Supernaturalist goes to Nepal seeking for real magic - Sajha Mobile
Supernaturalist goes to Nepal seeking for real magic
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This man should go and meet Prachandaji who has done some magic better than levitation. I can remember 3 that i read about.

1) He made a lot of weapons disappear into thin air. Till now noone knows what happened to those weapons. One theory is that he used the river to wash them away.

2) He made thousands of Nepalese disappear. Till now noone knows what happened to them.

3) He made 5k combatants appear like as if there were 20k combatants. In this case he made Nepalese appear. This one surely is a tough one.   

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This look so fake.
I believe some might have some power. But the way they show , the way they taped it shows so fake.
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I agree with facebook. I was excited when i started watching it. I can think it as illusion, 'haat ko safai' or magic whatever you call until he showis his tricks in the streets of Kathmandu.

It starts becoming a staged drama and role of camera crew once he met the 'shaman' in Bhaktapur and the so called levitating monk in 'orange monastery' in remote mountain. I have a  high suspicion on whether that 'shaman' guy and the monk are real people. They could have been paid to act in their respective role. It is a TV show.

This reminded me of a show i watched by David Blaine, a famous TV magician. The things he would perform were are amazing. But, the truth was that he has a full  crew of camera persons and other persons who act like bystanders in the crowd.
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 saw in the movie "Golden Child".
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 old one and fake
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The Apple trick is an easy one but it can only be tried in thirld world countries this way. In Western countries they will make you buy the apple as one would have violated the hygiene standards. Either that or they will throw the apple away.
Look at that magician, he brings it to his mouth and gladly puts it back. The madhise will then gladly sell it to some Nepali.
Never will the white men see such democracy in their country.

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Nice : freedom.

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its all old trick. nth new
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