Is it worth investing your money in Nepal? - Sajha Mobile
Is it worth investing your money in Nepal?
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· Snapshot 86
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If you plan to stay in the US for a long time, investing here is safer. If you invest in Nepal there are serious restrictions if you need to bring the money over here
· Snapshot 112
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For merely investment purpose, investing in a real estate in Nepal is profitable and I would think that it will be very profitable for the next decade. Nepal is one of the least urbanized country, and also one of the fastest urbanizing country.

I agree with chicagoan regarding brining your money to the states.

Last edited: 16-Sep-21 04:48 PM
· Snapshot 262
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Nepal’s fiscal policy , lack of dual citizenship is pain .

I personally also don’t like Nepalese’s culture, which values money/land/properties way to much then anything else .Don’t take it wrong but , it probably won’t be investment but rather gift to your parents because legally it probably will be on their name/control. It could also end up becoming reason for conflict with siblings. 80 percent of court cases in nepal are due to financial/property disputes . There is social side involved , when you mix finance with family.

So only do it if your are 100 % sure and/or plan to go back to at some point in time.
· Snapshot 291
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Meraj ji you nailed it 100%. I experienced and observed same when I spent few years back Nepal as US returnee.
· Snapshot 296
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This is sober discussion. I like the Sajha to be in this format of discussion.
· Snapshot 382
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Meraji is right, a friend of mine after returning to Nepal found out that the renter was trying to sell his property with fake lal purja and bribeS. He kicked them out. But fighting in court for 5 years. Says even the judges are sold out and there is a whole organized gangs who look for properties where owners are overseas. Be very careful
· Snapshot 468
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@ehho2: not only that if there is a road expansion, which are very common on every wards now, where your land /house is and you don't have anyone to look after your property in Nepal they may expand more or completely on your property side depending upon who (politically, class status etc. wise) is opposite to your land/house is.
Last edited: 17-Sep-21 07:10 PM
· Snapshot 568
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It’s stupid in Nepal they want to expand roads every once in a while and destroy houses that they gave permission to build. Stupid clueless people. Why not plan it ahead and not let them build the house at first ?
People give too much value to Land. Even a junk Pos land is worth crore in Nepal. These people all consider themself rich cuz they’ve lot of lands but they won’t have any cash on hand.

Without dual citizenship I don’t recommend investing in Nepal. The law changes frequently over there . It’s a clown show.
· Snapshot 696
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True about road expansion, also neighbors are always trying to encroach. I dont see a point of having land in Nepali. People say, I have 20 30 carores of land but they luve poor quality life in pollution and corruption. No one buys those land anyway with full price. Only time someone comes to buy is if they think they can pay penny on dollar for the land. Back in around 2008 rasta bank had no restriction on land price and people were buying like crazy to sell mostly by borrowing money in high interest rate. All that game is over but people still think their land is in carores like decade ago but when they want to sell it then they know it was a fantasy.
· Snapshot 736
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Land value in nepal will probably still appreciate. South Asia has one of the most, high density per square mile population wise and no one is making any more of those land . Plus inflation is high, banks give 10% interest in deposits . With all those factors combined , real estate value should appreciate fairly well in Nepal.

But lack of governess, lawlessness makes it very difficult for small or mid size investor to invest in Nepal. Unless you are there or you have someone who you can fully trust it’s not worth it. Plus even if you make big profits , if there no clean way to bring money back when you need it , what’s the point of investing. Assets which you can’t liquidate when needed and bring money is useless. There is way to iinvest as FDI and all that , but it’s not convinent for mass or small investors.

I have barely see any impactful changes in infrastructure, education, health , jobs , governmence, or even law in last 20 years. If no major change happens in next 20 yrs, our productive lifetime is gone and generation is lost. They haven’t even pass law for dual citizenship even after writing it in constitution. Central bank won’t  let exchange more then 1500 $, to trave to us, even if people have money and can offord it. How pathetic is that? Every migrant , every refuge loves their motherland more then people back home realize , but progress of Nepal, to unite these migrants and keep them close to nepal is non-existence.  Hence it’s not worth investing if you are small investor . If one has larger resource and can do it in more institutional with professional help and support, it’s different I guess. 
Last edited: 19-Sep-21 05:58 AM
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