Haal Kathmandu - Sajha Mobile
Haal Kathmandu
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Dear All, An article that I wrote about a decade ago. Published in the current issue of Paradesh.com. Comments and suggestions for improvements are welcome. xfn sf7df08f}+ ý uf]s'n e08f/L w]/} h;f] /rgfsf k'5f/df b]vfkg]{ of] jfSof+z gf}nf] t lgZro g} 5}g t/ of] n]vsf] l;ý}df b]vfkgf{n] rflx+ kf7sju{df sf}t'xn / cfZro{ hGdfPsf] gxf]nf eGg ;lsGg . d ;fg} 5ýbfb]lv g} v'a cfb/ / :g]x uy]{ of afSof+znfO{ . sf7df08f}+ d]/f] lglDt cd/fjtL g} lyof] s'g} a]nf Oxnf]s x}g k/nf]sdf dfq k'Ug ;lsg] . s'g} syf, sljtfsf] cGTodf ýxfn sf7df08f}+ý n]lvPsf] b]Vtf Tof] /rgf k|ltsf] d]/f] wf/0ff g} Psbd ablnGYof] clg n]vs d]/f] eoldl>t cfb/sf] kfq x'GYof] . sf7df08f}+ý/fhwfgLýb]jsf]6f cd/fjtL sflGtk'/L gu/L / >L kz'kltgfy . ljrf/sf] of}6f nfdf] >[◊nf tof/ x'GYof], ;kgfsf] dxn 7l8GYof] / Ps}l5g kl5 jf:tljstfsf] w/ftndf cf]n{+bf Tof] dxn w/fzfoL klg e};SYof] . o;/L afNosfndf g} sf7df08f}+;ýu d]/f] dfgl;s ?kn] ;DaGw :yfkgf e} ;s]sf] lyof] . clg To:tf] sf7df08f}df a;]/ /rgf ug]{ /rgfsf/xý dnfO{ ltlgx?sf /rgf eGbf a9L lk|o nfUy] . sf7df08f+}af;L gx'g'sf] xLgtfaf]w dleq x'ls{/x]sf] lyof] . dnfO{ k'/f0fdf aofg ul/Psf] a}s'07 eGbf ToxL sf7df08f}+ cfsif{s / /x:odo nfUYof] . cfk'mn] lrg]sf ;'g]sf JolQmxýsf] /rgfdf of] jfSof+z b]Vtf ˚nfg' t sf7df08f}+df /x]5g\ eg]/ d lktf>LnfO{ bf}l8+b} ;'gfpg] uy]{+ . PskN6sf] s'/f xf]ýPp6f klqsfdf d}n] lrg]sf Pshgfsf] sljtf b]v]+ . pgL x]6f}8f x'nfsdf sfd uy]{ . t/ ha Toxfý klg oxL jfSof+z n]lvPsf] b]v]+, d]/f] cfZro{sf] ;Ldf /x]g . ýst} sf7df08f}+ kf] ;?jf ePsf x'g\ ls <ý z+sf k|s6 ul/x]/]+ . t/ lktf>L eg] pgL x]6f}8fdf g} ePsf] s'/fdf cl8u /xg' eof] . s]xL cy{ lg:sg ;s]g . s]xL lbgkl5 tL slj;ýu d]/f] e]6 eof] clg d}n] eg]ýýsf7df08f}+ kf] ;?jf x'g' eP5 .ý pgn] d]/f] o; egfO{df cfZro{ k|s6 u/] . d}n] Tof] sljtfsf] pNn]v u/]kl5 eg] pgL d';'d';' xfý:g yfn] . ýTo;f] t tflnddf sf7df08f}+ uPsf] ly+Pý @ý# lbgsf nflu clg, ToxL a]nf sljtf lbPsf] x'ý .ý hfaf] @ý# lbgsf nflu hfýb}df ýxfn sf7df08f}+ý eg]/ n]lvxfNg' k5{ / < cfýgf] Kof/f] sf7df08f}+nfO{ Tolt ;lhn};ýu lnO{lbPsf]df xf]nf Sof/] d]/f] k|Zgdf /f]if lyof] . pgn] dnfO{ ;Dýfpg] lx;fan] eg], ýx]/\ s]6f π sf7df08f}+ eg]sf] /fhwfgL π aflx/af6 n3'k'?if oxfý cfP cf};t k'?if, cf};t k'?if oxfý cfP dxfk'?if x'G5 . JolQmTj ljsf;sf] lglDt of] eGbf cfOl8on c? s] x'G5 <ý d}n] ;f]w]+ ý s] df]km;ndf dxfk'?if x'g ;Sb}gg\ < ýsf7df08f}+b]lv aflx/ dxfk'?if x'g} ;Q}mg . dxfk'?if x'gnfO{ klxn] dxfafns x'g'k5{ . clg b]Vt}g;\ P;=Pn=;L=df af]8{ Nofpg]x? ý ;a sf7df08f}+ leqsf πý pgsf] k|To'Q/df cfqmf]zsf] 5gs lyof] . lbdfu s]xL 708f ePkl5 k'gM pgn] z'? u/]+ýýsf7df08f}+Tj eg]sf] ;flxlTos, /fhg}lts cflb ;a} If]qdf b]vf kg]{ ljz]if u'0f xf] . ;Dkfbsn] klg xfn sf7df08f}+ n]lvPsf /rgfxýnfO{ k|fyldstf lbG5g\ . o;af6 pgLxý /rgfsf] :t/Lotfdf lgz+s /xg ;S5g\ . sf7df08f}+ a:g' eg]sf] cg'ej, af}l4stf / 1fgsf] Uof/]06L lbg' xf] .ý To;a]nf oL ;a s'/fxý d}n] a'ý]+a'lý+g s]xL eGg ;lQmg t/ sf7df08f}+sf] gzfrflxý c;fWo} nfUof] . sf7df08f}+ d]/f lglDt ljz]if0f, ;+1f, lqmofkb ;a x'g nfUof] . ;dli6df sf7df08f}+ cA;];gg} eof] / k|mfo8jfb cg';f/ To;n] d]/f] cr]tg dgdf 7fpý hdfpg yfNof] . b]j>]i7 dxfb]j a:g] 7fpý, g/>]i7 g/]z a:g] 7fpý . sf7df08f}+sf] u'?tf / Ot/ sf7df08f}+sf] n3'tfdf ca eg] s'g} 7fpý /x]g z+sfsf] lglDt . t:s/ / ko{6ssf] 3'ýOrf] nfUg] 7fpý x] sf7df08f}+ π ltdLnfO{ ltd|} 6's'rfsf] u'x\o] hn c3\ý{ r9fO{lbG5' . d]/f] cfWoflTds efjgf k|fy{gf ag]/ cleAoSt x'g k'u]5 ghflg+bf] kf/fn] . t/ ha e'Qm ef]uLsf e'Qmdfgxý ;'Gb} hfg yfn]+ sf7df08f}+sf] hfb" klg 36\b} hfg yfNof] . Toxfý 9nsf] lgsf; / vfg]kfgL eGg' Pp6} /x]5 . cAoj:yf / la;ýlt la?ýsf :j/xý eýL k;ndf uP/ lanfpýbf /x]5g\ . klxn] dnfO{ nfUYof]ýkz'kltgfyn] sf7df08f}+af;Lsf] s;/L /Iff u5{g\ < pgL t kz'sf klt . af3, efn', afýb/ ufO{ýuf]? cflbsf] /Iff ug{ kf] pgn] Tof] ?k lnPsf . t/ Toxfýsf dfG5]sf] ;SsnL ?k a'ý]kl5 eg] d lglZrGt ePýýýkz'klt pgLxýs} klt x'g\ . sf]lx :jfy{jz kz' ag]/ afýlr/x]5g\, sf]lx afWotfjz kz' agfOP/ afýlr/x]5g\ .ý 3/ ˚f]x/ eof] eg] 3/ dflns ef8fdf a:g]nfO{ eG5ýýtkfO{ t ;ý'u'/ x'g' x'ýbf]/x]5ý;˚fO g} 5}g .ý kfgL cln w]/} rnfof], p;}sf] l/;fxf :j/ ;'lgG5ýýtkfO{ pým6 xf] ls Sof xf] slQ kfgL rflxof <ý dfG5]nfO{ lsg pým6 / ;'ýu'/ egL /fVof xf]nf < ýtkfO{sf] sf]7f t Pl8;gsf] k|of]uzfnf h:tf] kf] eP5, j?0fb]jsf] t eQm x'g'x'ýbf]/x]5 lgý eg]/ rflx eGg} gx'g] xf] / < cufl8 lzv08LnfO{ /fv]/ kl5af6 jf0f rnfpg] wg'w{/ ch'{g h:t} aflx/ýaflx/ kL7f] / leq rflxý kTofpg} g;lsg] dL7f] df;' /fv]/ agfOPsf] Tof] xfd|f] lxdfR5flbt lxdfn h:tf] df]df]rf vfPkl5 cyjf afO/f]8sf] af6f] h:tf] l/ýl/ýfpýbf] h]/L lhA6\ofPk5L s'/f klg To:t} ug{ ;Sg' kýýf] lg . cf};/jfbLnfO{ lsg w't{ elg/xg]ýg]tf eg] x'Gg / < g]kf]lnogsf] zAbsf]ifdf ýc;Dejý zAb lyPg eg] g}lts g]tf, wfýwnL/lxt r'gfj, cfIf]k /lxt k|ltkIfL efif0f cflb klg To;df ;dfj]z x'g ;Q}mg . t/ d]/f ;fyL efO{xýdf eg] sf7df08f}+sf] w"g e"t nfu] h:tf] Psf]xf]/f] eP/ nflu/x]s} 5 . oxýf x'ýbf cfýgf] ;fgf] ýf]nf ;d]t cf˚'n] af]Sg nfh dfGg] d]/f ulj{nf ;fyLxý cr]n lunf; kvfNg hfkfg / sf]l/of k'Ug yfn] . ý3/af/ a]r]/ eP klg hfkfg hfpmý clxn]sf] ;a}eGbf oyfy{jfbL gf/f ePsf] 5 . clg dnfO{ nfUg yfn]sf] 5 j]bfGtsf] dxfjfSo ýr/}j]lt r/}j]ltý eGbf of] ý3/} a]rL 3/} a]rLý eGg] If'b|jfSo g} ;To /x]5 . ptfaf6 ux|f}+ vNtLsf ;fy ˚Sof]{ clg sf7df08f}+df rf/ cfgf hUuf / of}6f 3/ . clg s] sf] xfn sf7df08f}+ ? To;kl5 t ;w}+nfO{ sf7df08f}+ . (s/La Ps bzs cufl8 ýau/ý ;flxlTos klqsfdf k|sflzt)
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Gatta thanks for trying to format and fix errors. can you post the remaining part also?
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Gokul, where is the rest? I don't know what you are trying to say here (well, maybe I now a little), but I always am mesmerized with your Nepali. So beautiful. I think when I read beautiful Nepali I tend to see only vocabulary, words construction, sentence structure... (you kow what I mean)I forget what I am reading.
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NK---rest is, according to Girija babu, hijyaked by the King Gyanendra as a part of Gryand desain of kanspiryasi, and the act of haijyaking unquestionably qualifies for defiant show of continued regression. HSH (His Sankya Higness) GPK will soon deliver the mighty blow to that grayand design wall so that all of us will be blessed with what the hell is there beyound the gryand design and regression. Just hope that HSH Koirala does that pardafaas before he is carried to Bagmati banks among jay jay kaars. Untill then, stay tuned.
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Waiting Gokul ji.....! NK how true... Gokul ji's beautiful Nepali makes me wish I were as eloquent. Deep ji: khoi ta?
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Thank you Deep! Most creative eshpellingg.
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Hey Gokul dai! That was absolutely scintillating .....yah where's the rest? :) It feels great to read nepali in devanagari script. I have a little suggestion if u want to write in nepali script but type in a romanized way. Yah..u might wanna check out www.chiyapasal.com...i downloaded that stuff and tried writing....and it was real easy :). aajkaal ..i am suffering from senioritis..so don't feel like doing anything.....see i am beginning to like that dot dot dot thingy too. anyways, hope to read the rest soon too!
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Interesting article, it should be on top. BTW, for writing in devanagari script, you can visit - http://www.geocities.com/akhileshkk
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Ke ho gopal ji............bich bato maa chodera jane........ke ajhai lekhna sakeko chaina.........that was ramro one........i am ekdamai prafulit tapai ko article style bata........tara.......atleast.....yasari......middle of the bato.......no leaving.... seems like mero ...........style.........is getting prasida.... keep rocking guys
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Dear friends, Thanks for your support. I am posting the scanned file. I am not sure how it may look.
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A serious and savory satire from Gokul ji. 'Kathmandubasi nahunuko hinataabodh', 'Jhola bokna laagne laaj' - all too well familiar experience for this poster too. Being from the outskirt, Kathmandu in my childhood was the 'shahar'- a land of the well-dressed, expensive biscuits and confectionery (comparing with the kind generally found in nearby bazaars) and a place for more well-to-do relatives and fellow villages to frequent. Shahar jaaney.. Shahar baata aa'ko.. used to ring some sweet bell in my ears. "Vedanta ko mahavakya 'Chairaiveti Charaiveti' bhandaa yo 'Ghairai Bechi Gharai Bechi' bhanee xudravakya nai satya rahechha" Lol, chyaat eestaail ma. Seriously, I started to wonder how would other celebrated quotes from our scriptures relate to our vartamaan. Take, for example, Neti Neti. I think it's our Democracy, if we just add one more Neti to it. Mao Democracy- Neti, Narayanhity Democracy -Neti, Girija Democracy- Neti.
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