Interest to St X and Godavari grads - Sajha Mobile
Interest to St X and Godavari grads
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a very nice site indeed for ex godavarians
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Prabing, I cant understand the lack of interest in my posting. I wonder how loyal Godavarians are to their school. More than 200 visits to the site and you are the only one who cared to make a comment. Thank you. I remember him well and I would like other to take an interest as well. If the topic had contained "sex", I am sure I would have had more people opine.
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Thanks for the info and the link. I respect Father Watrin as a person and as somebody who invested his time and energy in Nepal's education. May his soul rest in peace! Having said that, howeve, it would be naivette to ignore the larger picture he and other individuals like him are part of. We don't fail to sugga-rattan that we were never a colony in history, but what has the purpose of Jesuit education been in Africa, Asia, and (Latin) America? Why are they in Nepal in the first place? Is it because they genuinely cared about Nepal and the Nepalese or was there another reason? If you think rationally you cannot take the ulterior motive out of the picture. I know I will be hated for saying this by those half-baked nationalists and Jesuit-indoctronated wise guys!!! But what else can you expect for speacking the truth these days? Well, I am asking that look at the larger picture and think critically. Respect those individuals who have done even a little bit for some of us. But don't forget the larger picture or we will continue to be the buddhus we have been all along (Bhupi Sherchan's idea). I have never heard a balanced appraisal of Jesuit education in Nepal's context. Let me know if I haven't looked at the right place. Apologists have said that since the level of modern education in Nepal was poor, they deserve an uncritical admiration. Well, the fact that we had inept and selfish Ranas and Rajas ruining Nepal throughout history does not mean that we accept a seemingly benign benevolence whole-heartedly and lose that faculty which makes us human in the first place--reason. Thanks for reading. Lonely1
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thanks bill for your post. it is indeed a heart-touching compilation of Fr. Watrin's funeral. you did hit the nail on the head by raising question about the loyalty of xaverian and/or godavarians. i tend to have this belief that they are loyal. i second lonely1 on most of his calls. for my 10 yrs. in Xaviers I never once thought that the christ on the classrooms were any more than being symbolic. I am grateful to all jesuits volunteers for their contribution towards making me what i am. [ which is not much but i am damn self-confident and proud of who i am]. fr. watrin, fr. coyne, fr. donnelly, fr. robins.and i could name so many whose teaching is impressed on my memory as well as heart. I respect them for their dedication and contribution to nepalese society as a whole. I would have to add that i am grateful that i got that opportunity to be part of that diversified education. nepalese society always looked at them with suspicion. people always asked me whether i converted or my family converted. was that the reason i was admitted.. so on and so forth. anyway bill pls. do not think this lack of response has anything to do with loyalty. its just ppl being indifferent. =================================================== but as always, [my unregisted trademark is not appropriate here]
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did i hear anything abour sex? oops sorry wrong post
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lol... locum, that must b ur inner thought ringing a loud whisper in your mastiska... that was .. catchy.. though... dyamn good one... ============================================== all(ways) in jest (o:
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I remember Fr. Watrin very well. In fact, he wrote a recommendation letter for me. I think jesuit fathers have made a huge positive impact in thousands of their students' live. However, to address Bill Pusateri's point that Nepalis are interested in talking about sex... that comment was offensive. You can't guilt someone into expressing their sympathies. When I first read your post, it was as if you were commnading us to read your post...You said something like " I want you to read this"... I paraphrase. Wish I could find that thread... I ll post it later if I find it. We are not students at STX anymore with all due respoect to STX, for you to tell us what to do. In any case, how many threads do you in Sajha that is related to sex? Just because people didn't respond to your thread does not mean they did not find other ways to express their condolences. Considering Fr. Watrin's sad demise was more than a year ago, people may not have as much to saynow as they did then. Response to your thread is not a measure of our loyalty to STX or Nepal. And also, why did you assume that all those people who opened your thread were StX alums? I am not sure who you are, maybe I should but we are not obliged to respond to any thread posted here. Many of us hold Fr. Watrin, Fr. Donnelly, Fr. Coyne, Fr. Robins in high esteem and fully appreciate their contribution to Nepal and to more personally to students liek myself and not responding to a thread does not correctly reflect our respect towards them... May Fr. Watrin's kind soul rest in peace forever. k'dude
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