Kathmandu is flooding - Sajha Mobile
Kathmandu is flooding
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अब्यबस्थित र नदि क्षेत्रमा अधिकरण र नदिनाला सागुरीनु ठिक होइन | २०१५ चेन्नाइ इंडिया को बाढिले गरेको क्षति पनि अब्यबस्थित सहरीकरण कै कारण थियो |
· Snapshot 610
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We may not produce much industrial products in Nepal but we do export to India lots of shit, sewage, and unattended floating objects via the monsoon runoffs.
In turn, India has emission-shoot from 350 million vehicles billowing across the borders that slams against and tarnish our sturdily majestic Himalayas to enable spreading those air-pollutants evenly across pockets of valleys below.
Indeed, it's hip to be square.
· Snapshot 1266
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The number of people killed in reached close to 200.
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