A matter to think about - Sajha Mobile
A matter to think about
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Prajwol Shumsher appointed ambassador to France His Majesty King Gyanendra has, in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom (2047 B.S), appointed former army chief Prajwol Shumsher JB Rana as the Royal Nepali ambassador to France, a statement of the Royal Palace Press Secretariat said Sunday. Rana is the second former army general to be appointed as ambassador after the Feb 1 royal move. Last month, Victory Rana, an ex-army general, was appointed Nepali ambassador to Myanmar. Likewise, the King today appointed Abulesh Thakurai as the Royal Nepali ambassador to Saudi Arab, according to the statement.
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अब प्रत्यक्ष शासन खुस्कनु अघि चेलाचपेटालाई राजदूत/साजदूत वनाउनु कुन ठूलो कुरा हो र ? फेरी हाम्रा बहुलवादी नेता पनि के कम थिए र यो मामलामा त ?
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After handing over peoples' power, suppose, how can he hear someone else ( common people for his ego ) appointing different Rajdoots.??? I don't see any chance of him giving back his power unless he massacre thousands of nepalese brothers. Oh! God... save our brothers and sisters form happening that.
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Tyasaley ta mandir haru chakkar lagaundai chha, beecharaaa.
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पाप मोचन गर्नलाइ
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Tyo ta sayamsiddha kuro ni. Tara hunchha ta paap mochan?
ke garne hola
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सानो पाप गरेको भए पो मोचन हुनु बंश नाश देखि जनबिनाश समं गरेपछि, कसरि मोचन हुनु!!
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