10 Nepali married men that women can’t resist “stealing”
10 Nepali married men that women can’t resist “stealing”
posted on July 16, 2014, at 10:00 a.m.
Probably The Onion Sajha News Staff
10. Shree Krishna Shrestha
9. Shivahari Paudel
8. Bhim Niroula
7. Rishi Dhamala
6. Shiva Shrestha
5. Ujju Darling
4. Sitaram Kattel
3. Rajesh Hamal
2. Bhuwan K.C.
1. Paras Shah
Lol!!! I am rolling on the office floor, enough of my abs flexing for today. Anyway was that supposed to be sarcasm? My apology if not…..
Why is Bhim uncle not No.1???!!! We don't agree with the listing order at all.
probablytheonion is obviously a ROYALIST! boooooooooo
Haha this is too funny!! I could not predict who the number one guy was gonna beee but perfect choice
I thought i would be in the list too, I am the one who developed the concept of stealing someone's wife or husband. by the way here is my pic
Last edited: 18-Jul-14 12:58 AM
Last edited: 18-Jul-14 12:59 AM
The reason behind Madonna still living young, cannot say who is a loser Timor Steffens?
Guy like Timor dating Madonna who's 30 yrs older than him is hard to digest. Is it money, fame or love??
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