Why Bernie is the only sensible candidate - Sajha Mobile
Why Bernie is the only sensible candidate
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In underdeveloped countries bribing is illegal yet it is rampant and as a consequence, politicians are bought by rich individuals to make favorable decisions to benefit them in large scale projects.

With the legalization of superpacs and Citizen's united, the United States government has essentially legalized bribery where rich individuals owning corporations can inject unlimited amount of money to change the result of elections and subsequently the policies made by the influenced politicians.

This legalization of bribery is obviously in the interest of billionaires to further their greed of making more and more money by paying off politicians to look after their interests more than the general population's.

In the US, there are five major industries that determine the socio-economics of the country and coincidentally are the major contributors in influencing the elections. Firstly the financial institutions that control the value of your investments. Secondly the military industrial complex that profits by endless wars. Thirdly the pharmaceutical industry that controls the quality and price of the medicines you take. Fourthly the fossil fuel industry that determine the health of the ecosystem of planet earth. And lastly the prison industrial complex that has put it's profit margin above the people's rights to live a life free of unnecessary incarcerations.

Now with the legalization of bribing by these major industries, it is becoming more and more hopeless for a common person to hope that majority of socio-politic economic decisions will be in their favor.

The reason more underdeveloped countries stay that way or even descend in a neverending downward spiral is due to the viscious cycle of bribing and politicians being influenced to make socially unfavorable decisions. The legalization of bribing has undermined democracy and the future of the citizens of the United States.

This is the reason why Bernie Sanders has seemingly risen above the establishment that has legalized bribing. It is surprising that many citizens have not realized that the established government will perpetuate endless wars, limit their chance of making a good living, increase their incarcerations, subject them to substandard food and medicine and decrease the quality of the ecosystem that we live in - in order to pay for the legal bribe they took in the form of campaign contributions.

It seriously does not make any sense to vote for a candidate who takes hundreds of millions dollars of these campaign contributions. It is high time people wake up and say enough is enough!
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That is what you and few others think; however, as evident from yesterday's poll, Hilary and Trump might face each other in the coming presidential election; bitter truth...
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I really respect anyone's support for Hillary. I do like Hillary as a strong person but that is not the only thing that's important in a presidential election. I know of this one guy who got to take a picture with Hillary and has become a hard core supporter just because she smiled in the picture with him! With that same logic he would be a hard core fan of Hitler if Hitler shook hands with patted him on the back and took a picture with him. LOL.

At this crucial time in the history of US, we need to think a bit more than to let emotions guide our choices.

Clinton may have promised many policies which may allow us to maintain the status quo which is actually decreasing middle class, perpetual wars, untrustworthy pharmaceutical and food industry, increasing unnecessary incarcerations and increasing climate change. This has been going on due to politicians making decisions favorable to these industries and over the past few years we have seen this trend move at an even faster speed.

If you vote for Hillary, she will have to make some decisions that are favorable to these industries - after all she has taken millions from them she cannot just say "NO" like she says she will. We cannot be naive into believing these industries spend millions of dollars for nothing! In addition, Hillary has not been very trustworthy - from lying about sniper fire in Bosnia to flipflopping in many major issues; continuing to proliferate perpetual wars by not learning from her support for Iraq war which she has said is a mistake but she is continuing to send innocent soldiers to war in various countries and she continues to believe in regime change. As we all know she has numerous lobbyists from the Military Industrial Complex and Defense contractors who make billions of dollars off of the perpetual wars and her inclination towards more and more interventionist policies in the middle east.

This is very important specially if you have kids. The proliferation of warfare creates more enemies of the US and it will increase the chances of attacks and leave our families more vulnerable. Lot of foreign interventions are not necessary but she will have to cater to the campaign contributors and send more and more kids to war. When she has to 'pay back' the pharmaceutical and food industries, decisions can be made which results in sub-standard food and medicine which ends up in our system which can cause any number of undesirable side effects. Thirdly she will have to support the fossil fuel industries and thus make unfavorable decisions towards the ecosystem leaving the future generations high and dry. In additions when she has to 'please' her prisons-for-profit contributors, she will have to make decisions that will send more people to jail for the slightest offence.

Anyways, please think with your brain and not emotions. Bernie does not have to please any of these interest groups so his decisions will be far more beneficial to the common person than Hillary's will ever be. People are scared of change even in the face of clear and imminent danger of sticking with the status quo. So yes, it will be a difficult battle for Bernie but this is more than just an election this is really a revolution. Even though Bernie may not win, he will have lit that small spark of revolution in everyone who can reasonably think about these berning issues that will affect them now and over the years.

This video is contextual:


Last edited: 02-Mar-16 10:22 AM
Geology Tiger
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.. and Colorado voted for Bernie ... yayyy!
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This was not a surprise after all. Clinton does not excite many outside the traditional Democrat base with her 1990s Bill Clinton-like messages and tone.

While changing demographics have become and will continue to become more favorable in future for Democrats, this Clinton-ian style of politics seems to have taken wind out of sails.

Clinton should not be too worried about deep-red states like Alabama or Arkansas but she surely should be worried about states like Minnesota and Georgia. Georgia apparently was on a path to become a toss up state in two or three election cycles just like what North Carolina has become today. Looks like Georgia might have to wait a bit more.

From New York Times - "Democratic turnout has fallen drastically since 2008, the last time the party had a contested primary, with roughly three million fewer Democrats voting in the 15 states that held caucuses or primaries through Tuesday, according to unofficial election results. It declined in virtually every state, dropping by roughly 50 percent in states like Minnesota and Texas. In Arkansas, Alabama, and Georgia, the number of Democrats voting decreased by roughly a third."

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Holy crap ! Clinton now a refuge for GOP neo-cons and Iraq-war promoters ?

Prominent Republican hawks are debating whether to hold their noses and vote for Clinton instead - From Politico magazine

"In interviews with POLITICO, leading neocons — people who promoted the Iraq war, detest Putin and consider Israel's security non-negotiable — said Trump would be a disaster for U.S. foreign policy and vowed never to support him. So deep is their revulsion that several even say they could vote for Hillary Clinton over Trump in November."
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The integrity, ethics and humanity of Bernie Sanders is out of this world!

Although his campaign has been sustaining itself through individual campaign donations, his campaign actually rejects the individual donations from the CEO of a drug company.


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Hillary shamelessly tries to copy Bernie. A pretty pathetic attempt to take Bernie's supporters which she will fail miserably.

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Since Hillary copies Bernie all the time, she will pretty soon turn into another Bernie. And if Hillary ends up getting the nomination, you'll be voting Bernie's replica :) which is not that bad, right? ;)
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If I can't have Bernie as the president, I'll still be happy with his replica as the president. And that, my friends, is what they call a "die hard Bernie supporter". :)
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Milly no matter how much she copies Bernie she is fundamentally flawed by her obligations to Wall Street, the pharmaceutical companies, the military and prison industrial complex and other big corporations. So if you are a die hard Bernie supporter you know she will never ever come close.

She is a wolf in sheep's clothing and will remain so.
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