आप्रवाशीहरूले अमेरीकामा घरपालुवा कुकुर तथा बिरालो काटी खाएको आरोप - Sajha Mobile
आप्रवाशीहरूले अमेरीकामा घरपालुवा कुकुर तथा बिरालो काटी खाएको आरोप
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यो सुन्तले पनि महा खंदुकी र सकम्मभरी पुत्र हो | कागले कान लग्यो भने पछि सत्य के हो भनि कान छाम्न छोडेर अरुले भनेको कुरा लाइ मरमसला थप्दै जाने मात्र होइन कहा चै ओकल्ने र निल्ने कुरा यसलाई थाहा भए पनि रिसाएको बाहुन ले बेद पढ्दैन भने झैँ कु ठाउमा फ़ुस्कायो | ह्यारिसले थापेकी बल्ल्छी टोक्न पुग्यो | रास्ट्रपति भै सकेको मानिसले ४ बर्से बालक को झैँ कुरा गर्न थाल्यो | कति बकम्म्फुसे कुरा गर्छ भन्दै मिडियाले हासो बनाएका छन् | खंदुकीहरु तिम्रो भोट यो महाखंदुकी लाइ देउ र जिताई "Make America Great Again" बनाउ |
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Some people only believe if mainstream media said it but forget that the MSM hides info that are not beneficial to their democrat friends.
Last edited: 12-Sep-24 06:11 AM
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धेरै भोक लागेर होकि ?
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I was not expecting Trump to bring this in the debate. I mean he is known for talking gibberish but migrants eating cats, dogs. How foolish you can make of yourself in a national television.
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Obumma in his third-term now and Harris wanted to make the America like Kaynya or Jumaicaa by
- opening the US borders and punching holes through the Trump wall
- triggering world war with vexation of nuclear-armed nations Russia and by inducing Israel-Hamas war
- giving away tax-funds as benefits to undocumented aliens .

IMMIGRANTS EATING PETS, DUCKS AND GEESE in Springfield, Ohio. Sawndar Pee*chai might remove this youtube video soon - get a glimpse now.

Armed crew flaunts guns inside Colorado apartment building overrun by Venezuelan gang: wild video
Last edited: 13-Sep-24 01:42 PM
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