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"Nepalnews had access to exclusive footage of slain security personnel?shot by RNA personnel?which revealed gory images of dead soldiers. The rebels had mutilated genitals, limbs and tongue of some of the soldiers before gunning them down while some of the others were burnt alive with hands and legs tied tight with ropes. As we are bound by journalistic ethics, Nepalnews is unable to provide graphic details of the images of the slain soldiers. According to RNA, 43 soldiers were killed during the overnight clashes at Pili temporary security base camp. The camp was set up recently for safety of Surkhet-Jumla Highway construction project. " source: F*ck maoist.
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Maoists and all the maoists supporters are not only terrorists but the traitors. THey all should be hanged in Thundhel for treason. Baburam, Prachanda, I cannot imagine your death. But I am sure it will be worse than the pain and havoc you created on Nepalese. No body will be there to give you water in your death. You will die as a mad dog. DIgusted and pissed highfly
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This is coming from the RNA. Just as much as I would not trust anything coming from the Maoists, I cannot trust anything that the RNA claims either. As Ian Martin, UN High Comissioner for Human Rights, have suggested, there should be an INDEPENDENT inquiry into what happened in Kalikot. This must be done immediately so that the RNA would not be able to tamper the evidence furtherr, some of which they MAY have done already. If and when it is confirmed by the INDEPENDENT inquiry that such barbarisam did take place in Kalikot, the Maoists commanders and cadres who can be identified must be later tried for crimes against humanity. Ditto goes to allegations of ANY other party's involvement in attrocious human rights violations.
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Poonte, Nepalnews says it has video, if you read the news. There is gonna be farensic tests too. Lets see the result. Then let see what are you made of. Show your commitments to your words. ANd yeah when ru going to Nepal??
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The video was provided by the RNA. Let's see how much of independene the inquiry commission will be allowed to enjoy, if and when they are allowed to start work, and let's see what results they come up with. For starters, IF all the claims made by the RNA are genuine, why not let the commission start it's work RIGHT NOW?
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Poonte, So, you mean to say soldiers mutuliated and burned the fallen soldiers and shot the video. You have no clue what values and pride mean?
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That is our main problem, Poonte. We can and should be impartial sometimes, even though we have an inclination to one group. You are demanding proofs now? Why wasn't it demanded when the allegation was made the other way? If RNA does it, if govt. does it we are ready to gather mass rally to protest, if the other party does it, we want proof. The least you could do is condemn their action with the if clause. You could still be pro-maoist or whatever you are and condemn some of their actions. That would give a pinch of solace to those who died fighting for the greater goods.
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Suprised to read comments from Mr. AnilJ Shahi, so called highly intllectual of sajha. It is sad that we the Nepalese have mentality to trust and rely on verification by the foreigners. We are not ready to trust the RNA or locals or even Nepalese journalists. If BBC or CNN announces then we take it as authentic news, otherwise we tend to disregard. There are many reports directly came from the incident sites which gave clear indicatios of torture, mutilation and even killing after they are captured. Mr. Anil, you have to remeber that many of those killed are noncombatant members of RNA, who were deployed for road constructions, by the democratically elected government. Even your UN High Commissioner, AI, ICJ, ICRC or what not find any misdoing from rebel side, they are not able to and not in position to do anything. They are there to show that they are checking government's action to to secure their job and digest dollars. At the end of the year they will write some high sounding reports which are dumped in NY or in Geneva. They also release some statements just to show that they are doing something. So far Mr. Ian Martin has deployed over 100 staff but what is the outcome as of today? They are not there to help to real victim of the problem. I hope you are also not the kind of people who thinks that - "GORA LE BHANEKO RA GAREKO RAMRO RA SAHI HO". Those who are killed and mutilated are also sons of Nepalese. They were deployed in such a remote area for good cause. At least you must have some kind of good feelings towards them. Shame on you and your thoughts!
Dalli Resham
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Those who live in the jungle cannot be better than an animal. Those jungli, They are thristy for the human blood, blood of their own brothers. I hate the govt, It is still not too late to take some real steps to wipe put the maoist or to stop them. Also Gyane is as same as those jungali, he is a blood sucker of his own brother and his relatives. We all have to wish for another Ram to come on earth and finish those Rawans.
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Mr. SHahi, The new face of revolution, r u ready to codemn maoists brutality??
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I agree with AnilShahi point there - there is saying in nepali 'dudhko sanchi biralo'. Who were these brave RNA bahadurs who took these videos or photos while there was a bloody fight? Or why were these bahadurs taking video or photos instead of fighting Maoists? I am NOT gonna believe what these RNA or Maiosts say because they are fighting a war and warring parties want to win the war howsoever. It may be just a propaganda which the RNA - and all fighting forces are not exception - have initiated bacause they clearly lost the war this time! To be fair an independent investigation should be allowed to validate the allegations. Otherwise no rationale thinkers are gonna believe what they claims are genuine.
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Nepalnews said they received the video. SO u beleive the soldiers mutuliated the fallen soldiers and shot the video. R U that dumb?
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Kill Maobadis! and their supporters.
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According to security officials, a socket bomb suddenly went off at around 3:00 pm when the body of RNA personnel Dhan Bahadur Pandit, who was killed in the Kalikot clash on Sunday night, was being cremated. According to an eyewitness Ramji Ghimire, body parts were scattered all over after the explosion. Security officials suspect that the bomb, which detonated due to heat from the burning pyre, may have been planted by Maoists.
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