Ranas and Shahs were scourge to Nepal - Sajha Mobile
Ranas and Shahs were scourge to Nepal
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They exploited the country, kept their family prosperous, and kept the nation in darkness. They caused hundreds if not millions of Nepalese to die in foreign great wars, sending them as mercenaries, and in turn earning what not from their British overlords.
The current political situation is an outcome of the Ranas and shahs. The delibrately kept most of the Nepali people lack of education and opportunities, so that they could not challange their status-quo.
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I beg to differ about the decendents. Not all are like that. For example Diamond Shamser Rana He gave his life for Nepalese literature and for democracy. Gaurav Shamser JBR the decendents of Babar Shamsher he has worked to keep army under constitution and he was the first army chief who asked all the officers atleast come once a day riding bicycle to the office for clean environment. Bal krishna sam he was an opportunist. No doubt about it. And they are many more the decendents of juddha pratap jung grandson of Jung bahadur who are living in poverty there were not allowed to get any position till 2007 B.S and are still living in poverty.
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You do realize if it were not for the Kings there wouldn't be any Nepal. We would be part of Tibet or India. Simple as that. Which some of you folks might like it compared to the present day Nepal, I am sure.
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In order to grab the money and power opportunity, some opportunist have ruined the country since the begging till now, what is pranchanda did and what he is doing, mater fact, prachande killed innocent villagers, Ranas killed each other
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There is clearly difference between Ranas and Prachanda. Ranas gave up when people revolt Prachanda still has been planning to kill the cops of Nepal. Think about it. Ofcourse am 100% for republic Hinduism of Nepal without the king.
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I will say one thing about it if it weren't Ranas and Shahs you wouldn't be here in USof A ..you would be in Nepal being slaves of either biharis or chinese ,being farmers in the fields coz we wouldn't have the kingdom called Nepal btw...If you are worried then worry about the present Ranas and shahs who are our politicians and they are looting our country much more times than what Ranas and shahs did...Get the fu cking fact before you cry here btw.
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How would you know we be salves of Chinese or bHari as if you are some fortune teller man
Nepal is still a side chick to India ecrything comes to Nepal from India gas petrol autos so you think that's better cuz Nepal ain't going anywhere as long as they depend on someone else and the grass root problem is education in Nepal and at those Ranas and Shahs times if they had let general public educate more it would have been a different story but no they were busy working with the British empire and thinking of themselves so get your facts straight man
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why are they not being brought under justice and prosecuted?
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I only have to say one thing darbar hatya kanda stopped after Jung Bahadur came in power. Pachi jasle rajniti garyo tehi tikyo. But janga dude nabhayeko bhaye katti aaru manche marthyo hola shah danka Ko extreme damaged brain baata. Itihaas paltayera here huncha
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Our present and future look bleak because we dwell too much in our past. Our identity is our history, nothing to show for our present or future. We are bir-Gorkhalis, Buddha was born in our country, we were never captured blah blah blah.
When asked why we are still one of the poorest countries in the world, we always point to what happened 100 years ago. Play the blame game, Ranas did this, Shahs did that. What about last 50 years? Why are we still stuck as a country? Look at S. Korea. Opressed by Chinese and Japanese for centuries but it's GDP went up in geometric progression in last 50 years.

Bottom line, think what we can do now and in the future. Time to live in the past has, well, passed.
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I agree kiddo
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we were never captured because first of all no big nation was really interested to take us over , no? when china was interested, we gave our daughter Bhrikuti. When British were interested, we gave our men to fight for them. Even Prithivi Narayan shah got arms and ammunition and consultation. and Muslims did come to Nepal at one point and they broke lots of temples and statues and robbed temples. this is all what i have heard, please correct me if i am wrong. so why do we always claim ourselves brave brave brave, it's like a gold fish in a small fish tank claiming its the biggest and baddest fish out there and no body has captured or won him. If we were really brave then why do we have to go to India for every little decision in our country. I heard Gyanandra ji just went there with his grand son , probably to beg for some kinda power status.
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It's better to live in the present and take care of people like Prachanda and Baburam
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राजनीतिका पिछलग्गु ( कार्यकर्ता हरु समेत ) बनाइएका हरुलाई दिईने पाठ : अरु राजनीतिक संथाको मूलभुत सिद्धान्त के हुन् बारेमा क को पनि उच्चारण हुँदैन : ABC of Party ले दिमागको सम्पुर्ण अंश भरिएको हुन्छ | बिगत मा अरुले गरेको सोषण र नराम्रा कुरा हरु मात्र थुप्रिएको हुन्छ तेसैले नया कुरा भर्न लाइ ठाउ अनि इच्छा हुदैन |
तेसैले उनीहरुले बिगतमा भएको गलत कुरा मात्रै दोहोर्याउछन | बेला बेलामा राजा का कुरा अगाडी तेर्स्याउछन | तर आफ्नै नेता हरुले कति गद्दारी गरेका छन् अनि पुर्ब राजा भन्दा २-३ गुणा धन आर्जन गरेका छन् तिर उनीहरुका ध्यानाकर्सण नै हुदैन किनकी दिमाग बाटनै हटी सकेको हुन्छ | अरुका के कुरा नेट मा च्याट गर्ने सक्ने हरु पनि आफ्ना पार्टी बाट पाएको क ख को शिक्षा भन्दा माथि उक्लिन सक्दैनन् : त्यो अन्स नै दिमाग बाट चैट भै सकेका छन् |
साधारण जनता जंगलमा होमिने अनि नेताका छोरा छोरी विदेश मा सिक्षा लिने : अनि तिनी हरुको आखामा हाम्रा नेताका छोरा छोरी राना र राजा का छोराछोरी झैँ विदेश गएर सिक्षा लिनुमा कुनै फरक देख्दैनन |
मूल मुद्दा : बिगत कै कुरामा दिमाग लाइ यांत्रबत सोच्ने बनाईएको छ : भबिस्य सोचको कुरा माथिल्ला नेता हरुले मात्र सोच्ने कुरा हुन् | साधारणको बसका कुरा हैनन् : यानेकि यी कुरा यिनका दिमागमा प्रोग्राम गरिएको छैन, नत्र नेतागिरि कसरि पुस्तैनी बानाउने ?
Last edited: 31-Aug-15 12:25 PM
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येस्तै मुज्जिहरुको लेडे सोचाइले गर्दा आइले नेपाल यो हालत मा छ |
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^ बाह्र बर्ष रामायण पढायो, Sita कसकी जोइ?
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past is past
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I agree past is past but if you don't learn anything from past it's not going anywhere at present there are more uneducated ppl running the country atleast they need someone with a Bachelors/ Masters degree in each discipline With several years experience doubt any neta have a proper education besides SLC and they think like that I wonder why Nepal isnt developed and that's the major root reason lack of education and literacy rate is way low and the government is all corrupted with tax money It's all about power and their family benefits they aren't worried about general public rights and benefits
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which shahs ? royal shah's or biharis???? knock knock Buppy !
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Prachda is back. His worth was estimated to 270 M now it's an oppettunty to increase to 350M.
Probably he will sell hydielectrity project to India where Bhutan is trying to renegotiate old contract.
He will sell some corporation in the name of privatization. But he will not touch Airlines , because there is no commission.
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This guy must be either rana or shah. ;)


A khardar has 5-10 Millions of dollar, imagine how much netas would have. It's very easy to blame everything to Ranas and/or Shahs.
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