How many Nepalese have been Deported from US, Any data out there? - Sajha Mobile
How many Nepalese have been Deported from US, Any data out there?
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We all have heard about this store clerk pankaj joshi who stole million dollars,

also about this dude (Deepak Bista) who chatted with underage girl and got caught. Are there any other instances where Nepali people implicated and deported( or flee back to nepal before getting caught)?

I have heard long time ago that this guy from nepal was in hit and run accident and flee the scene and flew back to nepal before getting the blood test.
Have anyone of you heard any such stories.

Please share if any.
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Well I have heard of this guy who filed fake asylum applicaiton and got it. Then he got his citizenship few years later. But someone called ICE and presented them with evidence that his applicaiton was fake. He was deported shortly after...
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kina chatapatti bhako ho Yotabhayenanisom lai..........GC ko dad lagyo jasto cha........................and by the way if you can find any evidence against me....I am ready to be deported....TRY!!!!
I want you to be the " someone who called ICE and presented them with evidence that his applicaiton was fake. He was deported shortly after... "
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If you are citizen there is no way you can be deported. any other status can be deported if found guilty.
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"kina chatapatti bhako ho Yotabhayenanisom lai..........GC ko dad lagyo jasto cha........................and by the way if you can find any evidence against me....I am ready to be deported....TRY!!!!" रे ......??

चोरको खुट्टा काट भन्दा खुट्टा ताने जस्तै हो कि के हो?

अनि के पारा हो सोल्टीको , आफै थ्रेड शुरु गरेर लेख भन्ने अनि किन छटपटी ,दाहा ??

अनि पहिले इन्फोर्मेशन सहि राख सोल्टी , त्यो दिपक बिस्त ले मुद्दा जित्यो |
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khutta tane ko haina.....yotabhayenisom and i were talking regarding asylum in different thread, now i think he is back to this thread and implicating fake aslyee.....

And I didn't about Deepak Bista...Good News that he won.
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Ok Satrianic,
तपाई को र हामो सोमको अर्को थ्रेड को हर हिसाब मिलाउनु बाकी छ कि जस्तो लग्यो .

तर फेक अस्य्लुम लाइ नागरिकता लिएको भए पनि , कसैले प्रमाण सहित उजुर गर्देको खण्डमा , तेस्तै देखियो भने फिर्ता पठाउने कुरो त एकदम लजिकल छ नि होइन र?

नेपालीको त थाहा भएन तर ल्याटिन अमेरिका का हरुले Cuban नक्कली जन्म दर्ता आदि प्रयोग गरेर अमेरिकी गिरिन कार्ड अनि नागरिकता लिएकोमा पछि त्यो झुट भन्ने थाहा पाएपछि उनीहरुकै देश फिर्ता गरेको चै एकदम अठेन्तिक खबर सुनेको/हेरेको थिए |

अनि , दिपक बिस्त ले मुद्दा जितेको भनेर उसको एकदम नजिकको आफन्त ले भनेको हो , साचो नै हुनु पर्चा | तर देपोर्ट चै पक्का पनि भएको होइन |
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giordano - wrong. Get your fact together before commenting. US law permits revoking Naturalized citizen if they are found guilty in certain situation. So get your fact together before making any comments on public forum.

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so there is a diff between naturalized citizens and citizens and i said citizens won't get deported....ali ramrari padera suggestion dine ho ki bro....

and that is not called deported....its called denaturalized....
Last edited: 15-Aug-14 11:30 PM
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हरे शिव कस्ता कस्ता काइते कुरा गर्छन साझामा ,
'natural born citizen ' or 'citizen by birth' लाइ डिपोर्ट गरेर कता पठाउने होलानी ? आकास तिर कि पताल तिर | जसको अर्को कुनै देश छैन तेस्लाई कहाँ डिपोर्ट गर्ने \ तेसैले कसैले डिपोर्टको कुरो गर्यो भने त्यो naturalized citizen लाइ इंगित गरेको भनेर सिधै बुजिंचा होइन र \
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bzzztt wrong again, difference is naturalized and natural born citizens. (both can be called citizens)

"If you are citizen there is no way you can be deported. any other status can be deported if found guilty", - that was your line

yes, denaturalized and eventually deported.
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Satrianic bro:
I have nothing against you personally and I am a citizen myself. That I earned through merit and not through any shortcuts or fraudulent activities. Therefore, I do not need to be envious of your GC.
Having said that, I am absolutely against fraudsters gaining asylum with fake stories. You indicated in the other thread that you might be one of them, but nothing conclusive there. If you are indeed a fraudster scheming the immigration system, then you should feel ashamed of yourself. I don't know you personally so your dare to me does not even make any sense. If I had evidence of someone having GC using fraudulent ways, will I report them? Hell, yeah. I will be glad to get rid of such criminals and discourage the potential crooks. Jay Nepal...
Last edited: 16-Aug-14 03:05 PM
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u still didn't get my point when nepalilaure got it. it happens lol
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Australians and Britons exceeds us, can't believe, may be our people are not trouble maker 
Last edited: 17-Aug-14 06:29 AM
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Lol @ Giordano.

Either u are misinterpreting or missreading.

Nayapidi and me are saying same thing. All the nauralized citizen are CITiZEN. But, not all the CITIZEN are natural-born citizen. :)

So, when u say deportation it only and automatically applies to naturalized citizens.
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i thought were smart enough to get my point. but both u and nepalipidi are dumb. LOL

1st grade ko kid harulai jasari explain garnu parne ho ki k ho....LOL
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Late teens, early 20s?? been in the US for about couple of years?? I can feel you. Grow up and then we can talk at the same level.

Did you even read what you wrote? Let me quote it again -
"If you are citizen there is no way you can be deported. any other status can be deported if found guilty",
Second quote -
"so there is a diff between naturalized citizens and citizens and i said citizens won't get deported....ali ramrari padera suggestion dine ho ki bro" - "BRO" naturalized citizens lai ke bhancha "BRO"??

Again, grow up then we will talk.
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nepalipide lol

barha barsa kukur ko pucchar k ma rakhe pani bango ko bangai huncha vancha ni...ta tesma parchas.....

when it comes to deportation there is diff between naturalized or not naturalized...and that is the case here....citizen can never be
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US citizen who is not naturalized born can be deported!
Although rare, it is possible for a naturalized U.S. citizen to have his or her citizenship stripped through a process called "denaturalization." Former citizens who are denaturalized are subject to removal (deportation) from the United States. Natural-born U.S. citizens may not have their citizenship revoked against their will, but may choose to renounce their citizenship on their own.

This article covers the grounds for having one's citizenship revoked, the basics of the denaturalization process, and defenses to denaturalization.

Grounds for Denaturalization

Falsification or Concealment of Relevant Facts: You must be absolutely truthful when filling out paperwork and answering interview questions related to the naturalization application process. Even if the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) fails to recognize any lies or ommissions at first, the agency may file a denaturalization action against you after citizenship has been granted. Examples include failure to disclose criminal activities or lying about one's real name or identity.
Refusal to Testify Before Congress: You may not refuse to testify before a U.S. congressional committee whose job it is to investigate your alleged involvement in subversive acts, such as those intended to harm U.S. officials or overthrow the U.S. government. This requirement to testify in order to maintain citizenship status expires after 10 years.
Membership in Subversive Groups: Your citizenship may be revoked if the U.S. government can prove that you joined a subversive organization within five years of becoming a naturalized citizen. Membership in such organizations is considered a violation of the oath of U.S. allegiance. Examples include the Nazi Party and Al Qaeda.
Dishonorable Military Discharge: Since you may become a naturalized U.S. citizen by virtue of serving in the U.S. military, your citizenship may be revoked if you are dishonorably discharged before serving five years. Reasons for dishonorable discharge, which must follow a general court-martial, include desertion and sexual assault.

The Denaturalization Process
Denaturalization, in which a naturalized citizen is stripped of his or her citizenship, is a process that occurs in federal court (typically in the district court where the defendant last resided) and follows the standard rules of federal civil court cases. As such, it is not an immigration case even though it affects immigration status.

Naturalized citizens found to be in violation of the terms of citizenship must leave the country. Children granted citizenship based on their parent's status may also lose their citizenship after that parent has been denaturalized.

As with any other civil case, the denaturalization process begins with a formal complaint against the defendant, who may respond to the complaint and defend himself or herself at trial (or hire an immigration attorney). The defendant has 60 days to file an answer to the complaint, where he or she may claim the action is based on wrong information or that the statute of limitations has expired, for example.

The U.S. government has a high bar for proving a defendant meets the criteria for denaturalization (a heavier burden of proof than most civil cases, but not as great a burden as criminal cases), according to the USCIS Adjudicator's Field Manual:

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