Trump administration preparing for amnesty to DACA and TPS holders
This news will out soon in media .
Trump is the only president who can do it .. and he will make that happen .
1. Federal Court Challenges (Months to Years)
• If TPS termination is challenged, lawsuits are filed in federal district courts.
• It can take 6 months to 2 years for a decision.
• If the decision is appealed, it moves to the Court of Appeals, adding another 1-2 years.
2. Supreme Court Review (1-3 Years)
• If the case is appealed further, it may reach the U.S.
Supreme Court.
• The Supreme Court selects only a few cases to review, and it can take 1-3 years for a final ruling.
3. Asylum Application (Years)
• If a TPS holder applies for asylum, the process is lengthy due to case backlogs.
• The initial decision from USCIS could take 6 months to 3 years.
• If denied and referred to an immigration judge, the court process could add 2-5 years.
4. Stop Deportation Action (Stay of
Removal) (Varies)
• A TPS holder may file a Stay of Removal or request humanitarian relief.
• Decisions on these requests can take months to years, depending on the case and government policies.
शरणार्थी भिषा निबेदन हाल्नका लागि के के आधार हरु देख्नु हुन्छ | TPS मा नेपाल पुगेर फर्किने हरुका लागि यो बाटोमा बडेमानको गजबार आफैले लगाई सकेकाछन् |
नेपालमा हुदा भन सुनका आधारमा चोर ढोका बाट छिरेका संघ सस्थाका कारिन्दा हरुले पर्मानेण्ट हुन पाइएन भनि हडताल गर्दा अरुले जागिर खान नपाएका हरुले ठिक हो या बेठिक हो भन्छन ?
TPS मा अमेरिका छिराई उधारो लिए रिण झैँ लाग्छ | नामागुन्जेल प्रयोग गर्नुस मागे पछि फिर्ता त दिनै पर्यो होईन र ?
No, we can’t file court if TPS get terminated on time. DHS has that authority. In some point TPS terminated for every country. There is no hope for Nepal TPS.
This is only for DACA:
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