Friends mistaking yr friendship? - Sajha Mobile
Friends mistaking yr friendship?
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Why do guys mistake yr goodness for something else? I mean being nice, doesnt mean you like someone that way right? Gurls u hear me on this? Am I the only one always getting this..and guys, temme why you do this?
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kaly ..dang!!u dunno gal(or woman?or lady sounds better?let me know wat u prefer re kya ;oP hehe it be nice to know the other person choice ni ;o)...too much 'contact' with the other kind I TELL U!!!...not contact in that way hai ;oP hehe...sheesh!!u know wat i mean ;oP hehe) and as i was sayn...u dunno how much me appreaciate that u did see one point!!!one good point in me meaningless rambling hehe...seriously me not kiddn u :o|....i mean one side of me appreciates that someone(u) did notice a point(who cares good or bad!!..cos i didnt notice any when i was typing!!!!it feels good to noticed doesnt it?DUH!!! hehe)...and another side is just sayn.."SHEESH!!only one point!!only one tiny winy point!!who cares good or bad!!just one point!!!!!!dyam!!" ;oP hehe...oh well thats how we are hoina?never 'satisfied' tho in some ways we are 'satisfied' hehe... and like me rythm sis said..(dyam shes making me 'proud' re kya ;oP hehe)..well just try to explain/clarify :oD...but if that doesnt seem to be 'working' well dun put too much tension on urself..cos u know u did ur try ur best ;o)..and smtimes ones best isnt good enuf hoina? well duh!!u r who u r!!(dyam u all VENUSIANS!!!! oops..dun mind that..time to time some rage of the past creeps out slowly ke :o( gettn better in controlln me 'rage' dun mind me ;o) hehe duh!me being me ke..Martians!!ARGHHH!!!:@ and oh to me fellow happy being me u case that made u all think i was siding with the other 'side' ;oP hehe..katti explain garnu parcha ho :o| zindagi ni explanations gardai...explanations khojdai bitauney ho?urghh...cos smthings cant be ever explained hoina?:oS..well depends on the size of the brain they said..tara well some have pea brains..can u blame them?;oP hehe...) anyways just wanted to say... good luck to u and to ur fren :oD....hate to see frenships gettn 'torned' apart..but oh well time will tell all hoina?:oD...watever will be will be :oD...and dyam that 'tango' is making a tune come into me dun mind me hai ;o)...(me knows u got a mind..dun need to show it to me ;oP hehe) now type it :oD... picked up umbrella...put on a bowler!! lookd in the mirror..ready for tango! i foned a taxi..for me and maxine she looked fantastic ;o) hehe we danced the tango!!! whoaa!!whoaa!!we danced the tango!! we drank champagne..we dance again ;o) we had laughter..and then after.. face to to face..we danced the tango!! cheek to cheek..we danced the tango!!! whoa!!whoaa!!!we danced the tango!! -the adicts love that band :oD....and dyam still search for that bowler hat a thing for that hat ke :oD (yap me weird ;oP heh..but duh!!me not alone..another fren too askn me to find that hat too hehe...well we are wat our frens are hoina?yap they did it to me :o(..if not once i was so 'sane' !!duh!!;oP hehe)...enuf of rambling hehe..cos duh!!no point!!!dun try to seach for any points here!!!cos this time im sure i didnt put any by mistake!!sheesh u think i give anything for free?dream on!!;oP hehehe... and dyam we were all kicked out from the library a while ago..cos dyam fire alarm!!its a sign i tell u!!a sign telln me to stop typing!!!!cos then was midst of typing this ke ;oP hehe...duh!!!so i better heed the 'sign' ..hopefully me am correctly seeing and reading the 'sign' :o| if not...oh well..Mars here we come!!!!!!:oD hehee... ------------------- Sandhurst bro nice to see u :oD...and nah didnt read that book...maybe did browse thru during one of those good old days ..but well 'boredom' does make u do weird weird things hoina?;oP hehe...hope ur 'break' was good tho the UK weather doesnt permit much..except to enjoy ur mocha and other indoor 'activities' (and hey ppl!!im not refering to that hai!:@ sheesh katti explain garnu parcha!;oP hehe)....and hopefully me can take a 'break' from here hehe...cos exam fever urghh :oS...cos after its done and over me wont have 'energy' for here hehe...well lets see re kya ;oP hehe..anyways good day and well if time blast ur keyboard ;o)..gently if u must ;o)...i know u want to ;o) hehe....and nah me dun take part in marathons so sheesh enuf of that word!:@ hehe... ---------------------------- and Xena...duh!!!did i ask u to read?come to think of it..did i ever ask anyone to read?duh!!;oP hehe....sheesh u think me gonna write a 'novel' for u..just for u??dream on!!;oP ehehe...oops im already writing to u :o| arghhh!!!ketis!!!sheeesh!:@ ;oP hehe...ani ke danny sanny!:o| u intentionally tryn to spin me head!:@ hyaaa..:o( and to think i always try not to :oS...ironic world :oS... and yap if i seemed bit over..dun mind me re kya ;oP..that kaly ko comment dhekda ta wah mero nhak esto thulo bhoyo..think more air went in and well duh!!floated for a while ke!!!too much air!!!and yes AIR FLOATS!!!;oP sheesh dun blame me hai..i wasnt even tryn ;oP hehe..... and notes!!here i come to bore u away!!!!:@ actually think its gonna work the other way around :oS..oh well wat goes around comes around..:oS..i shudnt have thot 'bad' thots for the notes :oS..serves me right!:@ ..i love u notes!!!love me too will u!!sheesh dun bore me that much will u!!!well duh!!was worth a try ;oP hehe... good day all and good luck to watever u all need good luck in :oD...good luck to me :o| heheehe *gone*
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hey girl, what r u upset about then? Look like you know what u r doing. Nobody is perfect and never will be. May be u want to make yourself feel better huh? kaly4nia, this is just a tiny bity truth about life, Opposite attracts!
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oh yah....just had to come back to say this again!! GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!!!!!!!! cos duh!!!the way it is hah!... both genders do exist!!!and until.. if ever one gender cease to exist...we need all the luck we can get hoina??;oP hehe.... so yap GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!!!!;o)....wishing a bit more of luck never hurts anyone does it?tho cant really be too sure if i wasnt bias and didnt wish one gender more luck that another(equality?hah!nice idea..but can anyone ever be equal?exactly 50/50?well me dunno cos ... am a bit bias ;oP hehe)...which gender did me wish more luck?thats for me to know!!and u all sheesh!!just wish to whichever gender urself and make it 'balance' up!!me am pretty pleased with meself thinkn even with me past did still wish one gender good luck!!duh!!;oP hehe..Live and let live!!!:oD hehehe... and good luck to us all again!!hah ;oP good day :oD.. *gone*
Sandhurst Lahure
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Anon, Cheers mate for your post - brings smile to my face. As always. I trust that your exam prep is coming along fine and that you're now ready to tackle the beast. Aiming for a straight A? Why not - good luck. About my golfing break. The first two days were fantactic. The rain and wind however battered the heck out of us in the concluding two days - so, the 'mocha' had to be good. Mocha aside, there was nothing included in the indoor 'activities' as you mention, except for a curry night. Oh, had some time chatting up the delectable lady who worked at the bar! :) My indoor activity eh! :) Good day. Briefly saw Scarlett yesterday. Good luck again. Carpe diem.
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can men really be friends with women? without ever falling for them at some point? i mean, it doesn't have to be, "oh i LOVE this woman." just something like, you know, "how would it be to be this woman?" from my experience, ever since puberty, that seems like an impossibility. it doesn't matter what the characteristics of the girls are - tall, short, brown, white, blonde, brunette, ugly, cute, beautiful, skinny, fat. ok, maybe age does matter a little bit. in the majority (>50%) of cases, the first thing i do when i meet a (unknown) girl is assess how good-looking/hot she is and you know think about how would it be to be with this girl. for most of the remaining cases, such thought seems to crop up eventually in subsequent meetings. ok, i don't really always dive into how would sex be, more like how would it be to be with this girl. but, yeah, sex does feature quite regularly. now, don't get me wrong. i have plenty of female friends. a lot of very good ones. i have tried to make a move on a few. nothing came of it but we're still friends. with some, something happened for sometime. and then it went back to the friendship mode. while with some, the girls just went completely nuts and we never spoke again. with the majority though, i just hold back and soon enough i find one thing or the other in the girl to convince myself that i don't want to be with her - but friendship is fine. it always is. am i being too honest or am i just plain weird? i dunno.
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Dannyboy and Sandhurst, good to see you both again.Full blast, Danny is, while Sandhurst seems rstrained,sachi! I missed your posts, both of you. And what of Dannyboy not taking part in any marathon? What of this one? I read every bit of it, or tried at least.. makes utter sense.Re kya! hee hee... But do you really believe in alll that you stated above? Hmm... Personally, i have more female friends i count on rather than the male species.But hey, if you are planning on a night out with friends, its hardly ideal without male company.They do have this charming way of seeing things so very differently, compared to us wimmenfolk:P And Kaly, while flirting is an art, there are times when the dimwitted ones of the other species do manage to misread signals. i for one, flirt outrageously with male babies and old tottering men and all in between.And if they should at any point feel I might be initiating anything more than friendship, i let them know,, very gently.I like keeping my friends.hee hee.. might be a lil uncomfy for a while.But u get over it. As do they, plsnty of fish in the sea philosophy , kya. :) Gone with the wind....
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Hiya Scarlett! Did you really have to spell it out for those poor "dimwits". I'm sure after you're quite through, they were rendered "witless"--- dim or not lights out for them! Oh you shameless flirt you! :P Lahure babe... I'd heard London ko mausam and Sanhurst ko "coffee chats" were both unpredictable--anywhere from mild-moderate-stormy-hot-sweltering . No matter, Ladies, don't leave home without one. A sturdy umbrella!!!
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Hey tired, btw I dun think u are weird but yes u are being real honest here. Thanks for that. Like I said earlier, its great when frenz of opp get into a relationship thingy, but it should be mutual. It gets kinda weird, if its only one sided and things could get worse by either losing the friendship you had or not being able to get back to the same fren you once had...feel me? Hi Scarlett, thanks for yr adice too. I for sure knw flirting is an art, but me dont think good at it. It gets kinda weird, when friendliness is mistaken since flirting is something different...I am sorry btw that I included "guys"(some ppl made me realize) here in this should have been some guys..hehe. But tired was being real honest and did own up to this fact. I just guess, this is how its always gonna be huh?
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i hear you about losing yer friend and all. but it really need not be that way, i think. unless one or the other person is excessively irrational (hindi-film style "pyaaar") then just cause you thwart your friends advances (or vice versa) does not mean you're not friends with him anymore. i think. it works out fine even if people are moderately reasonable. heck, even people who're involved for years break up and still remain friends. as i said earlier, to think of women a certain way is just natural to me (and guys like me). i don't do it consciously, it just happens. does not mean things will be expressed. does not mean i will go on and adopt an all or nothing strategy. and something may happen, that's cool. if something does not happen, and one party is embarrassed, things can be worked out. of course, it will be quite uneasy for a few days. but we're humans, we adapt. we can learn to chill.
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Hiya back Sitara.:)) Ke cha gal? After much deliberation and experience ofcourse,i have arrived at the conclusion that when it comes to certain matters, the direct approach works best. ehehe...As a woman ta, rather conspicious, but hey, no lost sleep. I like things neat and tidy . Beaux are one thing, friends an entirely different one. Gone with the wind..
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Hi Kaly4nia!!! Well this is a pretty good thread you initiated here in Sajha- Friends Mistaking Your Friendship...!!!! I have been in that situation several times. What I realized is that Guys and Gals can never be friends: there is always this sexual tension lies in between them. To some extend you fall under the vicinity of attraction- the attraction of opposite pole. Well, do I need to give a justification on that??? Regarding your situation, I am sure you are in a foreign land (Kaly4nia hinted me that...), and especially while you are alone, you are looking for some companionship, and you don't care who it is, either male or female. You choose randomly for friendships. You feel so happy when there is someone out there who listen to you, agree/disagree or understands you. Now the tension arises.... If it is a girl, it is OK- you don't worry about your sexual tension, unless you are that one-big L. But, if the friend is guy, then the entire scenario changes. I understand you wholeheartedly. I am assuming here that you are not attracted towards your male friend, but since you are getting close with the male friend just by chit-chat. So here you go- the scene of sexual tension between male and female. Guys have no answer for that Kaly4nia, right "Tired"? Tired, you do not fall under either of the catagory of "Honest" or "Weird" rather a "Simple guy with the Simple thinking..." Detouring Sajha!!! HD
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Hey Humdrum, thanks for that comment. Yes, Im in Cali but dint had to be jus cuz of ma name. Anywho...where are u?u in ktm? jus curious..I totally agree with u, but disagree with wat u said earlier that guys n gals can never become frenz. Sorrie, but it does work....where do u live, dunchu look around/see ppl??? c'mon now, dont pick on tired...he's a guy and said what he wanted too. Everyone has their own opinions u knw, so u cant say he's wrong. Btw, he's a guy too rie? so he's speaking on behalf for some of em....peace.
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sorry to disappoint but i speak only for myself. kaly, you're a female and you think men and women can be friends. my guess is that most men don't think so.
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Kaly4nia: Believe me Kaly- there is no such a thing called a pure friendship between male and female. Even our pal, "Tired" do solemnly agree with me. Well, I did not pick Tired on the purpose of criticising- rather answering his dilemma of him being either "Honest" or "Weird." I did not find any honesty on his writing and neither do any weirdo supplements. No offense to anyone.... Heaven-Hell-Purgatory, wherever we go- this sexual tension never gonna ceases. HD
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Ooopsy tired, guess I got u included with other guys. Hd: Sorry, but I dont believe u.hehe. I stick to what I believe. Well, there may be you and tired who dont agree with me but other guys got my me good. Btw, u dint reply my question as to where u were from? Curious..cuz u said I was in a foriegn about yrself??If u in ktm, I get it. Laterzzzzzzzzzzz...
Sandhurst Lahure
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Scarlett, here you go: Sylvia Plath - Dying is an art, like everything else, I do it exceptionally well (from Lady Lazarus) Scarlett Ohara - Flirting is an art, like it or not, I do it exceptionally well with all men - the smitten weeping weakling 'male babies' to the dirty old 'tottering' Harries (from her recent bestseller - 'Thousand Ways to Flirt with Men') Now, tell me: Do I follow Sylvia Plath or the flirting guru, Scarlett (who else?)? Definitely not the former, because yours truly does still have a lot of things to look forward to in life. No, he's least fond of inhaling gas to heaven (!), so there were films made about him! So, the latter's got to be my only option, isn't it? Ok now, what else do you want me to bring to our next 'flirting' tuition session, guru ji? Yeah got the precis/notes, all very useful - taken from your book, I suppose! 'Bare essentials' ? What are they? A few Calvin Kline briefs? Got loads of them and no, we menfolk don't call them 'thongs'! I mean, couldn't you female lot have come up with a nice name, for chrissake! Thonnnnngg.... that 'ng' sound is so shrill, almost tears my ear drum to bits! :) What? Durexes? Huh?? Ahem. ahem... khaak thu thu where's my water bottle - I think, this tottering old man is gonna chock to death. Helllpppp ! :):) How about that? A little bite at my English humour hai - no offence! :) :) ************************ SITARA, About the 'dim wit' this end. Yes rendered 'witless' but he has definitely seen some flicking of light at the end of the tunnel! Could it be that he's well on his way to grab hold of the nirvana that he lacks in life! :) I know, I know Miss, about London ko mausam and keti (did you drop it intentionally or what?) - all very unpredictable. And, ok, Sandhurst ko 'coffee chat' too! :) Well, if there were no coffee chat sessions, then life would have been pretty dull, don't you agree? On a serious note though, it will be lovely to have coffee with you some day. If I were ever to be 'tottering' about in your part of the world. Definitely. Btw, have you seen the film on Sylvia Plath? Gyweneth Paltrow plays Sylvia and Daniel Craig, Ted Hughes. Worth a try if you have not already watched it.
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Sylvia Plath, the morose poet has almost zilch in common with the O'hara types..perhaps except a shared passion for doing things perfectly.:) Rest assured you will find a signed copy of That particular book in your mail.. just so that you may have it in you living room.. mounted on the wall.. a "see -no-touch" sign in broad ,conspicious letters:P Um...I do have a a number of people simply beggin to take classes. Some of them rather hopeless, you for one show signs of promises.Keep your Kleins Kattus where they belong, for only teens who wish to show they have some eye catching stuff on with their ultra low pants wear em.;) Buff!@ That is whats always been in.Since the times of our Ape-ish forefathers till now. Be it Bekcham,Grant or Michael J?(did i reallllly say MJ?) eww!! hee hee... Good to have your bk... and your humour if u may call it that:P:P gone with the wind...
Sandhurst Lahure
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:) :) Cheers Scarlett. Ping, then there's your post. So swift - feistiness and fastness, your in-built natural trait I suppose! Thanks anyway. Yeah, the book would add much dimension to my idea of fen shui to go with the arrangement/ design of my dreary living room. Yes, accopanied by the terse singn - 'See - No Touch'... yeah, dat'l be wicked, missy innit! :) Me showing promises re? Now you're in for the biggest dhoka of your life young lady - I can say that much for sure! :) :) So, may I suggest that you stick to the 'hopeless' ones because this tottering man this end is the most hopeless of all other hopelessesss! :) Thank you. As for the KK kattus - okay I've put them back into the drawer! What does MJ stand for by the way? Went over me ead, innit! Stay tune.. Carpe diem
Sandhurst Lahure
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typos: Grrrr Fen to read 'Feng' singn to read 'sign' tune to read 'tuned' :)
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MJ.. michael jackson hau! *lol* Do read the Hellow post wud ya? and get bk to me . Gone with the wind....
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