Should employee who didn’t do anything be promoted? - Sajha Mobile
Should employee who didn’t do anything be promoted?
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Last edited: 24-Sep-24 03:27 PM
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You have an employee who stole company confidential and refused to return. He bragged about the knowledge of the confidential to foreign companies. Later he was fired by 81 million shareholders but refused to go quietly instead incited a mob violence to kill the former VP of the company and unsuccessfully tried to take over the company. Employee had a rap sheet of felony records from sexual abuse to financial corruptions, is a convicted felon and more litigation being played out on the courts. What would normal American do? Fire his a$$ again and put him in jail for his convictions. And Hope Madam President would forgive his orange A$$

Sincerely, We the American. 

p.s. Keep felon in Jail.

Last edited: 24-Sep-24 04:27 PM
Last edited: 24-Sep-24 04:27 PM
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You are a true brainwashed sheep of the propaganda machine. Remember the book 1984?

There is a different meaning of inciting violence. The inciting of violence that has caused two assassination attempts of a human being. 
Last edited: 24-Sep-24 04:30 PM
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Triggered so fast lol. Just like your Orange daddy :)
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LOL Surexh.
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What a hypocrite. Who got triggered to respond first 😂
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This lady.
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Last edited: 25-Sep-24 11:34 AM
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But this dude is facing another criminal case because he has highest IQ and smarted person.
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Man Woman Camera That’s where tRump aced his IQ test. Speaking of the IQ test The way Comrade Kamala manhandled tRUmp on the debate , his ass is afraid to face her. Oh wait she had something in her ear that day somebody was feeding her answer, right? Lunatics psycho people 😊
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Very smart and very high IQ for money.
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