Pujari or pundit profession is a scam - Sajha Mobile
Pujari or pundit profession is a scam
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Maybe most people will say he did his job but he is promising something that even he has no idea about. In my dictionary it's a freaking scam.
Last edited: 09-Dec-22 07:20 AM
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Its a scam in Nepal. Its a scam everywhere else bro! Pandit ko pet bhardera marera gaako manche paar lagchan bhanne kura malai chai pattyar lagdaina. Plus puja ma lagne saaman kati chaine ho, samaan jati sab pandit le pachaucha. Yo ta paile dekhi chali aayeko scam ho. But kuro kalle bujhni? Aba hamro riti riwaj culture identity ko defender haru ko opinion pani sundiu na.
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The job itself is questionable to me. They are taking advantage of people’s ignorance. But rather than the pujari, I blame those who employ them. You need an in between to talk to the god who there is no proof exists? And you think the money will buy you “punya” to clean all your misdeeds? Come on. What is it if not height of ignorance?
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"puja ma lagne saaman kati chaine ho, samaan jati sab pandit le pachaucha. "

शास्त्र मै लेख्या छनी त्यो त ....LMAO!!

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Sahi video raicha. Baccha ma herya thiye hola birsyo.... THanks for sharing Khaobaadi!
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Not all, Nepalese Brahmins these days are poor or very poor. I know of Brahmin families that live on 13K/month in Nepal. They are priests but very poor. Meanwhile, these Nepali US and Aussies Brahmin are ripping off over their due to their high demand. I am skeptical about their competency in the ritual practice as well.

I know someone who is one of the most popular Pandit in the US. He is also involved in inviting or sponsoring big celebrities from Nepal and other of his side job.

That dude "pandit" used to work assisting my grandfather during any kind of ritual here in Nepal. Many of our jajaman invites my grandpa and my grandpa used to take him to carry the "Daann/sidda" as the dude could not even pronounce the mantra properly nor went to any "Bhate Pathsala"  he does not get an invitation from any of our "Jaja man". Now, since he went to the US on a visitor visa also, his son applied for his green card. I bet he earns tonnes of money sharing just based on what he blabbers in the ceremony.
Last edited: 24-May-22 05:32 AM
Last edited: 24-May-22 05:33 AM
Last edited: 24-May-22 05:34 AM
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एउटा कपि पेस्ट बाट सुरु गर्दा कसो होला ?

"अज्येस्थासो अकनिष्ठासो एटे सम्भ्रतारो वहादुहू सौभाग्य"
“No one is superior, none inferior. All are brothers marching forward to prosperity.”

Mankind, because it is believed to be the most spiritually evolved, thus carries a special responsibility to honor the equal worth of all people and the underlying unity of existence through one’s relationship with oneself and others. Ensuring that one’s thoughts, words, and actions uphold and promote values such as truth, kindness, equanimity, empathy, generosity, and equal regard is how this responsibility is met.

तपाइँ हामि साझामा गुण्ड्याइ गरेर बस्छ्यौ ( मैले दाई हरुको निबन्ध संग्रहमा "युबा तिमि गुण्डा बन न " पढेको थिए र हामीले बुझेको गुण्डा को ठिक बिपरित अर्थ थियो : बाउ आमा ले पुरानो शिक्षा नितिमा पढेका भए सोध्नु होला) |

चटुकारिता ल्याउने काम सुब्यबस्थित तरिका बाट ल्याईएको हो |शास्त्र पढ्ने काम बाहुन बर्गमा सिमित हुदै गए पछि बर्ग हितको लागि बिबिध पुराण हरु जन्मिए | यी पुराणले पहिले जानिने धर्म को बाख्या लाई जजमानी मा सिमित गर्यो याने कि दान दक्षिणा नै धर्म को नया रुप भयो जबकि धर्म भनेको सत्कार्य , अरुको हानि नोक्सानी, सौहाद्रता आदि माथि लेखिएका कुरा तुहाउदै गए | धर्मका कुरा घर गाउमा मन्त्र पनि स्पस्ठ उच्चाहरण गर्न नजान्नेले पुराण हरुमा लेखे जति कुरा का आधारमा जे जे भन्यो त्यहि त्यहि नै हाम्रो धर्मको रुप भए पछि पुराण हरुले नया जागिर खोल्यो भने बाहुन बाहेक अरुलाई दिएको दान दक्षीणाले पुण्य कमाइ हुदैन पनि प्रचार प्रसार गरे मात्र होइन लेखे पनि होलान ? तेसैले हाम्रो नेपाल भारतमा मन्दिर धेरै बने तर स्कुल अस्पताल आदि बनाउने कुरा मा हाम्रो दिमाग नै जादैन | मेरा बाउका मामाको नाममा ठुलो मन्दिर बनाए, स्कुल मा नया बिल्डिंग बनाएर उनको नाम टासिदिएको भए ठुलो धर्म कमाउथे , मन्दिरको एक कुनामा उनको सालिक पनि थापेछन |
समय अनुसार सम्पन्न गरिने कार्यक्रम को पारिश्रमिक दिनु पर्ने हुन्छ भने हाम्रा नेपालि गुरुले पचासौ ठाउमा पैसा चडाउ भन्न पछि पर्दैनन् यो पनि मालपोत कार्यालयका जुके कर्मचारी हरु जस्तै हुन् | नेपाली बिहे बारी पहिले रात्रिमा हुने भएको ले रात बिताउनलाइ २ - ४ कुरा थपेका हुन् कि? जुन कमाइ को थप बाटो बनेको छ | भारतीय मन्दिरका भारतीय पण्डितले कहिँ पनि पैसा चडा भनेको देखिन भने बिबाह सकिए पछि टिका लागाई दे भन्छ र जे दिनु पर्ने हो आफ्नो सामर्थता अनुसार दिने हो | उसलाई हामीले मन्दिरमा दिएको पैसा बाट भाग पाउछ |

जब कमाइ धमाई गर्ने बेला आउछ कर्मकाण्डी हरुलाई जति धेरै सोहोर्न सक्यो त्यतिनै धर्म हुन्छ भनि सोच्छ र तेस्तै बताउछन | न बताउन किन , तेत्रा पुराण हरु लेखे र धर्मको व्याखा नै बाउनलाई दान दिनु बनाईए पछि यि बिचरा हरुले पनि के गरुन त ?
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Logan I understand your point about everyone trying to make a living. People try to make a living doing things that help out people. Like farmer grows food so he gets paid. Barber cuts hair. Doctor cures. Engineer builds so they are making a living honorably getting something for giving something.

But consider a pujari. He claims to do something that there is no proof of. Good for afterlife? Good to go to heaven? Give me a break. The existence of god is highly doubtful yet these pujari's preach and keep continuing blind faith. By the way, do you happen to be brahmin khalak?
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