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Sajha Business Review Solutions
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4101 Chipledhunga Marg
Pokhara, Kaski 33500-4101
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Biz within Pokhara City Area.

If you would like to send money or photographs or any item to your relatives, please let us know. Our Associates will buy these items and deliver them in current market price, in addition to some delivery charges (Delivery charge within Pokhara City's wards is fixed to USD 5 upto weight load of 10kg). The address should use our newly introduced Zip-Rhinos as explained on our official website: You can click on Google Earth's Map on Pokhara City, and try to find the house of your receipients, and let us know their Zip-Rhinos Zip Code, we can deliver it within 24 hours of your payment to our PayPal Account. Please note that the US$5 is our delivery charge. If your relatives would like to receive by themselves from our Depot office in Pokhara, the delivery charge will be reduced to USD 2.5 per event (an event can include items upto total work load of 10 kg). Quality guaranteed. We are just beginning to start our biz.

Delivery at our office needs to have a proof of Nepali citizenship Certificate (the citizenship certificate number should be provided by you), or Driver's license (the license number should be provided by you), and the telephone number of the receipients. The first time receipient should bring additional photocopy of the Driver's license, so that it will be kept in our record for future use. This is to avoid fraud, and guarantee that the receipient is genuine, and reliable.

Please send your request to

Thank you. Team

Sajha Reviews ::

July 06, 2015 12:17:49
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