Let the media think for you - Sajha Mobile
Let the media think for you
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Last edited: 04-Feb-24 09:01 AM
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भ्रष्टाचारी बौन को entitled छोरो
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The problem with the so called Liberals is how un-liberal they are, and how entitled they act.

Look at this digambar guy who is quick to make the assumption that I am bahun ko choro. Also assumed is that my father who is a bahun is also corrupt.

Unfortunately your assumption that you were so sure of, is fully wrong. But your issue is that you do not want to entertain the possibility that you could be wrong. The same applies to your political convictions too.

Another example is the TPS guy who happily assumes that I follow QAnon. I am sorry to say I do not know anything about qanon except I have heard they are right wing. So TPS also is fully wrong in his assumption, which he feels he is entitled to pass on the judgment.

That's why I laugh at the clueless democrats always behaving like sheep without the ability to think for themselves.
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The TPS guys attitude is like saying all Muslims are terrorists. Just like he's saying all republicans follow qanon. What a narrow mindset. Gotta feel sorry for them.
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p s (in smallest print), I forgot to mention that I am a habitual liar. (Sincerely, लंड फकिर इन्डिपे)
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So this is dickumber's signature

PS: I cannot stick to points and my favorite phrase is " लंड फकिर" which I use as a failed writer using multiple pseudonyms. I am getting tired of sexualizing my relatives like my bhaujus, maijus, etc as I am a habitual stalker and a creep
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I don't have all Muslims ... attitude.

Trump was the one who did Muslim ban in the country  

Seven in 10 QAnon believers agree with the false statement that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump

QAnon believers spread false claims about COVID-19 vaccine

QAnon followers can hold completely contradictory ideas and believe them all to be true.
Last edited: 04-Feb-24 02:21 PM
· Snapshot 299
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Tps i told you I don’t know anything about qanon. I share things which makes sense. If qanon says there are 24 hours in a day, you should believe it. Dont be too narrow minded
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Either AI did not pick it for you. Cut and paste do not know about Qanon, that means you think all others are dumb, only smart person is only you in sajha.
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Tps i thought i asked you to stop gaslighting every thread with your deep hatred. If you cannot stick to the topic of the post kindly gtfo
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I did not gaslight anything, you said I am against muslim and assume that you are QAnon, I just gave the reason and clarified certain things, besides it is not convenient to be consistent for some people I think. even if I had gone off-topic, which I did not :

Last edited: 04-Feb-24 04:26 PM
· Snapshot 457
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TPS I dunno if you are slow, dumb or just clueless. I never said you are against muslims. You implied that I follow qanon. And I said that just because I support republicans does not mean I follow qanon. Doing so would be like saying all muslims are terrorists.

Get it? Qanon is a small subset of republicans just like terrorists are a small subset of muslims. Your implication that I follow qanon is like saying that about muslims. I really don't like to waste time with people like you who cannot even understand simple english.

Again, stay out of my threads because we are not in the same league.
Last edited: 04-Feb-24 05:24 PM
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