Nepali Got Phone? Now You're a YouTuber!! - Sajha Mobile
Nepali Got Phone? Now You're a YouTuber!!
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Sexy In Sari
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YouTube keeps suggesting a bunch of Nepali vlogs to me, but I’m just not into it. I mean, people sitting on the floor, eating rice with their hands, mouths wide open—and sometimes there’s even a fly sitting on top of the rice or their hands. Plus, they talk so loud, you can instantly tell they’re not Khandani people. Who actually wants to watch that? It’s not my thing, honestly.

I’ll make an exception for Parakram Rana and Slay by Surbs—their content is polished, sophisticated, and relatable. Their high-end lifestyle, refined image, and attention to detail match my taste. Maybe it’s a jaat-paat thing, but their background, values, and societal alignment resonate with me. Their upbringing and presentation feel familiar and aligned with my preferences.

Then there’s this older, old-school guy from Virginia who lectures about children’s behavior, like using phones and tablets during dinner. He blames parents for not teaching discipline, and honestly, it offends me. Not everything is the parents’ fault—times have changed, and kids are growing up in a tech-driven world. His lectures feel out of touch, and I’m not here for it. YouTube needs to stop pushing these vlogs on me—I’m picky about what I watch.
Sexy In Sari
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At the end of the day, some of these creators are just scammers in YouTube clothing, asking for money while pretending to show emotional and social awareness. 

I can name those Nepali YouTubers and explain how they manipulate their viewers' minds. All the characters in their videos seem to be involved in creating a false image. They pretend to care about social issues or emotional struggles, but in reality, they are just trying to gain attention and money. Sadly, many viewers don’t realize they are being tricked.

Sexy In Sari
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There is another YouTuber—a couple who moved away from the U.S. with their newborn baby girl. Honestly, it’s not the kind of Nepali vlog I usually watch, but I still watch it because of that baby—she’s so cute! The dad talks a lot, baak baak nonstop, but the wife seems very nice and calm. I think he’s a brave man, and we need more people like him. Let’s see how things go for them. Remember, America isn’t the only place to succeed; the real success is where you go and build your own future.
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MRB Vlog does his daily activity nothing extra ordinary and he is authentic. He has 2.29 million followers and the guy won the DV lottery but he may stay in Nepal. Who would lyft and uber in Maryland when his vlogs can gain over 250K views in less than 20 hrs in youtube.
Last edited: 07-Jan-25 11:47 PM
Sexy In Sari
· Snapshot 1192
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Awesome! Thanks for sharing. No offense, but looking at the thumbnail, I don’t get that same urge to click like I do with my favorites—those two vlogs I mentioned earlier. You know the ones.
· Snapshot 1527
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You know it (algorithm ) , you must be watching Nepali youtube a lot.
We thought you are smarter guy but you are not. You are talking about "Khandani" which is sign of feeling inferior. I don't see you different than them and most of the time you're talking shits.
haal haal pandit
· Snapshot 1600
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logan is legit here, youtube works on the principle of algorithm. If utube is suggesting bunch of shitty nepali videos, then you must be watching such video all day long . So, your statement "YouTube keeps suggesting a bunch of Nepali vlogs to me, but I’m just not into it." is invalid .

if you want to get rid of it, then watch any of it . keep yourself busy somewhere else .
Sexy In Sari
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@logan and @haal haal pandit:

Since we all know—even my six-year-old understands how YouTube’s algorithm works—I was hoping that if Nepalese creators made good, quality content, like Slay by Surbs, the algorithm would recommend more similar kinds of vlogs. But the reality is, most Nepalese vloggers aren’t focused on creating quality content, so YouTube ends up recommending all kinds of low-quality or irrelevant vlogs instead. That’s why it’s a rhetorical statement—it’s not meant to be taken literally but to highlight the irony or frustration with how the algorithm works, even though it seems like it should promote better content.
· Snapshot 1785
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You want to let sajha visitors that you are born Khandani and those youtuber eating food with hands are Pakhe / Pakhandi ?
Tesla guy
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Sustay k bhayo ? Kina gaali gardai chas
haal haal pandit
· Snapshot 1982
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La la gotcha, nobody needs to be embarassed jus to confess that they watch random nefoli videos .
BTW, youtoube dosenot throw random useless video, they have the best sorting systems . If not you then your wife or sombody in the house is watching those videos .there are zillions of quality nefoli video in utube , try to watch those to refine recommendations.
· Snapshot 1946
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I mostly agree with Haal Haal Pandit. If you have been watching shitty content for a while, YouTube most likely will recommend similar shitty channels on your YouTube feeds.

नाच्न नजान्ने आँगन टेडो ...भनेको यही हो केटाकेटी हो

YouTube does provide an option to not recommend videos from particular channels you would rather not watch. It has been useful option for me.

Plus, you can create multiple YouTube channels from your same Google account to watch content of only particular subject matter on that individual channel so that related or similar videos gets suggested by YouTube only on that particular channel and not on your other channels. Switching between your channels is just two clicks. Super useful feature for me.
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