tesla stock OMG !! - Sajha Mobile
tesla stock OMG !!
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tesla ले त आज धेरै खुसि दियो त केटा हो, हुन त खुसि भनुम कि दुखि, 3 महिना अगि आदा share नबेचेको भए आज मात्र 40 K जति दाउ लाग्ने रैछ । पहिलो पल्ट आफ्नो दिमागले स्टकको मुल्य अनुमान गरेर ठुलो दाउ खेकेको तेही बेला चिप्लियो । खैर केहि छैन tesla को स्टक ले आज मात्र elon musk को खातामा ६ billion जम्मा पार्यो, उनले warren buffet लाई नि पछि पारे! musk को जय जय होस् उनको कृपा ले यहाँ सम्म आइएको छ, मेरो खाता मा नि आज राम्रै दाउ लाग्यो ।

अनि सुन न केटा हो आज 1,544.६५ मा close भयो, दिन भरि आज स्टक र साझा ढुक्ने काम मात्र भयो तर अन्त्य धेरै धेरै राम्रो भयो, आजो मेरा स्टोरका भाई हरु लाई नि surprise bonus दिने सोची रा छु आज pay day पनि हो, भाई हरु खुसि हुन्छन । आफुलाई पैले काममा तलब दिने बेला साहु ले कैले कहिँ १०$ extra दिदा नि कम्ता खुसि त लाग्थेन, सबैको तेही त हो ।
मैले येसो stock गुरुहरु लाई सोध्न खोजेको, यो tesla को दाम किन येसोरी आकासिएको हो ? कुनै समय गर्ल्याम गुर्लुम हुने त होइन crypto जसोरी ? जति मार्केट research गर्दा नि ठोश उत्तर पाउन सकेको छैन । tesla ऐले सम्म नेट loss मा छ तेइ पनि शेर बढेको बढ्यै छ । अस्ति टोयोटा लाई जित्यो आज buffet लाई हरायो अब amazon लाई हराएर नो १ कम्पनी बन्छ भन्छन । धेरैले tesla is futurte भन्छन ।
मलाई चै मनमा कतै गर्ल्याम गुर्लुम ढल्छ कि जस्तो लागि राको छ । एसको पछाडी मेरो कुनै logic छैन केवल मनको बह मात्र हो । हुन त कोविद पूर्व नि तेस्तै हल्ला आको थियो , शेर पुरै down हुन्छ भनेर , आफु ले low मा exit गरियो ऐले आएर एस्तो high छ ।

मेरो पिरलो चै मैले ६० ७० K चर्को ब्याजमा पैसा उठाको छु नया घर किन्दा, ऐले एक मन ले लाग्छ tesla को शेर high भाको बेला सबै बेचेर ऋण मुक्त भएर मज्जाले बसम तर अर्को मन ले चै फेरी न्याउरी मारी पछुतो होलाकि भन्ने लागि रा छ । मेरो investment analyst ले नि नबेच भनेर गाली गरि राको छ । tesla crash हुन्छ कि tesla future हो । हुन त मेरो पसल राम्रो संचालन मै छ तेसैले स्टक बेच्नु जरुरि छैन तर नि फेरी crash भयो भने त regret हुन्छ भनेर नि
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· Snapshot 9245
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massive decline is what i anticipate.
· Snapshot 9256
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I heard feds will stop buying equities, is that correct? If so, there will be a correction coming. I am hoping to get back in the market for long term investing (mutual funds, apple msft stocks etc) what do you think would be a good time to get back? I missed the last rally.
· Snapshot 9304
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feds highlights economic uncertainty.. dow already down by 200 point..
thursday & friday is v critical
· Snapshot 9426
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Tsla is soaring..
My anticipation, research, analysis sucks.

‘Soche jhai Market Rainacha’
· Snapshot 9542
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2000 ma exit garchu bhanera 2 mahina Dekhi kureko aba feri 2500 samma kurau ki jasto bhayo #lobh
· Snapshot 9585
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I am thinking of investing on shorting TSLA. This is unnatural
· Snapshot 9619
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Would it really go 2500 tomorrow? This is crazy. Should we expect same patterns for Apple too? What we do? Buy more Apple. I kinda predicted 2K for today, what about tomorrow?
· Snapshot 9629
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$1500? :)
· Snapshot 9639
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I can’t guess anything on TSLA. I’m F losing my mind. How is it possible? If it reaches 2500, people will be already Paying for future potential. I could not put it together.
· Snapshot 9642
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One of my friend made 60K today, it’s same guy who made 30K last week. There is a whole comments on YouTube how people doing options trading made 13-60K in one day. I know these these options folks either swing or day traded as they came and left! Who is going to take a hit if market dips
· Snapshot 9688
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At that rate your friend will be making more than a million a year. That is more than many doctors and lawyers
· Snapshot 9920
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Yep! I asked him to send a pic for the proof lol. What you all think of TSLA as a longterm? Is it a next big thing or will it be bankrupt? Should we treat it bulletproof stock? No financial analyst, economist thought TSLA would go this far. This is just crazy. How would just selling cars Or focusing on EV, would generate enough revenues? Auto industry is very competitive market and all of them have been working on tech, driverless, and EV. Overall Car sales should slummed in coming months and years, until we have whole economy straightened out.
· Snapshot 10197
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I've 100 Tesla stocks on my PF. won't sell. keep it. sell it only when it starts decline steady 10%.
· Snapshot 10227
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स्टकको संख्या नखुलाको राम्रो रैछ, मैले एकचोटी आबेशमा आएर कता बाट कुरा फुस्कायेछु, भाई भतिजा हरुले प्रमाण ( प्रुफ ) मागेर हैरान , अब एस्तो व्यक्तिगत कुरा को कहाँ साझामा आएर प्रुफ देखाउनु, देखाउनु परे अदालतमा देखाउला भनेर हासेर कुरा इति गरि दिए । tesla downhill जान्छ भनेर जतानि online बिस्लेसन सुन्छु, म ज्यादै दोधारमा छु , तैपनि उक्लेको उक्लेइ छ , म केहि ठुलो कदम चल्नेको एकदम तयारीमा छु । धेरै लामो समय चै राख्नु हुन्न भन्ने मेरो नि सोच छ लोङ्ग टर्म त खै । मैले चै मेरो छाउरो को पढाईमा खर्च गर्ने मंसायेले यता बाट निस्केर mutual fund तिर लाग्ने सोच छ ।
· Snapshot 10244
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Tps bhai, 529 account khola kids ko education ko lagi.
· Snapshot 10326
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I've pf only with tech stocks.
I've no body to report with. pf now worth 1000k.
· Snapshot 10394
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Hello, how is the facebook for long term investment? Pls suggest
· Snapshot 10459
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Facebook, google, Microsoft all ok ! Apple! Make money today, buy today
· Snapshot 11493
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Attention people! Be careful with TSLA. The flight to value MAY have begun.
· Snapshot 11549
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What do you mean? TSLA will never recover? Or it keep sliding. TSLA definitely ocerbought
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