The democrats sure got you fighting a cultural war be it race war black/white or gender war creating multiple sexes.
The democrats tried to assassinate Trump. They are capable of anything. They are putting 23 senators to repeat the mantra after them to brainwash your type further. Doesn't surprise me that you are falling for it like zombies. They are capable of all and any false flag operations to try to derail the Trump presidency which is actually trying to save america from the corrupt system of war and waste that the democrats prosper from.
I will keep watching you brainwashed folks to see how long you can keep supporting the corrupt democrats with a straight face. Even after all common sense falls flat and the third world war eradicates all your families you will still be saying Democrats are doing this for our own good.
Do you even see how much the gutsy the deep state is to have all these corrupt senators repeat the same words???
Last edited: 04-Mar-25 05:05 PM