different solution to problems. Once the peace is established, then the greivences of the people can be addressed. So, what do you propose???
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I won't be able to propose until i find out the real core of the problem. We think now peace as an ultimate solution. But we were at peace before these bloody insurgencies. The solution may be very simple and lie in your or my hand if we had the clear picture in our eyes. We're looking for saviour for us and want to propose for someone else to do for us. The bloody insurgencies may be ended if we can address the real problems like cast indiscriminations, unemployment, poverty, our petty mind, and all that. Then, perhaps no more maoists will be left except parasites at top positions in their organization.
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We had a peace in 30 years of panchayat, 104 years of Rana rule before that, and however many years after the "unification" of PNS that led to this war. Would a forced "peace" again not lead to war? Anyone's guess is good, I suppose.
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