Since early 2023 to 2025, the jobs have simply dried up.Now student job-seekers have to spend
$1.99 x 100 ~= $200 to yield one job-offer.
Lest you forget, inflation is only a rate of change(%) which means the prices we pay at grocery-stores now are much higher than those in 2021/2022. But - yes - if this posting-fee reduction had been effective since mid-2023, it would have been better. 2024 was even more abysmal in terms of job-creation.
Jerome Powell says he wants to conduct - expensive - town-hall meeting across the US until Summer to listen to consumers - in the age of zoom meetings. When and where will the B#%%S$HIT stop with these Fed officials not caring for working people (if employed) and with being out of touch?
Powell, cut the damn interest-rate now!!!