Alert: Deported over Traffic Ticket
Review all my previous thread headlines carefully. Everything I mentioned will happen. Don't take anything lightly in times like these.
Paid a traffic ticket at court but got deported. Who provided the DMV records?
Source: CNN
Yo khatey feri tarsauna ayo yaha. Tero aru kaam chaina jatha
There was a time when I watched Mahabharat, or may be Ramayan, and Ravan always called people "Murkh Manab." I used to wonder how he came to that conclusion without scientific research or data. Now, I realize there are some people; when they speak, you just know.

K bhaneko bhatij. Maile bujhinanee
While I was in college, we had a seminar on immigration. The lawyer mentioned that a lady who was holding green card over 20 years. One day she had a fight over parking space closer to X-mas time. Police was involved, her behavior turned to crime and was deported.
Before we open our mouth, we do not think rationally, you should have taken SIS comment positively because you could not see the message.
Last edited: 27-Jan-25 01:45 PM
Last edited: 27-Jan-25 01:57 PM
Logan pani college gako re LOL
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