Car Rental in KTM - Sajha Mobile
Car Rental in KTM
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Dear Sjhaites,

Is there any car rental in Kathmandu? Have anyone rented one? Can you please share your experiences that how much they charge daily; what kind of vehicle do they offer, are they cheap, moderate, or do they charge in DOLLAR daily rate, etc?

Thanks in advance.
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 I was in Kathmandu a couple of weeks ago. I saw an advertisement of a rental car in the air port while going out of the terminal (It is spoty, hard not to see it). But cannot remember the rental company name. Maybe a google search will show it.
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किन नपाउनु , जतिपनि पाइञ्छ ! तर प्रश्न के छ भने के तपाइले पहिले काठमाण्डुमा गाडि गुडाउनु भएको थियो ? प्रश्न को पछाडी ; चालकमा हुनु पर्ने मनस्थिति तालमेल हुन् नसक्दा तपाइले चलाएको गाडी ठेला गाडि गुडाएको जस्तै होला ? माने : ठेल थाल थिचो मिचो जबर्जस्ति घुसाउने आदि इत्यादि गर्न नसक्दा हानि देलान घुस्सा , जाठो गाडी चलाउन न आउनेलाइ गुडाउनु परेको भनि ? You can hire a driver too.
biwash prawashi
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 hertz in sinamangal chowk and also there is a local company that rents out prado and other vehicles. cant remember the name of the latter one
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Does US lisence work in Nepal?
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It will work: But the question is are you ready to handle the drivers' driving mentality?
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Thanks guys, for heads up. @magorkhe1, I appreciated your viewpoint. Peace. @Biwash Prawashi, Do they charge at rate of Dollar? or NRs? Have you happened to have some rate/idea? Thanks a bunch again.
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खुम्बुले ब्रो: कुन पैसा लिन्छ भन्ने कुरा : कुन लाईसेन्स देखाउछन तेही अनुसार गर्छन नि | डलर पनि लिन्छन |  कति बर्स पछि जान लाग्या हो ? बिसौ बर्स पछि जान लागेको झैँ गर्योउ नि  ब्रो :

त्यो ट्याक्सी ड्राइभर ले ठगला भनि : ए यो टुडिखेल , यो भ्रिकुटिमडप भनि पुरानै बासि झैँ नगर्नु है ! 
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Gorkhe1 Bro,

Jana ta, 10 barshapchi ho, but It feels like 30 years, that is the memories of the childhood is making me more like a homesick. In those period of time, a lot of changes have happend in Nepal. That's why I am planning this year to visit the home country. I think I kinda familiar with almost all Taxi Driver's mentality and attitude towards their client in Kathmandu. Their main goal is to cheat not to provide the quality service. I am planning to rent the car to get away from these vulturous taxi drivers.

Lets see what happens. Thanks bro, for your kind advices with a humorous concerning points.

Baru, Gorkhe1 bro, can you share your personal experience if any?

Last edited: 28-May-13 02:31 PM
· Snapshot 1118
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I like to serve humur but some of them take it persoanlly. If you drive bike: that will be fast and easy. Suggest not to drive rather hire a driver. 
Nepali Lahure
· Snapshot 1203
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Please don't even try to drive in Kathmandu since driving in Kathmandu is totally different than driving in US. Even though I had driving license from Nepal few years ago, I couldn't drive at all. Please hire a driver if you want to rent a taxi for your safety.
biwash prawashi
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i would not advise you to rent and drive in nepal. if you happen to strike someone by your vehicle, they will torch the veehicle and might even beat you up. remember nepal has changed and the mob mentality rules these days.

if you need to go on a trip, reserve car with driver through some relatives or look for the classified section of a print newspaper.

i do not know the rates for rental.  only saw the rental agency when passing through the road last time i was in nepal.

US license works but you need to get a international drriving permit from the US. you need to have the international driving permit as well as your original US license with you when you drive in Nepal.

dont take the hassle bro, rent with a driver and save yourself some headache. traffic in ktm is sick!
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Thank you all for such a valuable suggestion, and I will keep this in mind and indeed, thinking to hire the driver. Never know Maoists have taught a culture of Hooliganism in Nepal. So better not to risk. I have changed my mind.
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This is a really old post. However, I was fascinated by the new online car booking website that i recently learned about and wanted to share as it co-incidentally happened to be the travel agency that i rented car with when i went to Nepal. The website is and the travel agency is Simrika Adventures. I have rented car from them since 2015. Prior to that, i always had to rely on someone to make multiple phone calls to get a car booked. Also, those vehicles were not available when i needed them. So, here is a piece that i wanted to share you with. Just fyi, i did drive my cousins car in Nepal as well. There are things that i would like to share on that also.

1) The cars i rented were clean, comfortable and equipped with a/c. The driver was very courteous and drove carefully. When we went on a trip outside the valley, he ensured that we did not feel like a truckload of goats--haha---He drove slowly where the roads were damages so we did not bump all around.

2) It was a little pricey but of course, there is a trade-off with anything. If you want comfort, it has a price. If you are travelling alone, then it might not be bad to even travel on a roof-top of a bus (not with the dust and smoke in Mugling-Narayangadh though) . With a family alongside, I definitely felt like it was worth it to pay a little more.

3) Driving in Nepal was not as bad as it sounds in some of the posts. But make sure to have some cash with you in case you hit a bike or another car or a pedestrian. Even if you hit them tuchha, you will end up paying some benjamins. I was in kamaldi trying to make a left turn. Had to stop to yield to the incoming traffic. I did not realize that there was a motorbike right behind me..maybe 10 inches behind my car. As i was trying to drive, the car moved back just a little bit (of course i learned how to use hand brakes the hard way). The wheel cover of the bike got cracked and i paid Rs 2000 to settle it (No time for prahari thana).

4) Also, I did not know but you have to apparently get a permit/pass or something like that from Ministry of Foreign Affairs to legally drive in Nepal if you have US License. When i showed my US license to the Police during Ma Pa Se check, he was like it doesn't work. But he let me go that time.

Hope this helps.
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