Noone knows about covid in Nepal - Sajha Mobile
Noone knows about covid in Nepal
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I have been seeing the spread of corona information like a plague. I come from a family of doctors and surprisingly not one of the doctors that I know are 100% sure of what corona is. They have said that all the cases of corona in Nepal are counted on the basis of the corona test approved by World Health Organization.

Not one doctor knows how to diagnose Corona without the test kits provided from international sources.

This is unreal times. Not one doctor knows for anything about this disease which is closed our economy and locked down our country.

They used to say हल्लै हल्लाको देश now it's becoming हल्लै हल्लाको संसार
Stay safe
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सम्सारकै धनी र सम्पन्न ठानिने देश अमेरिका को हालत देखे पछी नेपाल एउटा गाडु देश अनी त्यहा बस्ने लाटा गाडा हरुको के कुरा ? राजनीतिग्यहरु मौकामा चौका हान्दै छन अरुको कुरा के गर्नु ?
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This is the same case all over the world. Most countries are depending on the test kits from WHO. It's bizarre.
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Dalal made good money buying test kits were not usable. Jared Kushner ordered $35 M value of test kits from Chian under Vague.
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Shame on you Logan bro, you are utilizing whatever platform you are getting to politicize the issue. You probably do not even have evidence of anything but will use any "halla" that fits your narrative and still complaint about halla. Thats irony. Shame on you bro.
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Soon you will see how much corruption is going on in the name of Pandemic all around the world.
Did you read this news? You did not know , now you can say it is a fake news.

The Trump administration on Tuesday said it plans to give a $765 million loan to Eastman Kodak – which has struggled to survive after digital cameras displaced its once-ubiquitous camera film – so the company can manufacture ingredients used in pharmaceuticals.

Did you read my post on : $1.5 B was included on second Corona virus stimulas package to build New FBI building,
You may not see it any wrong dong because he is the boss.

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Logan knows everything. From Upanishads to current affairs. He seems to have mastered learning people: from Adi Shankaracharya to Donald trump.

Corona virus ko sambandha ma Nepal Dherai pachadi ta cha, tara lockdown, shut down pani antya hunu parcha. kahile samma lockdown? vaccine nabanunjel? vaccine banne kunai tungo chaina..baachunjel lockdown ma basne ? Corona le Manaasik rog, aru Shaaririk rog, afanta sanga ko biyog, garibi, bhokmari, domestic violence k k ho k k lyai sakyo..corona ko biruddha precaution hunu parne thau ma fear ra panic ko awastha cha ra khas gari media le garda.

ghar ma basera IT ko kaam garera 1 lakh$ kamaune lai sayad tha nahola tara menial dekhi service industry ma kaam garne saab ko halat kharab everything !
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NepDoc's thread is going nowhere but covered by gang of hooligans and you may get tons of likes. Not because of your intellect comment but  based on how you mocked other.

All of you trying to get into my nerve or  on my anal as a "PIN-WORM".   You have labeled yourself, Shame on you. 

Last edited: 13-Aug-20 04:23 PM
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i only use sajha once in a while and mainly for information purpose and i see Logan around a lot having problem with EVERYBODY AND EVERYTHING. but im wise enough to know that i cant say "if you dont like sajha, just go away" coz i believe everyone has right to speak their mind and i cant judge someone based on their intellectual disability, right?
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I am not trying to get on your nerve or even have any animosity towards you but in good faith as a fellow countrymen would suggest you to take a break from political news from sometime. Try yoga, play games, run or just watch positive movies. It will help you to detach from current extreme political rhetorics. There is a lot of hate visible in you and I assume its because of the news showing extreme sides on both sides. If you hate anything with passion, you become same. I beleive you are trying to fight evil and hateful Trump but you might become one if you try too hard. It is simply not in our hands, express your opinion and give enough space for others to do their own. That may be the best thing we could do to help the situation. I will vote for Trump but if Biden wins, good for him and you.
I apologise for calling you out. Cheers.
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You can write anything you want without referring any name if you are intellectual without disability.
Per your own word only people with intellectual disability can not move from one thread to another without their unhinged past.
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लोगन भाई प्रति अलि नरम रबैया राख्न मैले अरु भाई हरु लाई अनुरोध गरे । लोगन भाई को तर्फा बाट मैले माफी माग्दा हुन्छ भने मैले माफी मागे अरु भाई हरु संग । लोगन भाई ले सहि कुरा लाई गलत तरिका ले प्रुस्तुत गर्दा जता नि लफडा हुने गरेको छ ।

लोगन भाई, सबै को कुरा सुन्न पर्छ अनि आफु संग असहमत राख्ने जो कोहि लाई नि गाली बेजती गर्दै हिड्नु कदापी हुन्न , सबै को आआफ्नो इज्जत हुन्छ , चुर्ना, भुसुना, अनि जता नि भिनाजु को सुरुवाल को tag लगाउनु राम्रो होइन ।

लोगन भाई को तर्क प्रति मा १००% सहमत छु , यो trump मानब सभ्येताको लागि एउटा धब्बा हो, तर श्रावनमा आखा फुटेको गोरु जस्तो जता नि trump नै देख्नु चै ठिक होइन । जुनै कुरामा नि तर्क बिनाको एकोहोरो राजनीति घुसौनु उचित होइन । topic मा बसेर कुरा गरौ न , राजनति मा राजनीति गरौ, जोक मा जोक, यौनमा यौन का कुरा गरौ । सबै लाई राजनीतिमा चासो पक्कै हुदैन , अब मनौ यौन को कुरा गरेर ढुक्कुर उठाई राको बेला भाई trump को कुरा गर्नु हुन्छ , अब लोगन भाई आफै भन्नुस त फुलेको ढुक्कुर ले trump को कुरा सुन्यो भने ढुक्कुर चाउरी पर्दैन ?
तेसैले सबै कुरा मा राजनीति घुसाउने काम बन्द गरौ । चिनी धेरै खाए तितो हुन्छ ।
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We live in interesting times when people think it is a great achievement to get a vaccine that has barely been tested for a year. Posting selfies of their great achievement in social media. Only god knows what kind of side effect it will have on kids when they grow up. Especially their reproductive health can be affected. A few self proclaimed humanitarian billionaires suffering from god complex have been wanting to solve the problem they see in this world of over population and are trying to force their visions for the greater good that they perceive from their ivory towers.
Last edited: 31-Mar-21 08:01 AM
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