KP Oli for stability? - Sajha Mobile
KP Oli for stability?
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Although I've been living in the US for the last 15 years, I think KP Oli may be only Nepali politician who can finish the full 5 years term if he gets support from his party. And, if KP Oli gets to finish his full term, it will set a very good precedent for the future Prime Ministers to finish out their terms. This will be a sigh of relief in a country where the Prime Minister changes every few months. As far as I know Girija Prasad Koirala was the longest serving elected Prime Minister in his first term. He served for 3 and half years from May 1991 to Nov 1994 before the mid election.

And, I think KP Oli can finish his term because of two reasons -
1) His stance against India during the "unofficial" Indian blockade.
2) Prachanda's problems with former unsatisfied rebels.

This should create a stable political environment for development in the country where there is so much potential - from beautiful landscape to man power.

Any thoughts?

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KP Oli has to be healthy first enough to finish his term. He looks really sick these days.
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के पी ओली जस्तो हावा गफाडी अहिले सम्म अरु कोइ प्रधानमन्त्री देखेको थियिन| येस्ता पागल हावा मुला ले की गर्छ भनेर बिश्वास गर्नु पागलपन हो ....शेरे, प्रचंडे त चोर भए भए यो ओली कुकुर झन् महा फटाहा हो|| सम्झौता अनुसार त अब एसले प्रचंडे लै PM दिनु पर्ने हो तर यो मुला ले बोलेको केहि पनि कुरो पुर्याउला जस्तो चै लाग्दैन मलाइ
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Oli's sickness may actually be a good thing for him. Prachanda rather wait him to die, than be a bad person to kick a sick person out of his post.
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OMG Nepal ko sthiti...maa tokne...Oli maryo aba ramro neta aaulaa bhanyo aba paalo Prachande ko....aba Prachande marlaa ani ramro netaa aaulaa bhanyo ani Shere ko paalo....kahile ni nabanne bho desh....
· Snapshot 562
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के गर्ने South Asia को सोच नै तेस्तै छ. पालो ठुलो बाट सानो तिर जान्छ. खुबी र बेक्तितोलाई परथामिकता दियीन्न | मेरो बुवाले पनि अब एसको पालो हो भन्छन - प्रधान मन्त्रि जस्तो पधकोलागी |

जब पालो भंधा खुबीलाई पार्थमिकता दिन सुरु गरिन्छ तब देश बन्न धेरै लाग्दैन मेरो बिचारमा | सानो देश छ. Man power को कमि छैन | 🇳🇵
· Snapshot 645
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sahi kuro Harkhe Bro
Keyser Söze
· Snapshot 658
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Koi aula ramro mantri ani tesle Nepal banaucha vanera parkhi basechu. Tehtijhel hererai basne ho kei garnu sakidina
· Snapshot 687
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Stability को कुरा लट्टाइ भारतको हातमा छ , हामी त चङ्गा मात्र हौ | जती खेर चायो तेती खेर सरकार बदलिदिने |
· Snapshot 710
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त्यो त हो | भारतको धेरै influence छ नेपाली पोलिटिक्स मा | नेपालको आधुनिक ईतिहास हेर्ने हो भने हाम्रा पराए नेताहरुले सानै उमेर देखि क्रान्तिमा लागे र पछि प्रधानमन्त्री भए | क्रान्ति गर्नको लागि जोश चाहिन्छ | तर देश चलाउन को लागि धैरेता पनि चाहिन्छ | बेबस्थापान राम्रो गर्नु पर्छ | हाम्रो नेताहरुमा अजै पनि क्रान्ति गर्दाको जस्तै जोश धेरै देखिन्छ | काठमाडौँ लाइ कहिले Honkong बनाइदिञ्छु भन्छन | कहिले नेपाललाई नै Switzerland बनाइदिञ्छु भन्छन | मलाई त लाग्छ नेताहरु Adult भए भने भारतले पनि तेती influence गर्न नसक्ला |
· Snapshot 5262
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Today, on the third anniversary of Oli government I realized that KP Oli or another person can't provide stability. It was my innocence to think that. Oli government lasted three years only because of the system. According to the new constitution, you can't overthrow a government for two years through no confidence vote. That means Oli government was safe till Feb 15 2020. So, Oli could only held the government for about eight months on his own leadership ability till he dissolved the house in Dec. We human can't really go very far from the system, can we?
· Snapshot 5268
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नेकपा ले खासमा - जनतालाइ धोका दिए र बहुमत ल्याएको थियो - दुइटा पार्टि कहिल्यै एक भएकै थिएनन -

एक भएको देखावटि कुरा मात्रै हो - माओबादि बलियो भएको मा एमालेले छोडेको, एमाले बलियो भएको ठाउँमा माओबादीले छोडेदा पनि दुइ तिहाइ ल्याउन धौधौ भएको थियो .. त्यति नगरेको भए दुइटै पार्टि पछि पर्थे -- (बामदेवलाइ थाहा छ - तेसैले ओली वा प्रचण्ड दुइटा कतै तिर लागेका छैनन -- यहि अबस्थामा त चुनाव गर्नु आँफ्नै खुट्टा मा बन्चरो हान्नु हो - तेसैले ओलीले चुनाव गर्छन भन्नु दिउसै रात पर्छ भन्नु हो | )

Nepal is a playground of India, China and USA .. European countries are also trying to get hold of their share .. Nobody cares about the Nepali people -- That's not going to change for at least a few decades..
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