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Good Puzzles
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तर्के, धर्के र फर्के तीन कैदी रहेछन. फर्के चै अन्धो रैछ.

जेलमा नया jailor आएछ, खुब puzzle खेल्न पर्ने. तिनै जनालाई बोलाएछ.

"तिमि तिनै जनालाई १० वर्ष को सजाय रहेछ. मा एउटा प्रश्न सोध्छु. येदि तेस्को सहि उत्तर दियो भने त्यो मान्छेलै मा छाडी दिन्छु. य़ेदि गलत उत्तर दियो भने, अर्को १० बर्ष ठुनिदिन्छु. तर पास भनिस भने १० बर्ष सजाए जस्ताको तेस्तै हुनेछ."

"के प्रश्न हो सर?" तिनै जनाले सोधेछन.

Jailor : "केटा हो, यिनी हरुको आँखामा पट्टि बाध!!"
सेना हरुले तर्के र धर्के को आँखामा पट्टि बाधेछन.

Jailor : "ल ध्यानले सुन!! मेरो हात मा २ वटा ढाका टोपी छ र ३ वटा भादगाउले टोपी छ. Guard! हरेकको टाउकोमा एउटा टोपी लगाइदे!!"
Guard : "कुन टोपी sir ?"
Jailor : "Randomly छानेर एउटा लगाइदेओ!!"

हरेकको टाउको मा कि त भाद्गौले कि त ढाका टोपी लागेछ.
Jailor : "अब यिनी हरुको पट्टि फुकलिदेओ"

सबैको आँखाको पट्टि खुलेछ. एकले अर्काको टाउकोमा के छ हेर्न सक्ने, तर आफ्नो टाउकोको टोपी चै हेर्न नमिल्ने. अरु केहि बोल्न पनि नपाउने.

Jailor : "ल तर्के! तेरो टाउको मा कुन टोपी छ? Guess गर्छस कि पास?"

तर्के: "पास."

Jailor : "थुइक्क मोरा. ल ठिकै छ, त भन धर्के! Guess कि पास?"

धर्के: "पास."

फर्के चै भाठो रहेछ. तेस्ले के जवाफ दियो होला?

If you've heard this puzzle, please don't ruin it for others. Just acknowledge but don't give out the answer....yet.
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· Snapshot 2223
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What other assumptions that I need to try? What kind of question is this?

Don't get me wrong on this but your last response just reminded me that you have a lot of critical reading to do about various methods in which a puzzle can be solved, before you start judging someone.

I wish you had just said, that my logic is sound or incorrect because of so so so and gave me valid reasons as to why you thought this "particular logic" is wrong or right, instead of lecturing that I didn't explore all possibilities. I had to explore everything to come up with answers and I did spend a hour thinking about my logic. You cannot say that I assume and simply solved because that is not how logic works. if I assume, I have to prove something from all angles, don't you know that?

You are just plain rookie on logical thinking.

That's my last word to you.
· Snapshot 2263
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German in green house smoking prince and drinking coffee is keeping FISH as pet

Find the clue like
Norwagian in first house next to blue
Center home owner drinks milk which is british in red home
g & w connected
find the color of each home
easily exclude swedish in w home

find the answer
Last edited: 20-May-14 12:55 PM
Last edited: 20-May-14 12:57 PM
· Snapshot 2293
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Kudos to both of us for making this a non-puzzle thread. Since you asked some questions, I will answer them and let you have the last word as promised.

>What other assumptions that I need to try? What kind of question is this? 

I don't know if you are just pissed and want to argue or you are missing what I am saying. How about this for the assumption: "Lets assume that F was wearing Bhadgaule topi." Did you try this assumption? There are few other mixes you have to consider before you say you have "another method of solving a puzzle."

Google 12 marbles riddle, All marbles are of same weight except for one. You are to find which one is the odd marble (could be heavier or lighter than the rest) by using a balance scale (taraju) in three tries only. Think about this problem. To solve this problem you have to go with numerous assumptions. Divide marbles into 3 groups, weigh first two groups. Assume both groups weighed same. That's the first assumption, you solve with that assumption. Then you have to go back and assume the first two groups didn't weigh the same and solve from there. Solving this problem with just the first assumption is NOT really solving the problem. That's the point I am trying to drive to you.

>Don't get me wrong on this but your last response just reminded me that you have a lot of critical reading to do about various methods in which a puzzle can be solved, before you start judging someone. 
I didn't think I was judging you personally (you did judge ME personally). I commented on your post whether it was right or wrong- as the guy who asked the puzzle, that's my job.

>I wish you had just said, that my logic is sound or incorrect ...
That's the point I am trying to make. Your logic is NOT incorrect!! It just isn't complete.

>You cannot say that I assume and simply solved because that is not how logic works
What are we talking about here? I never said you assumed wrong, or assuming is wrong. For the 7th time, your assumption is not wrong, just that your solution is not complete.

>You are just plain rookie on logical thinking.
Seriously? So far I am "assuming" that you are a matured person, don't wrong me here. Besides, I am not a plain rookie on logical thinking; I am actually nobody and neither want any title. I proclaim you the Logical thinking champ.

I seriously hope you see my point by now.
· Snapshot 2322
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No I don't see your point and I see absolutely no reason now to discuss this with you so I am replying no further.

Good luck with solving "complete" puzzles.

Sorry for making this a "non-puzzle" thread.

· Snapshot 2350
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साझाको केटाहरुलाई येसो रमाइलो गराउँ, भनेर भया नभया कथा बुनेर puzzle लेख्यो; आखिरमा एस्तो कुराहरुमा दिमाग खराब गर्नु पर्छ. If I cannot even point to the responder that the logic is not complete (didn't say wrong), then what's the point of asking a question? Immaturity को पनि हद हुन्छ.

I am done with this puzzle thread brothers. See you in other threads.
· Snapshot 2379
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Common Kiddo. Its all good in a hood. Sathi bhai haru ko sano tino kura ma discuss pari rahancha.
Come up with more puzzles. I hope i will able to solve Tanki's puzzle by then.
· Snapshot 2405
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Hariyo ghar seto gharko debre patti cha?

So does mean if green house is in no 4 then white is in 5 ? or vice versa.
Fuel Tank
· Snapshot 2411
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हरियो घर सेतो घरको देब्रे पट्टि छ र Adjacent छ | तेस्लाई राम्रो संग भन्न नजानेर जोडिएको छ भनेको हो | हो, यदि हरियो घर चौथो नम्बरमा छ भने (र तिम्रो पहिलो घर, नर्बेको मान्छे बस्ने सबै भन्दा दाहिनेमा छ भने) सेतो घर पाँचौ नम्बरमा पर्छ |
तर तिमिले पजल सुरु गर्दा, नर्बेको मान्छे सबैभान्दा देब्रेपट्टिको घरमा बस्छ भने, यदि हरियो घर चौथो नम्बरमा छ भने, सेतो घर तेस्रो नम्बरमा पर्छ | It depends upon how you set up the puzzle solution.
· Snapshot 2418
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Nationality  Norway        British    
House Color Yellow        Blue       Red    Green   White 
· Snapshot 2427
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I m still confused ?? is above alignment of house correct?
Fuel Tank
· Snapshot 2431
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नर्बेको मान्छे पहिलो घरमा बस्छ | पहेंलोमा बस्छ कि बस्दैन प्रश्नमा थाहा छैन |
अनि यसको एउटा मात्र सोलुसन छैन | दुईटा छ सायद |
यसलाई सोल्भ गर्न यस्तो खालको टेबल बनाए धेरै सजिलो हुन्छ

ghar number 1 2 3 4 5
color xyz
nationality abc
smoke pqr
pet xzy

अनि त्यो संगै , एउटा साईडमा टेबलमा राख्न नमिलेका तर थाह भएका कुराहरु संगै राखेर बिस्तारै टेबल भर्दै जाने | जस्तै डेनिसले चिया पिउछ थाहा छ , तर कुन चै घरमा राख्ने ? यस्तो लाई एकै छिन् साईड लगाएर राख्ने अनि अर्को इन्फो हेर्ने | अनि द्माग लगाउने |
· Snapshot 2452
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Last edited: 20-May-14 05:46 PM
· Snapshot 2457
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Fuel Tank
· Snapshot 2454
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मिल्न त मिल्यो , खै मलाई त जेभियर ब्रो ले चोरेको हो कि जस्तो लाग्यो |
हो भने शेम अन यु | हैन भने प्राउड ओफ यु ब्रो |

एडिट : फेरी ब्रो रिसायो कि भनेर डर लाग्यो अनि एडित गरेर फेरी लेख्न लाग्या कमेन्ट |
अघि भर्खर सम्म यो घरहरुको अर्डर मिल्यो भन्दै थियो, एकै छिनमा टक्क लार सोलुसन देख्दा त म त छक्कै परें नि | तर यु डिजर्भ अ राउण्ड ओफ अप्लज है |
Last edited: 20-May-14 05:57 PM
· Snapshot 2494
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my friends i gave this solution 5 hrs ago
· Snapshot 2511
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ये राता ट्यांकी .

तेत्रो मारी मारी काम बाट फर्केर थकाई नमरिकान घन्टौ लगाएर पज़ल सोल्व गर्नु छ . तेस्मथी येत्रो गम्भीर आरोप . भएन नि हो . यो त दिल्शोवा लै नागरिक ले यौन दुर्ब्यभाहर को लाको आरोक भन्दा गम्भीर भो. कहीं बाट चोरया हो भने ऐले मारी जाम .

मैले घर हरुको को कोलोर को order बारे मा तिमीलाई प्रश्न सोद्धा तल को matrix मा अरु नि मिलाई सक्या थिएँ. पछि गर्दै जाँदा तलको matrix मा एउटा box मा conflict भा भएर मेरो लेफ्ट/right को बुझाई गलत भयो को भनेर तिमि संग confirm गर्यो हो.

अब देखि नै पज़ल solve गरिदैन. किद्दो जस्तो मैले नि सन्यास लिएँ .

Fuel Tank
· Snapshot 2512
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ये जेभियर
चोरेको हैन भन न ब्रो, प्राउड ओफ यु भन्या त छु नि | चोरको खुट्टा काट भन्दा किन खुट्टा थुत्या ??
· Snapshot 2532
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· Snapshot 2533
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tanki lai step by step process nadekhai chitta bujla jsto lagena. la hera tanki maile solve garya tarika. yo bhanda badi sakna garne lai mero bhannu kehi chaina
Fuel Tank
· Snapshot 2544
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हाहाहा ब्रो क्या सिरियस भाको । प्राउडओफ यु :)
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