Nepal 'living goddess' loses status..... - Sajha Mobile
Nepal 'living goddess' loses status.....
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. Nepal 'living goddess' loses status By BINAJ GURUBACHARYA Associated Press Writer Article Launched: 07/03/2007 04:14:24 AM PDT KATMANDU, Nepal—A 10-year-old Nepalese girl was stripped of her title as a living goddess because she traveled overseas to promote a documentary about the centuries-old tradition, an official said Tuesday. Sajani Shakya had her status revoked because she broke with tradition by leaving the country, said Jaiprasad Regmi, chief of the government trust which manages the affairs of the living goddesses. Sajani is among several "Kumaris," or living goddesses, in Nepal, but as one of the kingdom's top three, is forbidden from leaving the country. However, last month she left Nepal for the United States and other countries to promote a British documentary about the living goddesses of the Katmandu Valley. Sajani is to return to Nepal later this week. "We have begun the process to search for a new Kumari," said Regmi, adding that a task force would be responsible for determining suitable candidates. Living goddesses are worshipped by both Hindus and Buddhists. The girls are selected between the ages of 2 and 4 after going through several tests. They are required to have perfect skin, hair, eyes and teeth, they shouldn't have scars or wounds, and shouldn't be afraid of the dark. They always wear red, pin up their hair in topknots and a "third eye" is painted on their forehead. Devotees touch the girls' feet with their foreheads, the highest sign of respect among Hindus in Nepal. During religious festivals the girls are wheeled around on a chariot pulled by devotees. Living goddesses usually keep their title until their first menstruation. The main Kumari lives a sequestered life in a palatial temple in the capital, Katmandu. She has a few selected playmates and is allowed outside only a few times a year for festivals. Others like Sajani are allowed to stay at home, attend regular school and take part in festivals. The government last year announced a monthly pension of $40 for serving and retired Kumaris. Previously, the main Kumari received only a gold coin during an annual festival and the other girls received whatever was offered by devotees. Nepalese folklore holds that men who marry a former Kumari will die young, and so many girls remain unmarried and face a life of hardship. Critics have said the tradition violates both international and Nepalese laws on child rights. .
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Well first, while i was reading the article i assumed kumari to be ex-kumari , if it is indeed a ex kumari i don't think that fair to put restrictions on her movement. But if it is the present kumari then i respect the decision although it is tough. Kumari, no doubt have no choice in being kumari. She is a little chid who does not know anything. But as a token of her hardship, she is bestowed with the title of living godess- the Kumari. With title comes the responsibility. And as the matter of tradition is concern, it is the tradition that made us who we are. It certainly is not good for kumari to loose her title, But i had to say, the judgement is unbiased. America is no place for Living Godesses. If kumari comes to america, there would be no need for americans(foreigners) to come to nepal any more. We are loosing tourist. (just a thought)
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lets talk about what's not fair? A kumari is compenstated for the service to country just like any other service for certain duration of her period . She is allowed education but yes for certain period of her childhood would be in the service . Even after that she is compensated as many people in Nepal earns as much as ex-kumari?Lets talk number here, percentage with respect to Nepal .Yes , the figure of $40 might seem less to few but with respect to nepal that is her is not like she is imprisioned for rest of her life!! Also,Now it is not taboo to marry ex-kumari , slowly we are moving towards modernization. Culture are hard that is why it is hard to preserve and thats why it is culture!!Otherwise what is culture ?If dancing in the pub is culture then it is easy but is that the culture which distinguishes nepal and nepali with respect to the world???
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It doesn't matter how much she is compensated. My issue is the confinement of a child to serve somebody's idea of a culture. Anita Shakya (1978-1984) is an ex-Kumari. Read this: She struggled in school and still feels uncomfortable in public or around other people, even her extended family. Solitude and silence, states of existence she grew accustomed to in the Kumari Ghar, are still the ones she prefers today. Once a Kumari reaches puberty, she's thrown out into the world with $40 a month. She's asked to live a different life to the one she's known since she was a little child. At age 12-13, she has to go to school with 6-7 year olds. There are positives and negatives in every culture. This is definitely a negative one. Don't use a little child to satisfy your false sense of culture and nationalism.
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le chef du nuit
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. once upon a time, human sacrifice was culturally acceptable too
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Well said, chef. Human rights violations in the name of culture should be abolished. I would have no problem if the Kumari was chosen at say age 16 and she knew what she was getting into. And ImI, you should've been born in the Roman era when throwing people to the lions was culturally acceptable. Would've been unfair to you but immensely enjoyable to us spectators :)
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what a logic Republican comparing throwing humans infront of lions and respecting a little girl with all the facilities. People like you will find flaw in every culture so we need to get rid of everything right? why do we need culture btw so don't call you have a culture what is your culture and tradition then? i am not saying throw the little girl infront of lion!!!talk sense bro!
le chef du nuit
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. so when you touch your head to the foot of the child who has been taken away from her family at age 4, walled off from society and deprived of a normal childhood you are 'respecting' her? all you are respecting is your smug sense of piousness wake up and smell the constantly burning incense that may be polluting your precious kumari's young lungs you are abusing a child to so that you can feel closer to godhead hypocrite
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Abusing ???Do you know the defination of abusing?? Hypocrite ..i am ..Ya dude ..look into yourself first how much of a hypocrite are you in life before calling other a hypocrite. No one is forcing a child to do so the parents willing give their daughter in the service .No one forces the parents to do so if you are parents of the girl you have full right to refuse it.Blame the parents not me idiot.If you do not want to keep the tradition alive it is your choice but if others are then you have no rights to interfere in others business. Prove me that kumari lungs are damaged by the incense before .get me the doctors reports from that past kumaris .you mean to say the lungs of kumari gets more damage by the incense than the pollution of KTM???haha..Big talk ..idealistic nice bro..come to the earth and talk if you prove me the incense do more damage to the lungs then people should not burn incense damaging the kids lung simple as that.BUT CAUSE YOU SAID SO : LISTEN HINDU AND BUDDIST WHO WORSHIP KUMARI YOU GUYS ARE ABUSERS -
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"It doesn't matter how much she is compensated. My issue is the confinement of a child to serve somebody's idea of a culture". I wish I could have said this to my parents when they first sent me to school.. Yeah, education brought me knowledge, good earnings, respect and all that, but what they did to me was still confinement .. I was kept away from my house, from my childhood friends and from home cooked meals for a long time .. I lived like that for years(puberty was not an excuse here) and sometimes it would be months before I could even get out of my school premise. Worship was too much to ask for when fresh food and T.V hours were like my ambition in life.. Gosh! I almost feel like crying now
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dis kind of religion and pratices should be stop immediately and completely. dis activity of living goddess is like dowry and caste system..... shame shame shame hello mokshya dahling i feel for you hor. long time no see see. where you go leui?
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Seems like people nepalese are getting too liberal and overly educated while Nepal remains the still a third world .. Anyways , personally i haven't touched any of the kumari's feet and i don't think i would do that either.But who are we to challege the faith of millions .If it is so ill practice then it will go away .Personally i think , these kind of culture are unique and that what is ours and infact it is not as cruel practice like sati as some are trying to potray and defame the culture.Yes, modernization and progressive thinking are required but don't jump too much when there is no one to hold you you will fall on the face. Also, Now muslims and christians circumcize the male babies , isn't that abuse (in the defination of over intellectuals) Ali ali america ko hawa k lage ko thiyo keta keti haru Animals rights ra ke ke abuse re and ye yo bhandai ufrana thali sake, jaha din dinai humans are slughtered ..these people talk big Mokshya..If you think you were abused by your parents then go and give a tight slap on your parents face ok..Abused re oh well ..when we don't have human rights in nepal these people will come and talk about animal right long guys are too advanced for me Eat only what you can digest!
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Tyahi ta ImI, if anybody says anything against the status quo, you can just dismiss it saying "america ko hawa lagyo" haina? Common sense gets thrown out of the window. I can't convince you otherwise and you can't either. I've let my opinions be known, and I'll leave it at that. PS. Yes, I think circumcision of babies is abuse too.
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common lets stop this practice. kumari should be discontinued. shame shame shame
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Republician bro.. it is not that i am trying to put you down or put your point down.point is it is culture!not matter of commonsense. challeging a muslim culture America has already seen the consequences. Now to prove my point .. you see mokhasya came up with her own abuse .. You just cannot keep on saying eveything is an abuse .If you are hindu and had barthmanda and then they made you shave your head you will see that as also abuse ..Draw a line ..Don't just jump on saying Abuse and all ..It is big word..learn to use it. when you talk about culture , it is sensitive issue .When circumcision is practiced in most developed country then you can't do a thing ..Commonsense ..bro..there is really a lot in this world that makes no sense . just wanted to tell you a people who readily come infront pointing wrong in our culture.Just cause you have been the few years out of the country.There are more important issues to deal interms of culture as well than this Sajhakohero..seems like you been in US for less than 2 years .Bro, If that is shame then Shame on you !cause you are product of that ..Shame on your parents who go to worship Kumari.
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ImI mi in usa less than 2 years...............dream on dude. what makes you think i am in usa in the first place...? secondly my parents have never go to worship living goddess. are you kidding!! no wonder nepal never progress cause they are morons still living and selecting living goddess when other nations has already reach the moon. sad to say but dis practice must stop. has anyone cares about that poor child.? what happens to all those previous kumaris ImI? if one of the girl was your sister would you then care or would you still gave those forking pandits and pujaris your sister so she can become a living goddess..... what a jerk,!
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Well,may be not but you are certainly not in DIS FORKING WORLD!
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"you see mokhasya came up with her own abuse" You knew I was just trying to put my point across right?
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Probably, the governing officials of the Kumari trust sent a deterrent message to future Kumari's by relieving the then Kumari from her title for traveling to countries fraught with pedophilia. If you explore the origin of the Kumari ritual-practice, the very exact reason was to call upon the society to safeguard minors from sexual-exploitation and take it up a notch by venerating them as living goddesses.
Given the abuse of helpless native children during the British colonial times in America and in other common-wealth countries, a still from this controversial scene from a cult-classic film intended to spill the beans on that. Before coming to the US, I had never heard of pedophilia (including homosexual pedophilia) issues besides it being such a common-place in America, Britain, or other European nations.

(Also, in this movie there is a perpetual depiction of crimson flash-floods gushing through the elevator doors and crashing against the hotel walls in massive fury as a show of unspeakable violence perpetrated against the native populations of those wretched colonial territories. Can you name that film?)


Last edited: 29-Dec-24 09:28 PM
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