Is life all about work work and work? - Sajha Mobile
Is life all about work work and work?
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Seen people working 7 days a week 8-10 hrs everyday for 10-20 years in offices, restaurants n gas stations. So is life all about work work and no fun. What kinda life is that? Why not return to Nepal and stay with family. Why make Nepal totally depend upon remittances which actually hurts the country economically and gets poorer and poorer. Are people selfish or are they so poor that they have to work abroad? Stop blaming politicians. If you want a change, bring a change within yourself first.
Tesla guy
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I m out
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Because individual people have individual circumstances. We can’t base our decisions based on impact to Nepal, whether good or bad. Many these work their ass off to make money in short term and eventually ever the long term work less as finances are more secure. This is the concept of Delayed gratification.
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In Nepal you have to work 6 days a week .here 5 days a week.ani Nepal ma dherai kaam bhayo ki yaha?
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We think Nepal is all about what we left years ago. High school or college life, no Bill's, no rent, parents working for you and you enjoy ur life in Chiya pasal or restaurants with ur friends or gf. It wont be the same anymore. You ll have responsibilities, ur parents need help from u now qndbits not easy to maintain status in Neapali society.
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No, life is not all about work. Vedas has laid out four "Purushartha" for human beings. They are: Artha, Kama, Dharma, and Moksha. A person can earn, following dharma, to make a sustainable life. However, he/she should also remember that Artha is just one aspect of life. In modern societies, people only think about Artha and Kama, so the societies have become very unholy and wicked. If returning to Nepal really helps you with attaining dharma and moksha, by all means aspire for such goals.
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Ghoda ok lagam lako cha sabai janale.
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Life is work hard, party hard. Maldives for SAFF Championship?
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