Why has Bibeksheel party of Nepal not able to succeed? - Sajha Mobile
Why has Bibeksheel party of Nepal not able to succeed?
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shahi baba
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I think most educated Nepalese people were excited about the new Bibeksheel party when it was formed. But now more than a year later they have vastly under performed compared to the hype that was created in the beginning.

Are they simply ineffective, impractical or what is the reason they have not been able to make any steps in the positive direction in becoming the movers and the shakers in politics.

Right now their activity seems like that of a social service organization only.
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They are nice people, they are lacking money just my guess
They have to use Arvind kejriwal's strategy they will rock again.

Last edited: 15-Dec-15 11:07 AM
· Snapshot 148
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  • Lack of proper leadership. (Personally, I get irritated with that dariwala face). We need someone with charisma.
  • Lack of agenda (No 'clear' differences between 'mainstream' parties and BNP. Their documents are good. Oh well, who got time to read that?)
  • Lack of proper advertisement and/or awareness. Get media's attention and if not pay them (This is where they need fund for).
  • They were unable to justify why they had independent candidates against those of 'NC only' on last election. This labelled them as 'anti-NC only' and/or puppet of communists. In place like Nepal, it is very hard to come out of this sort of allegation.
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kalikopoi your last point is only a conspiracy theory. First time i'm hearing this.

It may all be tied to funding. The corrupt ones have a lot of money to spend. The straightforward ones dont' have enough money to get enough coverage.
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FUNDING !!!!!!!

Be it murica or nepal ...its all about the money lebonski..
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What specific move(s) of Baburam Bhattarai are you talking about?

"I hate to say this but what Baburam Bhattarai is doing right now is a smart move"
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What aspect has made you think they have not succeeded?
Do you know how long it takes a political party to be successful? Look at one of the powerful movement funded heavily by different interest groups - Maoist, it took nearly 20 years to show some results.
It takes time buddy, you just need patience.

Honestly their agenda is completely different than existing political parties, They are not doing hate politics that makes them slower for sure. In nepal all those traditional political parties have been doing hate politics for nearly 6 decades, which was the easier one but now a real politics is in dire need in Nepal.

Do you know what was their stand on madhesh issue that made them Indian agent? Dont just BS around please.

Please read this if you want to know what stops a positive force from leading nepal, you will be surprised to learn.

Last edited: 16-Dec-15 03:56 PM
Last edited: 16-Dec-15 04:29 PM
· Snapshot 807
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only one formula, stand up against corruption, mobilize young talents against corruption with different means of technology, they are already in the market, they just need to win more public trust doing different things which other parties can not do.
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I wasn't disagreeing with anyone. I am very much in support of a transformative, positive political change and leadership in Nepal.

I just wanted to understand what specific moves of Baburam we were talking about, as I haven't been following Nepal politics lately. Is there a website his team maintains with his vision, strategy and timeline of his Naya shakti? Is he joining hands with Rabindra Mishra, Swarnim Wagle etc for his new party?
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Most of the educated people in Nepal are corrupt to the core, far more than uneducated ones. The name of party itself is very arrogant and repulsive for people who is not interested in politics and the who is not interested in boasting "look I am bibeksheel". Most likely they made party because they wanted to be leader overnight without working with common people.
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You seem to be looking into presentation aspect. Can mascots be "dumb" ?

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Ujwaal Thapa from Bibekshil party has joined the new party of Baburam. I watched this news on Nagariknews.com ......
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'नयाँ शक्ति निर्माण अभियान' मा रहेका डा. बाबुराम भट्टराईलाई नेपाली कांग्रेसका केन्द्रीय सदस्य एवं सांसद प्रदीप गिरीदेखि पूर्व अर्थसचिव रामेश्वर खनाल र विवेकशील नेपालीका अध्यक्ष उज्वल थापासम्मले साथ दिने भएका छन् 

 को को थिए छलफलमा? 
 १. डा. बाबुराम भट्टराई – नयाँ शक्ति निर्माण अभियान 
२. प्रदीप गिरी – व्यवस्थापिका–संसद् सदस्य 
३. रामेश्वर खनाल – पूर्व अर्थसचिव 
४. उज्वल थापा – अध्यक्ष, विवेकशील नेपाली 
५. गोविन्दनारायण तिमल्सिना – विवेकशील नेपाली 
६. रमेश पौड्याल – विवेकशील नेपाली 
७. अभिषेक बस्नेत – विवेकशील नेपाली 
८. पुकार बम – विवेकशील नेपाली 
९. जीवन श्रेष्ठ – विवेकशील नेपाली 
 १०. अनुषा थापा – विवेकशील नेपाली 

Last edited: 17-Dec-15 03:05 AM
· Snapshot 1103
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The way Baburam is recruiting people, the way he is traveling across the country, the way he is establishing contacts in each district, the way he is organizing meeting, I think he is getting people together. Those people seems to be from various backgrounds. Former leaders, youths, educated bunch, engineers, doctors, economists etc. I think that's smart move. The media is covering it well. I didn't see that coming from Bibeksheel party. That's the smart move I was talking about.
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भट्टराईसँग मिल्न लागेका होइनौं : विवेकशील

काठमाडौं— बाबुराम भट्टराईको नयाँ शक्ति अभियानमा विवेकशील नेपाली दल एकीकरण हुन लागेको भन्ने चर्चालाई सो पार्टीले खण्डन गरेको छ। पार्टी प्रवक्ता रमेश पौड्यालले एक विज्ञप्ति जारी गर्दै अस्तित्वमै नआइसकेको कुनै समूहसँग मिल्न नसकिने बताएका छन्।

'विगत ३ बर्षको हाम्रो अनुभव एवं घोषित मूल्य र मान्यतालाई अलपत्र छोडेर अस्तित्वमा नै नआईसकेका कुनै पनि समूहसंग मिल्ने कुनै सवाल नै आउँदैन', विज्ञप्तिमा भनिएको छ।

बुधबार भट्टराईले आयोजना गर्नुभएको छलफल कार्यक्रम मा विवेकशील नेपाली दलका तर्फबाट प्रतिनिधित्व भएको थियो। नयाँ बैकल्पिक राजनीतिक शक्तिको औचित्य र आवश्यकता, नयाँ शक्ति पक्षधर बीच सहकार्य तथा नयाँ शक्तिहरुको कोर एजेन्डा र संगठनात्मक स्वरुप र प्रकिया शीर्षकमा भएको छलफलपछि विवकेशील नेपाल भट्टराईको अभियानसँग विलय हुन लागेको आसयका समाचार आएका थिए।

माअाेवादी जनयुद्धको पृष्ठभूमिबाट आएका भट्टराईतर्फ संकेत गर्दै विवेकशीलले आफू 'अहिंसावादी राजनीतिमा अडिग शक्ति' भएको उल्लेख गरेको छ।

'एउटा राजनीतिक दलका रूपमा समाजका क्रियाशील अरु राजनीतिक दल, समूह वा व्यक्तिहरुसंग भेटघाट र छलफल गर्नु स्वाभाविक प्रक्रिया हो', विज्ञप्तिमा भनिएको छ,'नेपालमा नया शक्ति निर्माणको अभियानमा विवेकशील नेपाली दलको लामो अनुभब छ। हाम्रा बिचार र व्यवहारलाई पोजिटिभ भाईरस जसरी समाजमा बिस्तार गर्नु पर्दछ भन्ने हाम्रो मान्यता हो।'

shahi baba
· Snapshot 1191
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They will never get to their goal by siding with BRB who was instrumental in killing 15000 people. Killing is not bibeksheel so they should stay away from BRB.
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Lack of proper leadership. (Personally, I get irritated with that dariwala face). We need someone with charisma.
-Waiting for another Budhda/Nelson Mandela/Obama? What a reason you get irritated with that dariwala face - man come on, you can do better than that.

Lack of agenda (No 'clear' differences between 'mainstream' parties and BNP. Their documents are good. Oh well, who got time to read that?)
Seriously? No clear difference? Please ducate yourself by going here http://leadnepal.com/ideology/
mainstream politics does not even have any agenda other than hate politics, just get you local tharra Chhoyala and maasu and get vote. Show a poor guy the 3 storied building and tell him that if you fight for it they will help him get it, tehi haina? Is that even agenda?

Lack of proper advertisement and/or awareness. Get media's attention and if not pay them (This is where they need fund for).
-This seems valid point you have raised

They were unable to justify why they had independent candidates against those of 'NC only' on last election. This labelled them as 'anti-NC only' and/or puppet of communists. In place like Nepal, it is very hard to come out of this sort of allegation.
-Dude they ran against NC, UML and Maoist Please do some research before you write because you don't want to look stupid.
kta manche
· Snapshot 1310
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@UnsungEpic...the way you are defending bibeksheel, seems like you are one of them...nyz Kalikopoi made some valid points. They definitely lack a strong leadership and agenda. Just imagine having an election debate between Prachanda (he needs to be in jail) and that dariwalla guy. Prachanda will kill that guy in the debate!
As someone said earlier, it will take a long time for a "party" to get established but to have an immediate effect needs strong leadership, agenda and dollars!
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Here some recent Bibeksheel Nepali's progress:
  1. We lack more leaders. Many expect us to have a magic wand, we do not. In order to Change, we need change agents. We request each one of you educated and concerned fellow brothers and sisters to come forward and join our campaign at leadnepal.com/join
  2. Ujwal, Govind, Ranju, Sarala, Milan, Ramesh, Pukar, Santosh, Jeevan, Bhairaja, Manan, Dheeraj, Sadhana, Anusha, Ram are names of the few of our leaders who took this seriously and made a commitment of consistent and persistent presence and leadership and they just renewed their vows for another 5 years.
  3. Fund is always a huge issue. We are exploring sustainable financial model that does not run on donation and membership fees. We want investment not donation. Investment not just for Nepal investment also for a positive political future. At least we all owe that to mother Nepal.
  4. Our Terai tour did not derail us but made the Madhesh's Right to Self Respect more reasonable. We strongly stand against CKRaut style disintegration. We believe Simaankan should be left to 8 districts of Eastern Nepal to decide.
  5. Baburam demonstrated his sly character again, by issuing a false statement to the media that we joined his unborn bandwagon. Bibeksheel has officially denounced it on major media. It appears Baburam's strategy to make any other potential leaders diminish by hook or crook. Unless he leaves his UCPNM baggage behind, he is going no where.
  6. While the failed political parties have self proclaimed the CA as a Parliament for another 3 years, thereby avoiding parliamentary and local elections; Bibeksheel Nepali is demanding immediate elections. Its about time people get to vote. The last time people voted for a parliament was in 1999, 17 years back! and they want to impose another 3 years of no election. 20 years of a Democratic Nation without election????
  7. Our Earthquake Taskforce progress and transparent operations can be seen here: leadnepal.com/earthquake
  8. We are currently working on Technology Enabled Leadership, converting our Party Headquarters to the First Solar Energy Political Party.
  9. Majority of our work are uploaded on our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/bibeksheelnepali
  10. We hold Bibeksheel Nepali USA Saturday Call Conference twice a month for 1 hour. If you are interested to join us, please inbox us and we will send you the link, access number. This is a great way to start with Bibeksheel Nepali USA chapter and to make your suggestions heard.
  11. Return to Nepal Campaign is also being explored internationally, requesting subject matter experts in different careers, academicians and entrepreneurs to return to Nepal and make significant change.
  12. Bibeksheel Nepali will be opening 3 months Summer Volunteer Internship from 2016. Interested candidates, who can work at our HQ in Kathmandu for 3 months in strengthening the organization and reach out to the people for change, are invited to apply. Please send us an email at campaigns@leadnepal.com Subject: Summer Internship Applicant

For more information:



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I am wondering how you guys get "ticket" for election. I remember in last election your party got a chance to participate from , I believe 2 places. If someone can explain here how "निर्वाचन आयोग" distributes tickets to the political parties.

I wish "Bibebsheel party " wins from all over the places in next election. Good luck.

I am ready to help from my side , and I believe people from Sajha are also ready to help.
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I understand your point but waiting for a strong leadership has brought us to this stage. I was disappointed with the statement "i am irritated with that dariwala face" we deserve to hear better reason ni haina ra?
as far as the debate goes i am pretty sure that daariwala guy might also have some points that can kill prachanda, daarwala guy wont just keep quite i guess.

I am not one of them, if i were i would say yes, nut i watch them very closely, So if people make rampant comment that they dont have leadership, agenda, that makes me feel it is not fair, you know.
i have read their stuff online so as far as i have found the only thing they lack is gundas(look at gagan thapa, mahes basnet, maobadi ko ta kura nagaraun they are even god damn murderers). you know you need gundas in nepal to get vote, that is the major challenge i see. But nepal is changing so i see their better chances.

I am sure they ran from 4 places, not 2 in the last election. KTM 1,4,5,8 look at this: http://d30pl5hav4s8uw.cloudfront.net/campaigns/89337de300874bf59cac4d88ee2a1554.jpg?cb=1383105054

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