visa stamping in kathmandu - Sajha Mobile
visa stamping in kathmandu
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US- visa stamping H1
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Hello everyone,
I am working here in U.S under contractor for for last 1 year and planning to go to Nepal this august for visa stamping. But my contractors are saying that it takes 2-3 months for visa stamping in Nepal. Has anyone recently been to Nepal for visa stamping? I would really appreciate if you can share your experience. My contractors are suggesting Jamaica or Canada. Let me know if anyone of you recently been to those countries for stamping.
Thank you!!
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यदी हजुरको h1 भएको १ बर्ष पुरा भईसकेको छ, र हजुरले कम्पनी परिवर्तन गर्नु भएको छैन भने, हजुरको जानकारी पहिल्यै नि हुन पर्ने डाटाबेसमा गईसकेको हुन्छ। (मैले त्यो डाटाबेसको नाम बिर्से)

सामान्यतया h1 भएको ६ महिनामा त्यो डाटाबेस अपडेट भईसकेको हुन्छ, यदी हजुरको कम्पनी लेजिट हो, र ब्ल्याकलिस्टेड छैन भने २-३ महिना लाग्नु पर्ने कुनै कारण मैले देख्दिन।

h1 हुने बित्तिकै नेपाल जानेहरुको हकमा त्यति समय लाग्नु सामान्य जस्तै हो, फेरी पनि जानु अघि त्यो डाटाबेस चेक गर्न मिल्छ। यदि हजुरको जानकारी हालेको छैन भने, जानु अघि नै हाल्न लगाउन सक्नु हुन्छ।

हजुरले गुगल गरेर खोज्नु भयो भने त्यो सम्बन्धि जानकारी भेट्न सक्नु हुन्छ। त्यो डाटाबेसको नाम मैले बिर्से, गुगल गर्दा भेट्न सकिन, यदी हजुरको जानकारी त्यो डाटाबेसमा नभए, Administrative Process भनेर लामो समय झुलाउन सक्छ।

शुभ यात्रा।
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PIMS database..
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I went to Nepal and did the H1B Stamping. Yeah for sure, it is known as PIMS Verification, the US Embassy verifies our H1b on the PIMS Database.
As some people have been saying that a person's info will be in the PIMS database, if him/her holding H1b for more than year.
Personally, I had H1b for 2 years and on April went to Nepal for Stamping. I did knew about PIMS Verifications, but found diff info from diff sources.
So, at the time of interview, the counselor told me that she couldn't find me in their database (which is PIMS) and anyway she said that she would go ahead and start interviewing. SHe didn't ask me much and said, my interview was clear and they would give me a call in few days after verifying PIMS.
I didn;t got a call as I had entered US cell while filling the application but checked the status online and the visa was approved in 4 days.

Good luck !!!
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साला मलाई त्यती PIMS भन्न नआएर, लास्टै दुम्बा भईएछ यार :(

भाँडा धस्काउदा धस्काउदा, धुवाँ र दारुले स्मरणशक्ती त लास्टै ह्रास भएछ। :((
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